Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 514: 514

Han Bin guessed right, the result of forensic identification is carbon monoxide poisoning, chronic hypoxia death.

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Because the body was charred, the exact time of death could not be determined.

Han Bin told Li Cunrong his previous speculation.

Li Cunrong is also an old criminal investigator. He also thinks that the dead may have been bound before he died. Most people can't lie upright when they sleep, but he also has doubts in his heart.

"Brother Han, even if the dead had been bound before he died, he could still move. Why didn't he move to the door or window to ask for help and just lie upright and wait for death?"

Han Bin analysis, "if I guess correctly, he should have suffered electric shock before he died, he is not lying waiting to die, but was corona."

"The body has been burnt, even the forensic can't see the electric injury, how do you know?"

"In the homicide we investigated before, the victim was electrocuted and then strangled by the murderer with a belt." Han Bin explained.

"So it's probably a serial murder?"

"At present, there is not enough evidence to prove that there is a direct relationship between the two cases, but in my personal speculation, it is likely to be a serial homicide," Han said

At this time, it is already more than 11 p.m., and there are many onlookers standing at the gate of the community.

Han Bin discussed with Li Cunrong. Li Cunrong stayed at the scene to visit the surrounding people and neighbors.

Han Bin went to the hospital to visit Jiang Kunshan and his wife.

In the car, Han Bin reported the situation to Ma Jingbo, and told Ma Jingbo his speculation.

As for whether to set up a joint task force, that is Ma Jingbo's business.

Wang Ting also sent two wechat messages to Han Bin. The content of wechat is very simple, "one was sent around 10 p.m.," have you been to Gaocheng? Pay attention to safety. "

"The second one is" I'm sleepy. I'll go to sleep first. When I see wechat, I'll be safe. "

Han Bin felt warm in his heart and replied a voice to Wang Ting, "the scene has been surveyed, and he is on his way to see the injured. Good night."

While driving, Bao Xing asked, "group leader, do you think this case has anything to do with Li Yuan's death?"

Han Bin did not answer the rhetorical question, "I said it doesn't matter, it's just a coincidence, do you believe it?"

"Hey, hey." Bao Xing said with a smile, "if you want to say it doesn't matter, I'll believe it."

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Han Bin lit a cigarette and took a puff. "There must be a connection, but it's hard to say what the connection is and whether it's the same murderer."

"If it's the same murderer, the murderer's purpose is probably to avenge Chen Shaoyan."

"Then the suspicion of Cai Jing will rise further, and the most urgent task is to find her whereabouts."

"What I'm worried about now is, if it's really a serial killer, will there be a third victim?"

After a moment's silence in the car, Li Qin continued, "the original drowning case involved four people. Chen Shaoyan died unjustly, and then Li Yuan was killed. The victim of this fraud case is likely to be Jiang Huawen, so only the last relevant person is still alive - Hong Xin."

"At the beginning, I wondered whether Hong Xin would be the murderer, but judging from the current situation, Hong Xin did not have enough motive to kill. I think we can further investigate whether Hong Xin has an alibi and completely eliminate Hong Xin's suspicion of committing a crime. "

Li Qin changed her face and said, "if Hong Xin is not the murderer, then she is likely to be the third victim chosen."

Bao Xing has a different view and says, "Hong Xin is different from Li Yuan and Jiang Huawen. Chen Shaoyan didn't die to save her, so it's unlikely to kill her.

Li Qin shook his head. "The murderer killed two people in a row. He has already killed red eyes. It's impossible to kill one more. He can't be as rational as you."

Han Bin flicked the ash. What they said is reasonable, but Han Bin is not in a hurry to make a conclusion. First of all, he has to determine whether the deceased is Jiang Huawen.

If the deceased is not Jiang Huawen, then the previous reasoning is not tenable.

The case will also become more complicated.


Gaocheng people's hospital.

Burn ward.

Different from the noisy and wailing in the imagination, the corridor in the burn ward is quiet, but a murmur can be heard.

There are two policemen in the corridor. After Han Bin shows his police card, he asks about the situation.

Jiang Kunshan's injury has just been treated. He has been treated with anesthetics and temporarily restrained the pain.

Zhao Chunlian is still in the emergency room.

Han Bin walked into the ward, and a strong smell of medicine floated in the air. A man was lying on the bed, wrapped in layers of white gauze. It was Jiang Kunshan, the boss of the Chinese supermarket, who closed his eyes and made a painful sound in his mouth. Although the sound was not big, it was very long, which made people feel numb.

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At this time, the attending doctor came over, a woman doctor in her forties.The female doctor glanced at Han Bin and others, "what's the matter with you? How come there are so many people at once? Go out quickly, and only two people can enter at most. "

Han Bin motioned for others to go out, leaving only Bao Xing, and then showed his police officer card, "Hello, I'm Han Bin from the city criminal investigation team. I want to find Jiang Kunshan to know something."

"Well." After hearing the voice, Jiang Kunshan opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on Han Bin, "officer Han, are you officer Han, where's my son? What happened to my son? "

Han Bin ignored him and asked the woman doctor, "can you tell me Jiang Kunshan's current physical condition?"

Without waiting for the female doctor to answer, Jiang Kunshan took the initiative to say, "yes, I can take notes. Officer Han, I'm willing to cooperate with the police investigation.

The female doctor also ignored Jiang Kunshan, "I'm Liu Yaping, the attending doctor of Jiang Kunshan. Although his injury is not serious, it's still in the critical period of recovery. I don't recommend him to take notes now. It's better to..."

Jiang Kunshan directly interrupted the other side, "I'm ok, I want to take notes, officer Han, you don't listen to the doctor, I'm really OK, nothing."

Liu Yaping's face is a little ugly. She glances at Jiang Kunshan and says to Han Bin, "if the patient has to take notes, I suggest that the time should not exceed half an hour."

"Thank you." Han Bin said politely.

Liu Yaping nodded and left the ward with her coat pocket in her hands.

Jiang Kunshan can't wait to ask, "officer Han, have you found my son? How is he now? "

"We're not sure about your son now." Han Bin did not lie, as long as the DNA identification results have not come out, no one can guarantee that Jiang Huawen died at home.

"What is uncertainty?" Cried Jiang Kunshan.

"Jiang Kunshan, if you are in an unstable mood, we can come back later to avoid affecting your body." Han Bin said.

"I'm not emotionally unstable. I just want to know where my son is?"

Bao Xing asked, "Jiang Kunshan, did you forget that we went to the supermarket today to look for your son, but we didn't find him. We are here to learn more about your son from you, so that the police can judge where your son is? "

Jiang Kunshan quickly said, "I'm sorry, I lied. When you came here today, I knew where my son was. He was at home at that time."

"Why cheat the police?"

Jiang Kunshan sighed. Now he has no scruples. He said, "I don't want to get into trouble."

"What's the trouble?"

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"As you said, twelve years ago, my son fell into the river and was rescued by Chen Shaoyan, but Chen Shaoyan's short-lived ghost didn't come up. We've always been afraid that the Chen family will come to trouble, so when you mention it, we'll fight it from the bottom of our hearts. "

"Did the Chens come to you before?"

Jiang Kunshan showed an angry look, "why didn't you look for it? First, Chen Shaoyan's parents came to make trouble. Later, Chen Shaoyan's parents didn't come, so they changed to Chen shaohuan, the bad girl. My son killed her cousin and often blocked our supermarket door to make us lose money. If we don't lose money, we won't do business."

Han Bin recorded in the book, "Chen shaohuan is Chen Bofeng's daughter?"

"Yes, the old man made trouble once after he was discharged from hospital. He insisted that his younger brother Chen Baishi was also killed by our family. Do you think I'm unjust or not? He made it clear that he wanted to blackmail our family." Jiang Kunshan yelled loudly, pulled the wound on his body and grinned in pain.

"What does your son do?"

"He used to be a salesman, and last month his company went out of business. Now it's hard to do anything. I just stay at home and don't want to help in the supermarket. " Speaking of this, Jiang Kunshan asked, "officer Han, do you know where my son is?"

"We are not sure about your son's whereabouts, but we have found a body in your bedroom. We can't identify the body yet." Han Bin said.

Jiang Kunshan urgent, "how can't be sure, you police even individuals are not clear, photos, I can recognize my son, let me see."

Han Bin hesitated for a while, still did not let the other side see the picture, Jiang Kunshan is injured now, in case of being stimulated to the body has a problem again, Han Bin does not want to make trouble for himself.

"At that time, you should know that after the gas explosion, there was a big fire in the house, and everything was burned beyond recognition."

Hearing Han Bin's words, how could Jiang Kunshan not understand and cried out, "son, my poor son, you are still so young, how can you die so miserably!"

Han Bin didn't stop the other party. He waited for the other party to cry for a while before persuading him, "no one can be sure whether the corpse is Jiang Huawen or not. We still need to wait for the identification results to come out before we know that what you have to do now is to have a good rest and cooperate with the police investigation. Excessive sadness doesn't do you any good."

"Wuwu It's easy for you to say that I'm not sad when my son is dead. "Jiang Kunshan's cry spread to the outside.

"Creak..." A glottis ring, just Female Doctor Liu Yaping came in.

"What's the matter? The patient's injury hasn't recovered. He can't be too excited."

Han Bin showed an apologetic color, "Dr. Liu, I'm sorry to give you trouble. Let's go today and come back when Jiang Kunshan's situation improves. "

"Don't go, please don't go." Seeing this scene, Jiang Kunshan thought of the scene when he was in the supermarket. If he had a better attitude at that time and actively cooperated with the police, maybe things would not happen tonight.

"Officer Han, I have something else to tell you. I know who is going to kill my son. I know!" Cried Jiang Kunshan.


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"Chen shaohuan, it must be the woman Chen shaohuan. She knows where our supermarket is and where our family lives. It must be her revenge on our family." Jiang Kunshan's language is full of vitality.

Han Bin asked, "why does Chen shaohuan want to take revenge on your family? Is it for Chen Shaoyan's sake?"

Jiang Kunshan sighed, "at the beginning, it was really because of Chen Shaoyan. Later, she made a lot of trouble, and our two families also had a grudge. Once she came to the supermarket to make trouble, my wife fought with her, and she was beaten by my wife."

"Chen shaohuan is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. When she gets home, she calls her husband and her relatives to make trouble in our house. They also hurt our husband and wife and make trouble in the police station."

"Chen shaohuan is a primary school teacher. She has a serious and good job. She was detained for fighting and punished by the school. It's said that she was dismissed by the school at the end of last year. It must be that she has a grudge against our family!"

"Does your son have any contact with Li Yuan?"

"Li Yuan? Who is she? "

"The student who fell into the river with your son."

"I don't think so. Anyway, I haven't heard about it. What's the matter?"

"A few days ago, Li Yuan was also killed. We suspected that it was probably related to the drowning case. We wanted to find out something about your son and remind him to pay attention to safety." Han Bin said.

Jiang Kunshan was stunned for a moment and asked with wide eyes, "that is to say, you are not here to trouble our family, but to protect my son."

"We just speculated at that time. After all, Li Yuan's family had left Gaocheng for many years."

Jiang Kunshan closed his eyes and whispered, "it's me, it's me who killed my son. I deserve to die, I deserve to die!"

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. No one thought that would happen. Our police will do their best to investigate, find the suspect who hurt your family, and get justice for you. " Han Bin advised.

Jiang Kunshan shook his head and said to himself, "why, why?"

Seeing the other party's emotional instability, Han Bin waited for a few minutes before continuing to ask, "Jiang Kunshan, do you know Cai Jing?"

Jiang Kunshan frowned, "who?"

"Chen Shaoyan's mother, Cai Jing."

"Chen Shaoyan's mother..." Jiang Kunshan muttered and fell into the memory. After a long time, he said, "I remember that she came to our house several times. The last time she came with Chen shaohuan, she said that her husband was hospitalized and his condition was very serious. Let's help out with the medical expenses."

"Our family's economic condition is average, how can we help outsiders? My wife and I drove them away. I still remember that day. It was autumn. She was wearing a jujube red coat and looked at me when she left. I can't forget that look until now Despair and anger... "

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