Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 52: 52

Song Jinchang went out of the room and rubbed his face with his hands.

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"Mr. Song, can I have a word with you?" Han Bin takes out a box of Yuxi and hands it to the other party.

"I made you laugh."

"Men don't play lightly when they have tears, but they don't go to the sad place."

Song Jinchang took a deep breath: "I didn't take the money."

"I believe it." Han Bin is right.

"Thank you."

"You seem to be under a lot of pressure?"

"Most of the 200000 yuan is borrowed. I have to sell as much as I can and say good things to earn it." Song Jinchang smiles.

Smile without the slightest joy, more like a helpless.


"The police suspect me. I'm not angry. It's your job to show that you are responsible." Song Jinchang took another puff of cigarettes:

"but she also doubted me. After ten years together, there was no basic trust. Who did I work so hard all day for?"

Han Bin reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "I know you didn't get the money, but you are the last one to leave the scene. Your record is very important for us to understand the crime process."

"It doesn't make any difference to me whether I can get the money back or not." Song Jinchang shook his head.

"At least it will prove your innocence."

"Does it matter?"

"It's important to your wife."

Song Jinchang was silent for a long time and took a few puffs of smoke: "OK, I'm willing to assist you in the investigation."

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Han Bin will song Jinchang back to the living room, personally completed the record for him.


After finishing the recording, song Jinchang goes out for lunch, and Xu Yan follows him.

Zheng Kaixuan and others in the living room, also more convenient to discuss the case.

"Every family has a difficult experience, especially the police. It's very important to marry a suitable partner." Zheng Kaixuan was quite emotional.

"Team Zheng, my sister-in-law is very good, beautiful and virtuous." Li huidao.

"Come on, don't flatter me." Zheng Kaixuan waved his hand: "Song Jinchang, what do you think?"

"He has a lot of mood swings, a clear motive and no legal responsibility. He is the last one to leave the scene. I think he is very suspicious." Tian Li analysis.

"If it were him, it would have saved us." Zhao Ming shrugged his shoulders.

"Han Bin, you talked to him for a while. What do you think?"

Han Bin organized a language: "although his motive is clear, but did not find signs of lying, I think the suspicion is not big."

"Team Zheng, why don't you ask my opinion?" Li Hui cut in.

"You don't have so much bullshit. Please tell me if you have something to do." Zheng Kaixuan said with a smile.

"This case can be seen separately. If song Jinchang really took the money, it belongs to the internal contradiction of the family. The police have no power to manage it. Let Xu Yan do her own work." After a pause, Li Hui continued:

"let's put more police forces into other aspects of investigation. This is the most appropriate division of labor."

Zheng Kaixuan has rich experience and can hear the implication of Li Hui.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

A burst of mobile phone ringing, Zheng Kaixuan, Zhao Ming, Han Bin three habitually touch pocket, think it is their own mobile phone.

"Mine." Zheng Kaixuan got up and went to the balcony to answer the phone.

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"Well Li Hui's knee touched Han Bin's leg. "Team Zheng's expression looks more and more serious. Guess what?

"Let me guess?"


"Cough..." Han Bin cleared his throat and learned Zheng Kaixuan's tone:

"well, you're right. Li Hui is lazy and self-motivated. He really should call out the criminal police team or send him to see the gate."

"If you go, you'll know how to pull the calf." Li Hui's face turned black.

"Ha ha..." There was a burst of laughter.

A moment later, Zheng Kaixuan came over with a square face: "what are you laughing at? Tell me about it, too. "

Seeing Zheng Kaixuan's serious face, they were silent and dumb together.

"Come out with me." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Team Zheng, what's the matter?"

"The bureau gave us another case to go to the scene."

Li Hui was puzzled: "we are just a few people. This case hasn't been solved. How can we take on other cases?"

"The other case is theft, on the 29th floor."

"The 29th floor of this building."

"Well." Zheng Kaixuan answered.

Tian Li showed a surprised look: "this is too coincident."

"Could it be one person who did the crime?" Han Bin guessed.

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"If the same person committed the crime, it would not be self-defense, and song Jinchang would be able to get rid of the suspicion." Zhao Mingdao.

"Stop guessing. Go to the scene above." Zheng Kaixuan waved and strode out.……

The group went straight up the stairs to the 29th floor.

"Dong Dong..." Li Hui knocked on the door of 2903.

"Who is it?"

"Criminal police."

"To whom? As soon as I called, your police came. " A woman's voice came from the room.

"Did your family call the police?"

"Creak..." A man opened the door and said, "are you really police?"

"Here is my identification." Li Huiliang's police officer certificate.

"Comrade, how did you come so fast?"

"We work in the neighborhood, and when we receive the police task, we rush here."

"So it is. Come on in, come on in." The man made a please sign.

There was also a woman and a child eight or nine years old in the room.

Han Bin and his party came into the room wearing shoe covers.

"Who is the reporter?" Tian Li asked.

"It's me. I reported it." The woman came over.

"Go to the sofa and I'll make a note for you."

"All right."

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"Zhang Qin."

"The reason for the report?"

"My property has been stolen."

"What are the losses?"

Zhang Qin pinched her finger: "more than 10000 yuan in cash, a gold necklace, a gold ring, and my son's small gold lock. It's 20000 yuan in total."

"When was the property stolen?"

"It's not summer vacation. We took our children to grandma's house for three days. Today, we just came back and found out this bad thing." Zhang Qin patted the suitcase on one side.

"That is to say, you don't know the exact time of the theft."



Words are divided into two parts, one for each.

The rest of the two groups of team members, in the room respectively check.

Han Bin went to the gate and observed that there was no obvious prying mark on the gate and lock, but it was similar to the situation downstairs.

Han Bin carefully observed again, and his face was surprised.

He found that there was a piece of adhesive tape on the lower side of the gate, which was about four centimeters long and less than one centimeter wide. Because it was transparent, it was not easy to find.

Han Bin also found a similar tape in room 2704, but there was a couplet beside the 2704 door, which was also glued with tape. Han Bin thought it was the rest, so he didn't care too much.

Now a similar tape has been found in room 2903. I'm afraid it's a great story

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