Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 552: 552

"When was the last time you saw Liu Ling drunk?"

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Zhang Suyun sighed, "she came home to see me a few days ago. We had dinner together. I asked her to live at home, but she didn't want to."

"Why doesn't she want to live at home? There's a conflict between you?"

"It's not that I'm nagging about the conflicts between mother and daughter. When my daughter is older, she has her own ideas. It's boring to say more."

"Where do you live?"

"In Xinhua."

"Where does your daughter work?"

"Yuhua District."

"Going to work from Changdao district to Yuhua District is no closer than going to work from Xinhua District to Yuhua District. Why doesn't she live at home but rent her own house?"

"When my daughter is old, she wants to have her own space. Maybe it's not convenient to live with me. She used to rent a house in Yuhua District. Later, after a conflict with her colleague surnamed Feng, she moved here to rent a house. " Zhang Suyun said.

"That is to say, she moved here more than a month ago?"


"Do you remember the time when she clashed with Feng

"I can't remember the exact time, that is more than a month."

"Did you call the police then?"

"No, she's worried about the impact on her work."

Han Bin asked subconsciously, "besides you, does Liu Lingzui have any other relatives?"

"She has a sister, and she's married."

"Where is Liu Ling's drunk father?"

Zhang Suyun's face changed slightly, "dead."

Han Bin felt that her manner was a little strange and asked, "when did you die?"

Zhang Suyun opened his mouth and stopped talking.

"What's the problem?"

"Actually I divorced her father. I haven't seen her for many years, and their father and daughter haven't seen each other for many years. It's no different from death. "

Han Bin said, "my question should be answered objectively and not contain too much personal emotion."

"What's the name of Liu Ling's drunken father?"

"Liu Jinxue."

"Contact information?"

"No Zhang Suyun shook his head, "police comrades, you don't need to find this person. He doesn't care about my daughter at all. Although they are father and daughter, they don't have a good relationship. There is no relationship between them."

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"As far as you know, when was the last time Liu Lingzui and Liu Jinxue met?"

"It's been ten years. My daughter was admitted to university that year. After that, we went to get the certificate." Zhang Suyun showed a touch of self mockery, adding, "divorce certificate."

Han Bin wrote down in his notebook, "Why are you two divorced?"

"He found a small three, I do not look up to the Yellow faced woman, with the three formed a new family."

"Ten years ago, what was his cell phone number?" Han Bin asked.

"I really can't remember. I try to forget everything about him. Really, please believe me, he has nothing to do with this case and can't provide any clues. Even I doubt whether he remembers having such a daughter."

"Let's do this first. Here's my business card. If you think of any clues, you can contact me directly." Han Bin said.

Zhang Suyun nodded and carefully put away his business card. "Officer Han, there is a clue to my daughter's case. You must tell me."

"I will." Han Bin should be a, signal package star will send each other out.

Ding Xifeng waved and called Han Bin in the past, "did you find anything?"

Han Bin said, "Zhang Suyun has provided some new clues, but it has yet to be verified."

Ding Xifeng sighed, "the capture in Xiaoga village failed. Zhu Weichao didn't go back to his hometown."

Han Bin asked, "has someone provided false information?"

Ding Xifeng replied, "the specific situation is still under investigation, and it is still uncertain."

Han Bin nodded and did not ask any more.

Although offering a reward for wanted can increase the enthusiasm of the common people, it will also lead to the situation of providing false information for offering a reward. To a certain extent, it will cause a waste of police force and stir people's hearts.

Later, Ding Xifeng led the team back to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Back to the Municipal Bureau, it was already more than three in the afternoon, and the canteen was closed.

Ding Xifeng has ordered lunch and brought it into the conference room in advance.

Each person has a duck leg meal. If you don't have enough to eat, there will be steamed buns.

Everyone is engaged in criminal investigation. The speed of eating is very fast, but we have finished eating in more than ten minutes.

Ding Xifeng poured a cup of tea, took a rest for a while, and said, "it's late. Let's talk about the progress of our investigation."

"Captain Chen, please tell me first."

Chen Lin, deputy leader of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Changdao District, also went back to the Municipal Bureau, cleared his throat and said, "I took people to visit the neighbors around, because Liu Lingzui didn't move here long, and everyone didn't have a deep impression on her.""However, according to the residents downstairs, last night, there seemed to be a noise at Liu Lingzui's home, which lasted about half an hour. He almost went up to find each other."

Ding Xifeng asked, "have the tenants downstairs heard what the sound is?"

"I can't hear you clearly, but it's said that there is a man's voice."

"Have the neighbors seen any suspicious men come in and out?"

"I'm not impressed."

"What did the landlord say?"

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Chen Lin organized the language for a while, "the deceased just rented the landlord's house last month. They are not familiar with each other. They have only seen two sides. The landlord now regrets his death. Now there are dead people in the house. It's not easy to rent or sell it. "

Ding Xifeng turned to one side of Han Bin, "a group of investigation there how?"

"I made a note for the mother of the dead, and she provided two clues," Han said

"According to the mother of the deceased, more than a month ago, the deceased clashed with a colleague surnamed Feng and was beaten. After that, I rented the house now. "

"Another point is that the deceased had a boyfriend before he died. They have been together for a long time and have reached the point of marriage."

"But I checked the house of the dead and found no sign of a man. It seems that the so-called boyfriend doesn't exist."

"According to my guess, the deceased either broke up with her boyfriend long ago. Or the murderer disposed of all the things of his boyfriend. "

"On the other hand, the deceased is a single parent family. His father doesn't know about it yet, so he needs to be informed as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Ding Xifeng digested the information and said, "what happened to the monitoring? Have you found any suspicious people? "

Wang Xiao replied, "monitoring is my responsibility to check, so far no suspicious situation has been found."

"Community and elevator monitoring, there is no shot of the dead with other men in and out of the picture."

Wang Xiao very simply said, "No."

Ding Xifeng licked some dry lips, "then strengthen the investigation, ask the people of the property company to help verify the identity of the people entering and leaving the unit building."


"How's the communication record going?"

Li Qin said, "I asked the technology department to help me print out a real name list of the recent calls of the dead. I haven't had time to verify them one by one."

"Are there any suspects at the moment?"

"Not for the time being."

Ding Xifeng sighed and put the cup on the table. "You're not efficient. You've got to hold on tight."

"In addition, there is no sign of the doors and windows being prized. How did the murderer enter the house of the deceased. It's also very important whether the door was opened by the deceased or whether the murderer had the key. It should also be taken as a direction of exclusion. "

Ding Xifeng was silent for a moment and scanned the crowd,

"Captain Chen, Han Bin, how do you plan to investigate next?"

Chen Lin replied, "team Ding, I think we should focus on monitoring. I've seen that neighborhood. It's very strict. There are monitoring in the neighborhood, unit buildings, elevators and underground garages. As long as we investigate carefully, we should be able to find the murderer. "

Ding Xifeng nodded and asked Han Bin, "what do you think?"

"I want to go to the company where the deceased was and find out who she was in conflict with. At the same time, contact the dead man's boyfriend as soon as possible. "

After listening to their words, Ding Xifeng arranged, "in this way, the task of checking and monitoring will be handed over to captain Chen. Han Bin goes to the company of the dead, and Li Qin continues to check the communication records of the dead. "


Immediately, the crowd split up.

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Hanbin back to the office to clean up, is preparing to go to the company of the dead, Huang Qianqian came over, said, "team leader, the family of the dead Liu Lingzui came."

"Zhang Suyun?"

"No, she said her name was Liu lingzhi and she was the sister of the dead."

Han Bin looked at his watch, "let her in."

Han Bin feels that the clues provided by Zhang Suyun are not objective enough. Maybe he can learn more from the dead sister.

A moment later, a 30-year-old woman came in. She looked like Liu Lingzui, but she was shorter and fuller.

Han Bin looked at each other, "you are Liu Lingzui's sister."

Liu Lingzhi looked sad and said in a hoarse voice, "Comrade police, is my sister really dead?"

"Your mother has identified the body. Besides, this is a photo taken at the scene. You can have a look at it." Han Bin turns on his mobile phone and finds a photo of the scene.

When Liu Lingzhi saw the photo, she couldn't help crying, "it's her. It's my sister. She's still young and hasn't got a family. How can she..."

Han Bin took out a few paper towels and handed them to the other side, "Ms. Liu, please be patient."

Liu Lingzhi wiped his eyes. "Comrade police, who killed my sister?""It's still under investigation. Please come here to know something."

Liu Lingzhi red eyes, choked, "blame me, after marriage, only their own small home, ignored her."

Han Bin asked, "do you have any children?"

"Yes, I have a pair of twins. It's very noisy." Liu Lingzhi sighed.

Many people envy twins when they talk about them. Even before Liu Lingzhi gave birth to a baby, she felt that she had to suffer two children at a time, which was less than others. But only those who really had children knew that it was not easy.

A mother with so much nutrition and two children is certainly not as strong as one child.

After she gave birth to her children, both of them weighed less than five Jin. She lived in the incubator for half a month, and only her own family knew how to suffer.

Moreover, it costs tens of thousands of dollars.

It's just the beginning. It's more difficult to raise children in the back.

Children sleep day and night upside down, one crying, the other crying, but also breast-feeding, since the child, she did not sleep a whole sleep, watching their own day by day haggard.

In her opinion, those who advise you to have twins are either inexperienced or have a grudge against you.

Han Bin has never eaten pork and has seen pigs run. He knows it's not easy to take care of children these days.

"When was the last time you met Liu Lingzui?"

"It's been half a month. She came to see the children and bought a lot of clothes and toys for them. She likes children very much and says that she will have two children and a companion in the future."

"At that time, was there anything unusual about her?"

"No, I don't see it."

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

"I asked. She said she had a date. I asked deeply, she refused to say. I'll know later

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Han Bin opened his notes, "more than a month ago, she had a conflict with people in the company, do you know?"

"Never heard of her."

"Have you been to her new house?"

"She's always invited me to go, and I've always wanted to go, but I can't spare the time, ah I don't know what I'm doing every day. "

"Do you have your father's contact information?"


"Do you get in touch often?"

Liu Lingzhi said, "it's not very often. We will get in touch during the Spring Festival."

"Liu Ling is drunk. Does she have any contact with your father?"

Liu Lingzhi replied, "yes."

"How do you know?"

"Like me, she always greets my father during the Spring Festival, and sometimes she talks with me about what to send."

Han Bin wrote it down in his notebook and asked, "but according to your mother, there should be no connection between Liu Lingzui and Liu Jinxue."

"Well, how to say it." Liu Lingzhi was silent for a moment and said: "when my parents just divorced, it was a big blow to my sister. She ignored my father for two or three years, but after all, she was a father and daughter. My father often went to school to see her."

"Besides, every year my sister's birthday and I, my father will give us a birthday."

"Your mother never knew about it?"

"My father usually gives us the Gregorian birthday, and my mother gives us the Lunar birthday. Moreover, the divorce has a great impact on my mother. We have never dared to tell her about our relationship with my father, just for fear that she will not accept it." Liu Lingzhi's tone is full of helplessness.

"Do you have any doubts about the murderer who killed Liu Lingzui?"

"No, my sister is so young, I can't think of anyone who would do such a thing."

Han Bin changed his words and asked, "do you know Zhu Weichao?"

"Zhu Weichao." Liu Lingzhi muttered, "you mean the wanted fugitive."

"Yes, does your sister meet him?"

"No, I've never heard of it. Comrade police, does Zhu Weichao have anything to do with my sister's case?"

"It's not easy to say at the moment. It's still under investigation." Han Bin looked at his watch. "Well, let's talk about it today. I have other clues to investigate. If you think of other clues, you can contact us."

"By the way, leave a contact information for Liu to study."

Liu Lingzhi hesitated and sighed, "Comrade police, I want to tell my father myself."

Han Bin nodded, "yes."

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