Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 563: 563

The interrogation room was smoky.

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Zhang hang smoked five cigarettes in a row and finally relaxed.

"You Ask what you want. I'll take it. "

Han Bin strike while the iron is hot, "do you admit that you killed Liu Lingzui?"

"Yes, I killed her."


Zhang hang showed a touch of bitterness. "I strangled him with my hands. I was afraid of being scratched by her, so I put on plastic gloves. Unexpectedly, I still left evidence."

Han Bin asked, "why did you put the stolen goods in the safe of the hotel?"

"I've also thought about throwing away Liu Ling's drunk things, but every time I throw them away, I feel insecure. I'm afraid others will find out, but I find them on me. After hesitating for a long time, I decided to save it first, and then throw it away after being in the limelight. " Zhang hang sneered,

"now it seems that I am too indecisive. If I had thrown and buried these things, maybe you would not have found them."

Han Bin shook his head. "As the old saying goes, killing is a big project. You can't do everything. Even if you deal with stolen goods in other ways, it's also possible to be found by the police."

"You should regret why you killed, not the way you killed."

"I don't want to kill people either. I was forced to do nothing." Zhang hang some helpless way, "can you give me a cigarette?"

Han Bin lit a cigarette and handed it to him, "who forced you?"

"Who else? Liu Ling is drunk! I really thought I asked her to move here. I wouldn't do such a stupid thing if I had a little brain. She moved here herself. She wants to force me to choose one from the other. " Zhang hang scratched his hair hard. "One side is his wife and children, and the other side is his lover. How can I choose? I have no choice."

Han Bin continued, "then you tell her clearly, let her leave, why kill her."

"I said, she made more trouble. She called me a scum man, said I was shameless, and even went to my house to make trouble for the neighbors. I have to go to my company to make trouble, so that my boss and subordinates can see clearly what kind of person I am. "

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Zhang hanghong looked at her eyes and squeezed out a few words from her teeth, "she's going to destroy me!"

Han Bin said, "there is always a solution. Killing is not the only choice."

"Maybe," Zhang hang said with a look of self mockery,

"you say this woman is really strange. I'm a scum man, otherwise I'll fool around with her."

"She knew from the beginning that I had a wife. Why did she think I would change when I was with her?"

"There are many good men. If she likes good men, she will find a good man at the beginning. Why do she need to find me?"

"Comrade police, do you think I'm right?"

Han Bin Leng for a while, Zhang Hang's question he can't answer, maybe only Liu Ling drunk himself just clear.

Han Bin looked at the handwriting and asked the next question, "how do you connect with Liu Lingzui?"

"We met on a dating software, and she also introduced me to buy their company's Fund. I bought tens of thousands of yuan, and we'll get on well." Speaking of this, Zhang hang has a complicated look on his face,

"my wife is used to checking my mobile phone, phone, wechat and SMS. That dating software is not very famous, but my wife won't check it."

"What's the name of that dating software?"

"Make an appointment."

Han Bin recorded it for a while and continued, "describe the process of killing Liu Lingzui."

"At that time, she took a bath in the bath. I put on plastic gloves and strangled her in the bath."

"Why kill people in this way?"

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"Zhu Weichao, I know his case, I know he escaped from prison, and the police have issued a wanted warrant. I want to disguise as his way of killing, so that the police think he is the murderer." I want to open the channel.

This may shift the direction of police investigation, but the case itself will be taken seriously by the police.

If Zhang hang didn't imitate Zhu Weichao's modus operandi, the case may not be handed over to the municipal criminal investigation team at the first time. If the criminal investigation team of Changdao district is responsible for the investigation, it is still uncertain whether the case can be solved.

The case was successfully solved, Ding Xifeng and Han Bin are relieved, two people each have their own pressure.

Ding Xifeng can pat his chest and report to Feng Baoguo. This murder has nothing to do with Zhu Weichao.

Han Bin can also go back to sleep.


Four Seasons restaurant.

More than six in the evening, the restaurant has begun to guests, Wang Ting went to the kitchen to check, a come out to see Han Bin standing beside the counter.

"Yo, officer Han, why did you leave work so early today?"

"I missed you, so I left work early."

Wang tingbai glared at him, but he didn't believe his lies, "don't you need to investigate today?"

"The case has been solved." Han Bin said.

"Really?"Han Bin said with a smile, "I can't cheat anyone but you."

"So that Zhu Weichao was caught?"

Han Bin shook his head, "no, the murderer of this case is not Zhu Weichao, it's imitation."

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"Oh, what an eventful time." Wang Ting muttered and asked, "what do you want to eat? I'll let the chef prepare it."

"Bring some ingredients from the kitchen. Let's go back to cook. I have time to show you today." Han Bin said.

Wang Ting asked with a scanning eye, "what do you want to do for me?"

"Shandong cuisine and Japanese food are OK."

"Really? My mouth is in its mouth. Be careful that I give you a bad comment. "

Han Bincheng said in his chest, "just look at it."

"Trust you once." Although Wang Ting knows Han Bin can eat and knows how to eat, eating and doing are two different things. She has some doubts in her heart.

However, it's a good thing that men want to take the initiative to cook. Wang Ting doesn't want to beat Hanbin's enthusiasm. To say the least, even if Hanbin doesn't taste good, she will lose weight. Anyway, she doesn't eat much at night.

Wang Ting eats Japanese food every day. She also wants to change her taste, so she proposes to let Han Bin cook Shandong food.

They drove to the market and bought some fresh ingredients.

Han Bin is going to make three dishes and one soup, vinegar cabbage, braised prawns, moustache meat and clam bean curd soup.

These three dishes and one soup are not difficult to make, but to make delicious and authentic, it still needs a certain level. Fortunately, Han Bin has the level of an intermediate chef, and these dishes are really difficult for him.

Although Wang Ting is not a chef, she is the boss of the restaurant. Seeing Han Bin's posture, she knows that Han Bin has certain cooking skills. She can watch TV on the sofa with ease.

It's also a novel feeling for her boyfriend to cook and wait to eat by herself.

As the dishes are brought to the table, Wang Ting's doubts are gone. Although she hasn't eaten them yet, she knows they must be delicious by looking at the color and fragrance of the dishes.

After three dishes and one soup, Wang Ting set the table and poured two glasses of red wine in advance.

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Wang Ting raised her glass and blinked her eyes. "Chef Han, I'd like to propose a toast to you. Thank you for making a table of delicious food."

Han Bin suggested, "it's no fun just to drink more like this. Why don't we change the way of drinking?"

"What to drink?"

"A toast?"

Wang tingjiao snorted, "the net wants to be beautiful."

Han Bin made a please gesture, "come on, beauty, try my craft."

Wang Ting picked up chopsticks and picked up a vinegar cabbage, sometimes the simplest dish, but the most test of people's cooking.

The method of vinegar cabbage is simple, but it is a test to master the heat. Everyone can do it, but there are not many delicious ones.

Wang Ting tasted, sour vinegar cabbage chew in the mouth creaking, sour crisp delicious, very appetizing.

"Good, good." Wang Ting praised.

"Would you like to try something else?"

Wang Ting will taste several dishes one by one, each one is full of praise, for Han Bin's cooking has a new understanding.

Especially the clam bean curd soup, two kinds of ingredients match up very delicious, but no fishy smell, Wang Ting has the idea to launch this soup in Four Seasons restaurant.

If you want to conquer a person, you should conquer her taste first. Hanbin is a big step closer to the natural success.

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