Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 582: 582

The leader said that the subordinate broke his leg.

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Ding Xifeng's words are certainly no problem. The key is that it has been more than half a month since Li Hongshan's last visit. It is not easy to find out how the two people contacted.

First of all, Li Hongshan should not have contacted him with his mobile phone. If he met and said that, it's not sure whether the monitoring can trace it.

What Han Bin can do now is to follow this direction.

Check the monitoring of LPG dormitory, check the people who have more contact with Li Hongshan

Busy afternoon, still no clue, Han Bin to the point to work.

He's starving.


This morning after work, Han Bin went to the market to buy some food materials, then drove to Siji restaurant and directly took Wang Ting home.

Han Bin is going to cook three courses, one is steak, one is pasta, and one is vegetable salad without salad dressing.

The salad dressing bought outside is high in calories and a little greasy.

It's true to lose weight by eating vegetables, but with salad dressing, maybe the calories are higher than ordinary rice.

Steak is black pepper flavor, pasta is seafood sauce, with prawns, squid whiskers, scallops, tomatoes as the main ingredients.

After dinner, Han Bin opened another bottle of red wine, and the atmosphere of love immediately came.

After dinner, two people sitting on the sofa watching TV, Han Bin's hand began to be dishonest, groping on Wang Ting's waist, holding Wang Ting in his arms, kissing

(three thousand words are omitted here.)

(the police story ends.)

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The next morning.

Han Bin wakes up from his sleep. A smell of body fragrance comes from his nose. A soft body sticks to him.

Han Bin had reaction again, right hand touched Wang Ting's chest.

Wang Ting was awakened, jiaochen a, "hate, people have not wake up, how do you like this."

Han Bin said with a smile, "can you blame me? Who made you look so beautiful. "

"Don't be so mean. Go down. I'll sleep again."

"Then I'll be with you." Han Bin's hand began to be dishonest again, and began to grope downward.

"Oh, don't touch it." Wang Ting blushed, wriggled, wanted to get rid of Han Bin's clutches, "don't look at what time, you don't have to go to work today?"

Han Bin turned his head and looked at the alarm clock at the head of the bed. It was already more than 8 a.m., "day, it's really late."

Wang Ting wrapped towel quilt, a face vigilant looking at Han Bin, "go, go, you should go to work, don't disturb my rest."

Han Bin's biological clock is relatively accurate. Generally, he wakes up on time at more than seven o'clock. However, they tossed to the middle of the night last night, and Han Bin has only been sleeping for four or five hours.

Although some reluctantly, but Han Bin really should go to work, in Wang Ting cheek kiss, said with a smile, "tonight and then clean up you."

Wang Ting glared at Han Bin, as if she didn't feel relieved, and twisted her little white hand on his arm.


At 8:58 in the morning, Han Bin arrived at the office with a rougamo, a stone cake and a bag of milk in his hand.

Huang Qianqian asked, "chief, you have a good appetite this morning."

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Han Bin said with a smile, "only by eating more can we have the strength to investigate cases."

When it comes to health preservation, men rely on food, women rely on sleep, this sentence is very reasonable.

If you don't eat more, how can you make up for last night's consumption.

Han Bin looked at his watch and said, "come here, let's have a meeting."

Li Qin, Wang Xiao, Jiang Yang and Bao Xing all gathered around.

Huang Qianqian is concerned about a way, "group leader, want to wait for you to eat meal to have a meeting again."

"It's OK. Eat and say it." Han Bin doesn't like it. He has been used to it for a long time.

"That's a good idea." Bao Xing conjured up a bag of biscuits and said, "Qianqian, do you want to eat some imported biscuits? They taste good."

Huang Qianqian shook her head. "I can't get used to imported food. I still like domestic ones."

Han Bin drank a mouthful of milk, Shun Shun, said, "say it, you yesterday's investigation, what new progress?"

Wang Xiao was the first to say, "yesterday, Jiang Yang and I checked Li Dongmei's correspondence record, and found no suspicious contact."

"Team leader, do you want to check the whereabouts of her and Li Hongshan some time ago?"

Han Bin asked, "do you have an exact investigation idea?"

Wang Xiao shook his head. "It's been a long time. It's very difficult to investigate. It's hard to find out where they've been before? "

Hanbin words front a turn, looking to the side of the package star, "package star, where are you?"

"Cough..." Bao Xing is eating biscuits, some dry, Han Bin asked, almost choked.

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"Well, team leader, I watched until 7 pm yesterday. Li Hongshan didn't leave home, but Li Dongmei left at 6 pm. Not long after that, I got off work and let the police of the police station keep watching. I contacted him this morning. It is said that Li Hongshan still hasn't been out. ""Team leader, if you can change your gaze today, it's better to change your eyes. I'm always there. Li Hongshan and his daughter know me again, so it's easy to be noticed."

Han Bin nodded, regardless of Bao Xing is selfish, this reason is reasonable.

"Jiang Yang, today you go to the LPG dormitory and stare at it."

Jiang yanglang said, "yes."

"Creak..." As soon as the door rang, Ma Jingbo opened the door and came in.

"Oh, there's an early morning meeting."

Han Bin got up and said with a smile, "horse team, you sit. I knew you were not busy, so I asked you to have a meeting for us."

"Who told you I'm not busy. I'm busy. It's good for your group to have their own meetings. Keep it up. " Ma Jingbo pulled a chair and sat down. "I just want to tell you that there is news from Hou Jiansheng in the Criminal Investigation Brigade of laiping city."

"Where is it?"

"The Criminal Investigation Brigade of laiping city got the news that the boy was hiding in a farmhouse near the junction of laiping city and Gangnan city."

"When is the Criminal Investigation Brigade of laiping ready to arrest?"

"According to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of laiping City, although the farmhouse is not far from laiping City, it is actually under the jurisdiction of Gangnan city. They have no way to arrest people directly. They need to ask Gangnan Public Security Bureau for assistance, so they should report to the Municipal Bureau first. "

Han Bin thought for a moment, "horse team, or I can take people to go, coordination is more convenient."

"That's what I mean. I can't get out of here. Go there yourself. If they are arrested, they will go straight back to the Municipal Bureau. "

"Yes, I'll leave now." Han Bin glanced at the crowd and asked, "who are you going with me?"

Bao Xing said, "I'll go."

Jiang Yang said, "team leader, let me go too."

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Wang Xiao said, "I said Yang Zai, the group leader has arranged people for you. Don't join in the fun."

"Last time we caught Hou Jiansheng, we were fooled by him. If we can't catch him by hand, I have to die."

Bao Xing echoed, "brother Yang is right. Hou Jiansheng's grandson is not a thing. He dares to play tricks on us. I can't swallow this breath without catching him."

Han Bin thought for a while and said, "OK, you two go with me, and the others stay to listen to the arrangement of the horse team."

Ma Jingbo said, "this Hou Jiansheng is different from other suspects. He's on the road and won't be caught easily. Take your weapons."


Twenty minutes later, Han Bin and his three men were ready to leave, driving away from the gate of the Municipal Bureau.

In the car, Han Bin sat in the back row, squinting to rest.

"Hum." Han Bin's mobile phone rings, and it's Wang Ting's message, "why?"

"On the bus, I'm going to Gangnan city."

"What are you doing in Gangnan city?"

"Perform the task." Han Bin replied and asked, "have you got up?"

Wang tingjiao snorted, "hum, I'm so lazy. I've got up long ago and I'm going to the store."

"Go ahead. Remember to eat something. Don't be hungry." Han Bin exhorts.

Wang Ting said with concern, "I see. You should also pay attention to safety when performing tasks."

"Don't worry. I'll see you in the evening."

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