Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 539: 539

Han Bin asked in the book, "do you have any suspects?"

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"Yes." Ma Fangfang subconsciously said, "it's the man wearing blue glasses."

Han Bin recalled for a moment, some impression of the person she said, "why doubt him."

Ma Fangfang snorted, "officer Han, you were there at that time. If he wasn't a thief, why didn't he cooperate with the police investigation and try hard to escape."

"Is there any other evidence?"

Ma Fangfang sighed, "this I was flustered at that time, and I didn't pay much attention to it. It was a diamond ring given by my boyfriend. If I lost it, I can't tell you. To tell you the truth, I didn't dare to tell him about the theft of the diamond ring now. "

Han Bin thought for a while, got up and said, "you can go out first. When there is news, we will inform you."

"Good." Ma Fangfang stood up and said, "officer Han, that diamond ring is very important to me. Please help me find it."

Tian Li glanced at each other. "Since it's important, you should always wear it when taking photos. Why put it in your bag?"

Ma Fangfang showed a wry smile, "this lesbian, you should not be married."

"Does it matter?" Tian Li asked.

"It's easy for people to get tangled in face-to-face choices. What's more, marriage, a major event in life, is related to the later half of a woman's life. Most people feel confused before marriage. There is a word called premarital phobia." Ma Fangfang dropped a word and left the office.

On the contrary, Tian Li is embarrassed.

Han Bin glanced at the crowd, "what do you think?"

Li Hui said, "we have been to the golden platform. As soon as we enter, there is the front hall, the sunset viewing hall on the left and the toilet on the right. The door of the front hall is equipped with a monitor, which can see the people in and out, but can't capture the situation in the hall. "

"I think the person who left ahead of time is very suspicious. We can check whether there is any abnormality when he left through monitoring."

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Zhao Ming stood up and said, "it's been a long time. Even if the man stole it, the diamond ring is likely to be transferred."

"This is a situation, but what if the suspect is not him, but other guests? How did they take the diamond ring? " Han Bin asked.

"The diamond ring is so small that it should not be difficult to take it away." Tian Li said.

Zhao Ming subconsciously said, "I heard Sergeant Huang say that when they arrived at the golden platform, they searched other guests."

Tian Li shook her head. "There are many places on her body where she can hide things, especially small things like diamond rings. Unless it's more professional, the police in the police station may not search her carefully."

Tian Li, for example, said, "take a woman with long hair. If you press the ring in the palm of your hand and do the action of curling your hair, you can hide the diamond ring in your hair. It's hard to see it from the outside."

Han Bin pinched his forehead, Tian Li said some truth, no one can guarantee that the police station at the time of the search is careful, "Huizi, we two separate action, you and Tian Li continue to make notes. I'll take Zhao Ming to check the surveillance. "

Li Hui reached out and patted Han Bin on the shoulder. "It's hard for you. Take out your precious time to help us solve the case."

Han Bin pointed at him, "remember to treat."

"Don't worry. After the case is solved, you two will be invited to have a big meal." Li Hui said with a smile.

Han Bin and Zhao Ming arrive at the monitoring room of the resort by ferry.

The security guard in the monitoring room was very cooperative and immediately called out the monitoring in the evening of May 29.

Monitoring is installed above the front hall. Perhaps for privacy reasons, monitoring is not installed in the sunset hall.

Han Bin begins to observe the monitoring in the front hall. He can take pictures of the people entering and leaving. He can clearly see that after Han Bin and Ma Fangfang entered the hall, they went in again.

After that, another group of people went in, and no guests entered the golden platform.

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During this period, some people left the hall and went to the toilet through the front hall.

Among them, there is the man wearing blue glasses, Han Bin knocked down the space bar, "this man is Ma Fangfang said suspicious personnel, let the bureau check his details."


after a while, Han Bin pressed the pause button again, and Ma Fangfang's friend Zheng Rong also went to the toilet.

Han Bin pointed to the computer screen and said to Zhao Ming, "do you know Zheng Rong's bag?"

Zhao Ming looked at it and said, "it's like Ma Fangfang's bag. By the way, I remember Ma Fangfang said that the three of them have the same bag, which is a symbol of their friendship."

Han Bin nods and continues to check the video surveillance,

after a while, a man comes out of the front hall with a mobile phone. Han Bin guesses that this man should be the one who left first.

Han Bin pressed the pause button, "send this person's photo screenshot to Sheriff Huang."

"Yes." Zhao Ming said.

Subsequently, Han Bin and carefully looked at some monitoring, however, did not find more clues.One side of Zhao Ming said, "brother bin, Sergeant Huang replied. They found the identity of the man who left the golden platform first."

Name, Mao Cunzhi

date of birth, May 3, 1982

native place, Jizhou, Shimen

mobile phone number, 132847xxx

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identity photo 13018210820503xxx

current address, Jizhou, Shimen, Qiaodong District, Rong'an District

Han Bin looked at the information, "stranger, current address, Shimen, should not come all the way to steal a diamond ring."

"There were Mao Cunzhi's wife and daughter, who were also in huangjintai at that time. Both his wife and daughter took notes, but they didn't mention that Mao Cunzhi had been to huangjintai." After that, Zhao Ming added,

"however, I don't think this man is suspicious. After all, he came to play with his wife and children, and his motive is not so strong."

"What about the others?"

"They left the resort yesterday," Zhao said

Han Bin frowned, so the difficulty of investigation is even greater.

Han Bin pinched his forehead and thought for a moment, "let's go to the golden platform."

Later, Zhao Ming called the ferry bus, but it took three or four minutes.

The last time he came to huangjintai, Han Bin had a playful attitude, but this time he came to investigate the case.

Out of the car, along the steps on the golden platform, a waitress stood at the door, showing a professional smile, "Hello, is that officer Huang?"

"It's me." Han Bin should be a, observed around, "you are specially come to wait for us."

The waitress said, "yes, the golden platform is open between 4:00 and 6:00 in the afternoon. Usually the door of the hall is locked."

"And the anteroom?"

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"The front hall is unlocked," said the waitress

"Can the toilet be used?"

"Yes." The waitress answered and asked, "officer Han, can I open the door of the hall?"

Han Bin shook his head, "no, I'll go to the toilet."

After the crime, Sergeant Huang has led people to search the hall inside and outside, there is no need to search again.

Han Bin went into the men's toilet and said to Zhao Ming, "search in the toilet to see if there is a diamond ring?"

"Brother bin, do you think the diamond ring is hidden in the toilet?" Zhao Ming was surprised.

"Search and see." Han Bin is not sure.

However, if he is a thief, he may hide the diamond ring in the toilet. After all, he may be searched by the police, which is too risky.

Two people in the toilet carefully searched again, Han Bin also checked the toilet cistern, but did not find a diamond ring.

Out of the men's room, Han Bin pointed to the side of the women's room, "is there anyone inside?"

The waitress was stunned. "No one."

After that, under the surprised eyes of the waitress, Han Bin and Zhao Ming went into the women's toilet to search again.

In accordance with the order in the men's toilet, Han Bin carefully searched again, but he did not find the diamond ring in the toilet cistern, which made him have great expectations.

When he was a little disappointed, he found a bright spot on the top of the single partition wall of the toilet. When he looked carefully, it was a diamond ring, which was very similar to the one Ma Fangfang lost.

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