Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 520: 520

Qindao City, Water Conservancy Bureau compound.

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Hong Xin came out of the office building with a cloth schoolbag on her back. She bowed her head and didn't say hello. She just went out in a hurry, as if there was something urgent.

Hong Xin just walked to the door, a black car stopped at the side of the road, the window of the copilot came down, Bao Xing said, "Ms. Hong, get on the bus, I'll take you home."

Hong Xin Leng for a moment, squeeze out a smile, "no, my home is not far away, I just want to buy something, walk back on the line."

"Come on, Ms. Hong. You may have been followed." Bao Xing said.

"Tracking?" Hong Xin frowned, "no way."

Just at this time, Li Qin came out of the Water Conservancy Bureau compound in a hurry, "get on the bus, someone is following us behind, it may be bad for you."

Li Qin opens the door and pushes Hong Xin into the car.

Hong Xin was also confused, surprised, "officer Li, who followed me? You're right. "

After entering the car, Li Qin took out her handcuffs and handcuffed her hands while Hong Xin didn't respond. "Hong Xin, you're under arrest."

Hong Xin was worried and asked aloud, "officer Li, what are you doing? Why do you arrest me? Your team leader asked you to protect my safety. Believe it or not, I will complain to you."

"It's not easy for you to complain. I'll take you to see him." Li Qin said with a smile.

In the morning, when Han Bin arranged the task, he really asked them to protect Hong Xin's safety. But Han Bin also told her that before checking out Hong Xin's alibi, she should also be alert to Hong Xin.

And they have passed the monitoring certificate. On the night of May 12, Hong Xin did not have an alibi. Hong Xin lied, and the suspicion rose further.

Hong Xin stares at Zhu Zi and shouts, "what's your attitude? Why do you catch me indiscriminately? I'm also a civil servant. I'm from the Water Conservancy Bureau. Maybe our director knows you."

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Li Qin is too lazy to pay attention to her. Although she is the director of the Bureau, her weight is not the same.


After Han Bin and others returned to the Municipal Bureau, Huang Qianqian had applied for an arrest warrant and a search warrant.

Ma Jingbo takes a search warrant with Wang Xiao and several members of the second group and goes directly to Hong Xin's home for a search.

Han Bin stayed to interrogate Hong Xin.

Han Bin just poured a cup of tea and blew the tea. Before he had time to drink, Li Qin and Bao Xing returned to the office.

"Han Bin asked," who caught it back

"Yes, it's in the interrogation room." Li Qin's voice is a little hoarse.

"I'll give you five minutes to rest and interrogate Hong Xin in five minutes."



7:30 p.m. in the interrogation room.

Hong Xin looked ahead with a dull look and empty eyes.

"Creak..." A glottal ring, Han Bin, Bao Xing, Li Qin three people into the interrogation room.

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"Officer Han, you're just in time. I want to complain to your two subordinates. You ask them to protect me. They're good. They'll arrest me in the face. There's such a protector."

Han Bin put the teacup on the table, sorted out the files and documents, and said, "I let them catch it. If you want to complain, you can complain about me."

"Why do you arrest me?" Hong Xin choked his neck. "I've already made a record this morning. I've said all that I need to say. Why are you staring at me instead of catching the real murderer?"

"Your record this morning provided false testimony. Who are we not going to arrest you?" Han Bin asked.

"What false testimony? Are you mistaken?"

Bao Xing stood up and came over with a picture. "We checked the monitoring of your community. Between 9:30 and 10:00 on May 12, you were not at home at all. This is a screenshot of you coming home at 11 p.m. and saying you're not lying. "

"I I was cheated by her. " Hong Xin said, biting her teeth.

"Who cheated you?"

Hong Xin replied, "Cai Jing, she came to me that night, so I came home late. I was afraid that the police would suspect me and then lied. She must have deliberately framed me."

"Did you meet Cai Jing on the night of May 12th?"


"Where did you meet? What did she ask you to do?"

Hong Xin lowered her head. After a moment of silence, "she said she was not feeling well. She asked me to go to the drugstore to buy some medicine for her. I went to her home, but I didn't see her. She didn't come back until more than ten o'clock."

"Where does Cai Jing live?"

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"Room 302, building 7, Jinguang community, Xinhua District."

Han Bin wrote down in the book, "how do you contact?"

"She called me."

"What's your mobile number 1387 XXXXX."

"why do you two get in touch?" Han Bin asked."She came to me on her own initiative. She said that Chen Shaoyan was dead, and now she doesn't even have a relative. She wants me to help her. I think she is very poor, so I helped her rent a house and buy some daily necessities. However, I never thought that she would frame me

Han Bin stared at each other for a long time, "when you took notes this morning, why didn't you say that you were connected with Cai Jing?"

"I I want to say that after the police contacted me, I contacted her. She begged me not to tell her about her. She said that she didn't want to be disturbed and didn't want to mention Chen Shaoyan again. " Hong sighed and said helplessly,

"I'm kind-hearted. I think it's not easy for her. If the police mentioned Chen Shaoyan's death, it would hurt Cai Jing again. I didn't say anything about her, but I told the police what I knew."

Han Bin rubbed his hands, leaned back on the chair and asked, "tell me the whereabouts of the night of May 12 in detail. If you cheat the police again, the consequences will be very serious. "

"I see." Hong Xin took a deep breath. "I remember that it's already nine o'clock in the evening after I bought the medicine..."

Han Bin interrupted her, "starting at seven in the evening."

"At seven o'clock in the evening, I was supposed to be eating. Suddenly, I got a call from Cai Jing, saying that she was not feeling well, and asked me to buy some medicine for her. I didn't think so much at that time, so I went out to buy medicine for her, but it was not easy to buy that medicine. I went to several pharmacies and didn't have it. It was nine o'clock after I bought the medicine. "

"When I got to Jinguang community, it was more than 9 p.m. and no one answered when I knocked on the door, so I called her. She said that she was in a small clinic nearby and would go home soon. Let me open the door first and wait for a while. "

"I waited until ten o'clock before she came back from the outside with a bag. I asked her what was in it. She said it was all daily necessities. I'm sorry to ask me to buy it for her."

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"I put down my things, took a rest and left. I've been helping her all the time. I'm so good to her that I can't figure out why she framed me. "

"That is to say, between 9:30 and 10:30 in the evening, you have been in Jinguang community?" Han Bin confirmed.


"When was the last time you contacted Cai Jing?"

"I contacted her at noon today, and I suspect it may have something to do with her, but I can't get through to her cell phone again. Only then did I know that I might have been used by her. "

"Have you met Chen shaohuan before?"


Han Binzhi asked, "then why do you want the police to lie?"

"I didn't lie. I saw a picture of Chen shaohuan. Cai Jing showed it to me. At that time, Chen shaohuan was wearing that jujube red coat. As a result, I let slip that day. I didn't mean to cheat you."

"Who told you about Chen shaohuan?"

"That's what Cai Jing told me."

Han Bin frowns slightly. If what Hong Xin says is true, then Cai Jing is probably the real murderer.

However, through micro expression observation, Han Bin always feels that Hong Xin looks strange, and seems to have something to hide

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