Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 547: 547

Han Bin feels that the other party may have a criminal record, there is no real evidence, want to hear the truth from his mouth, I'm afraid it won't be too easy.

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Since we can't find out, we have to find out by ourselves.

Jin Haochong was taken back to temporary custody.

Han Bin decided to start from the periphery of Jin Haochong, first let Du Qi check whether Jin Haochong has a case.

Then, let the resort assist in investigating Jin haorong's whereabouts and condition.

Manager Hao learned the details from the staff of the resort and rushed to the scene of the case.

After meeting, manager Hao was forced to ask, "officer Han, I heard that you have caught the suspect who stole the diamond ring?"

"Yes, right next door."

Manager Hao showed an expression of gratitude. "That's great. You've helped us a lot."

"You're welcome. It's your duty." Han Bin made a please gesture, "manager Hao, please sit down and talk about Jin Haochong."

"According to the records of our resort, Jin Haochong came the morning before yesterday. He was the only one who checked in. He paid in cash."

"Has he been to the resort before?"

Manager Hao said, "no previous check-in information."

"Has Jin Haochong ever been with other guests?"

"It's not clear. Employees have their own business and don't always stare at one guest." Manager Hao answered, as if thinking of something again, "by the way, Jin Haochong also sent an express yesterday morning."

"What's the delivery size?"

"I heard it's a box. It should be that big." Manager Hao made a gesture with his hand.

"Do you know what he mailed?"

"This is not clear."

"What about express delivery information?"

"Because it involves the privacy of the guests, we can't read it in too much detail. We just wrote down the number of the email."

Li Hui said, "it's OK to have a number. We can check it by ourselves."

Manager Hao sent the number to Li Hui, showing a professional smile, "officer Han and officer Li, seeing that all the officers work so hard, the leaders of our resort are very grateful. We prepared a working meal tonight, and invited you to enjoy it."

"You're welcome. It's our duty."

"It's just a working meal." Manager Hao said.

Han Bin said, "manager Hao, let's take care of it. Thank you for the leaders of the holiday village for me. I won't eat any more."

Seeing that the two men were resolute, manager Hao didn't ask any more.

After a while, Li Hui said, "the branch has sent Jin Haochong's information. He has a criminal record of theft and has been jailed twice for theft."

Han Bin nodded, "this proves that our guess is right, as soon as possible query package information, find the contact and address of the package, try to intercept the package."

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Li Hui replied, "I'll let them go to the post office."

Han Bin stood up and stretched, "let's go, let's meet Jin Haochong again."


Jin Hao Chong lowered his head, is picking his nails, see Hanbin two people come in, squeeze out a smile, "two police officers, when can I leave?"

Li Hui said, "you think we are willing to stare at you here. We also want to let you go early. The key is that you don't cooperate."

Jin Haochong said hastily, "cooperate, I am willing to cooperate."

Han Bin knocked on the table, "cooperation is not what you say, it depends on your actual action."

Jin Haochong sighed, "Comrade police, you really misunderstood. It's not that I don't cooperate, but that this case really has nothing to do with me."

Han Bincai didn't believe his nonsense, "how much do you know about the theft in the resort?"

Jin Haochong hesitated for a moment, "when eating, he vaguely heard other guests mention it, and knew about it. The security of the resort is not very good, which is one of the reasons why I left. "

"Comrade police, why do you suspect me?"

"Last night, you left the room and asked where you were. It's hard not to be doubted that you didn't have an alibi." Li huidao.

"Comrade, I don't agree with you. There are many guests and staff in the resort. Many people go without alibi."

"We checked your record. You have a record of burglary." Han Bin said.

Jin Haochong showed an angry look, took a deep breath, seemed to be angry, "comrade, I have a criminal record, I have never denied it. But it can only prove that I made mistakes before, and it doesn't mean that I am related to the theft of the resort. "

"I have changed. Please don't look at me with colored eyes."

"I wish you had changed." Han Bin snorted, "but your attitude is not changed now."

"Although I made mistakes before, I also have the right to travel. I can't put this case on me just because there is a theft in my resort. It's unfair. I hope you can respect me." Jin Haochong said."No one does not respect you. It's your own way of doing things that is problematic. You are always perfunctory and never give a positive answer. How can we trust you?" Han Bin asked.

"I didn't answer, but I didn't know."

Han Bin said, "well, let me ask you something you know. Yesterday morning, did you send express?"

Jin Haochong's face changed slightly, swallowing saliva, "it's not illegal to send express."

"That's your attitude. When I ask you, who said you broke the law. Why do you communicate with the police with emotion? " Han Bin said.

Jin Hao lowered his head and began to pick his nails again.

"What did you express?"

Jin Haochong hesitated and perfunctorily said, "some personal belongings."

"What is it?" Li Hui sarcastically said, "I just mailed it yesterday. I can't forget it."

"It's just a mess. There's nothing to say."

"You haven't figured out how to say it yet." Li Hui picked his eyebrows, then slapped the table hard and said, "what is it?"

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Jin Haochong said, "if my laptop is broken, I'll send it back by mail and ask someone to repair it for me."

"Are you not afraid that the road is worse?" Han Bin asked.

"An old computer, if it's going to break down, just replace it with a new one."

"To whom did you mail it?"

"A friend."

"What's your name?"

"Wang Jiaxian."

"What's his cell phone number?"

Jin Haochong wiped the sweat on his forehead, "I can't remember clearly."

"Then how did you write it?"

Jin Haochong bowed his head again.

Han Bin said coldly, "when I ask you, you don't say. When you find solid evidence, it's too late for you to say

Jin Haochong still did not answer.

As time went by, Han Bin sat smoking, thinking about what to eat at noon

"Ding Ling Ling..." Li Hui's mobile phone rings. He glances at Jin Hao and leaves the room to answer the phone.

After a while, Li Hui opens the door and beckons Han Bin out.

Han Bin out of the room, closed the door, "what new clues?"

Li Hui said with a smile, "we have intercepted the express delivery. Watches, belts, necklaces, LV bags and cash are all in it. Let's see what the boy has to say."

"So the case has been solved."

Li Hui pretended to be mysterious and said, "the case has been solved, but the case is not over. Jin Haochong should have an accomplice."

Han binlue a thought, "express delivery receiver?"

Li Hui asked, "who do you think that person is?"

Han Bin is too lazy to guess, "don't play the game, say it quickly."

"The addressee's name is ye zhunhuai. Du Qi checked his file. He has a daughter named Ye Ping!" Li Hui laughed and said, "I thought this woman was a suspect for a long time. She knew the most about Wen Guanghui, and it was also the bar she proposed to go to."

Han Bin touched his chin, "in this way, I will continue the trial. You take people to control. Don't let Ye Ping run away. "

"Don't worry, you can't run." Li Hui put down a word and then left with the people.

Han Bin called police Xiao Wu to interrogate Jin Haochong with him.

Police Xiao Wu, full name Wu Donglai, most of the role is to act as a human camera.

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Han Bin returned to the interrogation room, sat on the table beside him, and raised his chin to Jin Hao, "what does ye zhunwai have to do with you?"

Jin Haochong shivered and lowered his head in silence.

"OK, look up. It's useless to look down this time. We not only found the addressee, but also intercepted the contents in the express. It's the stolen goods from the burglary. Your charges have been confirmed."

"Bang!" Wu Dong came to the table and yelled, "raise your head!"

Jin Haochong slowly raises his head, looks complex looking at Han Bin.

"I asked you to take the initiative, but you didn't listen. Now there's a mountain of hard evidence. Do you still want to go through the prison? "

"Comrades of the police, we didn't screw the bar, I..." Jin Haochong wants to talk but stops.

Han Bin said, "it's OK. If you don't want to say it, we'll keep waiting. I don't care. When my colleagues catch your partner. If you don't say it, they will also say it. It's not the first time that you have committed an offence. The commutation policy should be very clear. "

Jin Haochong hesitated for a while, "Comrade police, I said I'll tell you everything. I'm willing to cooperate with the police. I want to reduce my sentence. "

Han Bin asked, "so, do you admit that you broke in?"

Jin Haochong denied, "no, no, I didn't break in. I've changed it. I won't do that kind of stupid thing again."

Wu Donglai scolded, "Jin Haochong, what's your attitude? You think it's funny to play with the police. You've already got the stolen goods. How dare you say that?""Police comrades, you don't understand me. I admit that I sent the express and I put the things in it, but I didn't break into the house to steal. It was Wen who asked me to steal. No, I took it."

Han Bin frowned, "the full name of surname Wen?"

"Wen Guanghui is the reporter of the theft. His watch and cash are all his. He asked me to take them from the house. I know the law. I dare not break into the house now. I don't want to go to jail any more."

Han Bin wrote in the book, "how does Wen Guanghui contact you?"

"We've seen each other once, and other times we call. By the way, it's the recipient's number."

"Do you know ye Ping?" Han Bin said.

"Ye Ping?" Jin Haochong thought for a moment, "I don't know. What's the matter?"

Han Bin pinches his forehead. If what Jin Haochong said is true, the case is different from what Li Hui guessed. This case is likely to be an oolong.

Wen Guanghui was the mastermind of the Wulong theft. It is not known whether Ye Ping was involved in the case.

Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and immediately informs Li Hui to control Ye Ping and Wen Guanghui.


Outside the small building where Wen Guanghui lives.

Li Hui hung up his cell phone, "day, fortunately binzi reminded in time, almost missed a fish."

Zhao Ming asked in a low voice, "brother Hui, what happened?"

"The old man Wen Guanghui was also involved in the case."

"What?" Zhao Ming was stunned for a moment, "he stole himself? Is it for blackmail? "

"Arrest people first, and you'll feel at ease when you catch them. We'll try them together at that time." Li huidao.

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"Chief, how can we catch them?" Tian Li Road.

Li Hui looked at his watch and said, "don't worry. It's noon soon. We'll do it when they go out for dinner."


Near noon, Wen Guanghui and Ye Ping came out of the small building.

Wen Guanghui hugs Ye Ping's shoulder, "sister, what do you want to eat?"

"Eat something cheap." Ye Ping sighed.

"What's cheap? We come out to play. We have to eat something good."

Ye pingbai glared, "the family has been stolen, you are still in the mood to eat."

Wen Guanghui patted his chest, "I have plenty of money. Don't put that money in my heart. I know you love that LV bag. It's OK. When your birthday comes, my husband will give it to you. "

Ye Ping is in a good mood. "I hate it. Who promised to marry you?"

"If you don't agree, LV bags won't be given away."

Ye Ping pursed her lips, "hum, there is no sincerity at all."

Wen Guanghui gave her a kiss, "I'm joking with you. I don't give it to you, but to whom."

"When you hate it, you know how to bully people." Ye Ping is coquettish.

Wen Guanghui laughs, hugs Ye Ping's waist, "go, whatever you want to eat, just say it, brother's treat."

Ye Ping doubts, "Lao Wen, you don't have any money."

"I don't have any money, but I lost my things in the resort. I can't be hungry. I'll tell you that the resort is also responsible for the theft. I eat him to give him face. He has to carry it. " Wen Guanghui showed a cruel look,

"otherwise, I would let the whole restaurant know that there was a theft in the resort and see how they can do their business."

Ye Ping was surprised. She stopped and looked at each other, "isn't that eating overlord meal?"


Ye Ping put her arms around Wen Guanghui's shoulder and said, "I'm not afraid if you're here!"

"That's right, brother Wen. I'm your God. You're my land." Wen Guanghui showed a bad smile, "when I have enough to eat and drink, brother Wen, I am working hard on your fertile land."

Ye Ping hit brother Wen's chest with her fist, "ah, you are necrotic, and you say that again."

"Ha ha..." Brother Wen is more proud of his smile.

At this moment, several people came around.

Li Hui yelled, "police, don't move!"

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