Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 531: 531

At eight o'clock the next morning, Han Bin drove to the outside of Wang Ting's residential area.

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Most men like cars, and so does Hanbin. When he goes to work, Hanbin drives the 70% new Passat.

This time, he went out to play. Han Bin didn't have any scruples, so he drove his father's new Volvo.

With the rapid development of science and technology in recent years, the functions of cars are also changing with each passing day. This new car is really exciting.

With the rise of Han binzheng's research, the mobile phone suddenly rang, "Ding Lingling..."

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Wang Ting calling, "Hello, Tingting."

"I'm at the gate of the community. Where are you?"

"I'm in the parking lot on the north side of the community. You can see it as soon as you turn your head." Han Bin came down from the car and waved in the direction of the gate of the community.

Wang Ting stands at the gate of the community, wearing a beige skirt. Her delicate appearance and graceful figure are a scenery.

Wang Ting is also followed by a shorter, skinny girl, it is her cousin Huang Qianqian, also dragging a trolley case.

Han Bin spied a, still did not avoid this small light bulb.

Last night, Wang Ting called him and said that Huang Qianqian also wanted to go to the resort. She asked Han Bin if she could take her with her.

Of course not.

He doesn't want to bring a light bulb.

But Han Bin does not know whether this is Huang Qianqian's idea or Wang Ting's own.

Han Bin expresses his opinion implicitly, but he doesn't die. The decision is still in Wang Ting.

Huang Qianqian exclaimed, "team leader, you bought a new car again."

Han Bin took over the trolley case, "I bought it some time ago. It's always my father who drives it again. Today, I drive it for a test run."

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Huang Qianqian turned around and said, "it's good. The car looks beautiful."

Han Bin put the luggage in the trunk, opened the door and let Wang Ting sit in, "Qianqian, I heard you are going to the resort."

"Yes, you're not in the group, and there's no case, so I'll take a rest with you. I originally wanted to play with my cousin for a few days. As a result, you are going to take my cousin to the resort. I think I'll be fine by myself, so I'll go with my cousin. Team leader, you don't think I'm in the way Huang Qianqian blinked her big eyes.

Han Bin did not answer, gave her a look, let her to experience.

"Chief, I'll take it as your promise. I'll pay for it myself. I don't care what you two do. I'll give you a cent. " Huang Qianqian bares her teeth. With that 60% discount coupon, she can save a lot of money.

See this small light bulb is still sensible, Han Bin did not say anything.

Wang Ting sat in the co driver's cab, showing excited look, waving a small fist, "more people are busy, let's go."

It's the first time she's been out of town with Han Bin.

Han Bin started the car and muttered, "if I knew, I would have called Bao Xing."

Huang Qianqian prone in front of the seat, asked, "team leader, what do you say?"

Han Yanzhu a turn, "I say if let Bao Xing know, I take two beautiful women out to play, he can't envy death."

Huang Qianqian laughs, "the team leader is right. When we get to the resort, we will send him photos! Envy him to death

Han Bin's words changed, meaning to point out, "Qianqian, we are here to go out to play, no one can call the team leader, in the resort can not be so called."

Huang Qianqian bared her teeth and joked, "that's what we're talking about. Can we bring the mood of work when we finally come out to play. What shall I call you? "

Han Bin squeezed his eyes into the rearview mirror, "what do you say?"

Huang Qianqian lengthened her voice, "sister Husband, will you treat me to a big meal at noon? "

Han Bin a thumb, "must."

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Wang Ting shakes her head and laughs, "boring!"

Because it's a new car, Han Bin doesn't drive fast. Three people chatting in the car don't feel bored.

"Brother in law, why did you ask my cousin to the resort?" Huang Qianqian is curious.

Han Bin said, "your cousin is busy in the restaurant every day. I'm tired of her, so I want to take her to the hot spring and relax."

Huang Qianqian sighed and said enviously, "it's better to have a boyfriend. I'm busy at the police station every day, and I'm very tired. No one says that I'll go to the hot spring."

Han Bin joked, "there will be. There are so many bachelors in the police station, and you're afraid you can't find them."

"I don't really want to find a colleague." Huang Qianqian shook her head. "My daily job is to deal with cases. When I get home, I still talk about cases with my husband. Then my life is too boring."

Wang Ting turned to look at Han Bin and asked subconsciously, "did you think so at the beginning?"

Han Bin hesitated for a moment. At that time, he did have a similar idea. However, he naturally would not admit it. He said with a smile, "work is the second thing. The main thing is to find someone who likes and can spark.""I heard from my cousin that when you met for the first time, you both wore masks and couldn't see each other clearly. How could there be sparks?" Huang Qianqian asked.

Wang Ting also looked at Han Bin, "you don't even see what I look like, so you tease me on wechat. Do you often tease other girls like this?"

Han Bin shakes his head and laughs. He should carefully answer the question, "how can I have that time? I'm usually busy at work. I don't want to do anything after work. I don't have the heart to tease girls. As for you, maybe it's special for me, or it's called fate. "

Han Bin doesn't know whether it's fate or not. However, although Wang Ting was wearing a mask at that time, the amorous feelings between her eyebrows and eyes, coupled with her graceful figure, most likely she was a beautiful woman. After adding wechat and looking at the photos, it just confirmed Han Bin's conjecture.

Of course, Han Bin will never say this, it will become a permanent secret.

You can't talk about feelings for too long, otherwise it's easy to have an accident. For example, when talking about Han Bin's previous emotional experience, it's definitely a big pit.

This question is often dead but not alive, and there is never a perfect answer.

Han Bin is ready to bring disaster to the East, "Qianqian, you look so cute, how can you still be single?"

"Brother in law, you think I'm cute. How about my cousin?"

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"You two have different temperaments." Han Bin said.

"What is my cousin's temperament?"

Han Bin subconsciously said, "sexy."

Wang Ting is a little surprised, showing a curious look, "I rarely wear clothes, how can I see that I'm sexy?"

"Sexy is a kind of temperament, which has nothing to do with how much dew. Although you wear a mask when you meet for the first time, I can still feel your sexy." Han Bin said.

Wang Ting gives Han Bin a wink, which shows that she is very satisfied with the answer.

Huang Qianqian leaned on the back seat and said, "I know, loveliness is not worth a cent in front of sexy."

In the second half of the journey, Huang Qianqian seemed to be a little silent, and she tilted her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

Han Bin and Wang Ting are talking about today's trip.

Han Bin wants to wait until after the resort, now turn inside to see the general environment of the resort, and then go to the hot spring, tomorrow's itinerary will be decided after the resort field inspection.

After driving for about 50 minutes, Han Bin and his party finally arrived at the resort.

Laishan hot spring resort is built close to the mountain and has a beautiful natural environment. It's time for social intercourse in spring and summer. It's thriving everywhere, full of green and colorful. It's definitely a good place for outing.

Huang Qianqian also excited up, pointing to not far away shouting, "the flowers over there are so beautiful, let's stop and take a picture."

Wang Ting staring out of the window, "it's really beautiful. We've come right this time."

"Tingting, would you like to take a picture for you?"

"Let's check in first, and then we'll come out to play." Wang Ting suggested.

The lobby of the resort is built close to the mountain, which is very unique. Han Bin has reserved a suite, which is a two bedroom.

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Originally thought, shut the door with Wang Ting can also lead a two person world.

But now there is one more Huang Qianqian, and Han Bin's idea is shattered.

After the registration number, Han Bin three people went to the living room by ferry. This is a four story building. There is no room on the first floor, and the second floor is actually the first floor, which can prevent moisture and insects.

Han Bin and others live on the fourth floor. They have a good view, good mosquitoes and quiet. There is only one suite on each floor. In order to integrate with the surrounding scenery, the appearance of the room is very low-key.

The room is very luxurious, with a large living room, a large TV, a sofa, a refrigerator and a large terrace.

There are two bedrooms and one bathroom in the suite. The toilet and bathroom are not together, but in two bedrooms.

On the whole, Han Bin is quite satisfied. It's easy for him to pack up his things. When he's finished, he goes to the terrace to enjoy the scenery outside. He can still hear Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian making noise in the room.

The scenery outside is panoramic. There are tall trees and flowers nearby. Some hot spring pools can be seen in the East. A big river can be seen in the distance. The air is also very fresh. The only bad thing is that there are many mosquitoes.

Han Bin looked at the distance in a daze, suddenly felt that after work, he should come out more to relax, the combination of work and rest into practice.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Wang Ting and Wang Ting came out of the bedroom, each with a top hat and a carry on bag.

"Wait a minute, let's go." Wang Ting came over and naturally took Han Bin's hand.

The three went downstairs, and there was a white ferry waiting outside. The ferry was not big and had only six seats. The driver sat in the first row, Han Bin and Wang Ting in the second row, and Huang Qianqian in the back row.

Huang Qianqian sighed. As a light bulb, she still has at least awareness. Of course, that doesn't mean she can't express her dissatisfaction in other ways. She waved her hand,"Let's go!"

There is only a roof on the ferry car, and there are no windows around it, which does not affect the sight.

The driver of the ferry car was very experienced. He drove to the highest part of the resort. It was a hall built by the mountain. However, the hall was very open. Except for the main roof beam, it was all made of tempered glass.

Huang Qianqian said curiously, "master, what is this hall for?"

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