Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 586: 586

Laojiang farmhouse.

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On the east side of the yard was a white van, and a dog was lying at the foot of the wall.

The dog's fur is white, but it's dirty. It looks like Samoye, but it's smaller than Samoye. It should be a string.

Although white dog is not big, it is very fierce. It barks when meeting strangers. It's very suitable for guarding the house.


One thing fell on the ground and almost hit little white dog.

"Woof, woof..." The little white dog barked warily, bared his teeth, and looked around with a pair of dog eyes. He didn't find anything unusual. There was no stranger in the yard.

The little white dog wrinkled his nose and looked at what fell on the ground. The dog chain is two meters long and has a certain range of activities.

What fell on the ground was a piece of ham with two fingers thick, which exuded an attractive fragrance.

Little white dog couldn't help it. He grabbed the ham in his mouth and ran back to his nest. He wolfed it down and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls. As for whether he tasted it, it was estimated that only he knew.

After eating, the little white dog licked his mouth with his tongue. He looked around with his big eyes. He seemed to hope that another piece of ham would fall from the sky.

Little white dog waited for a while, but he didn't wait. He seemed to be a little tired, so he lay on the ground to have a rest.

After a while, little white dog closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Not far away from the wall, quietly out of a head, staring at the little white dog for a while, holding a small stone thrown over.

The stone fell on the little white dog's side and rolled on his leg, but he didn't respond.

It's very abnormal.

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Little white dog is very sensitive to sound. Even if he sleeps, he won't sleep so dead.

But this time it was a deep sleep, and even a faint cry came.

A few minutes later, a black car stopped at the door, honked the horn, "didi..."

A tall and strong man came out, kicked his right hand into his clothes, went to the gate, and called to the black car, "who is it?"

"Da'ao, I'm mangzi."

"Old rules and slogans," he cried

"King of heaven."

"Gedi tiger."


"Stewed mushrooms." Yang Xiaowei finished, urged the way, "quickly open the door, don't blindly toss, even my voice can't hear."

"The fourth brother said that in the special period, we should follow the rules." Said Ao, holding the key to open the iron door.

Yang Xiaowei asked, "where's the fourth brother?"

"In the room," he whispered

Yang Xiaowei should say, "yes, it's not convenient for the fourth brother to show up."

Da Ao asked with a smile, "what good things do you go out to buy this time?"

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Yang Xiaowei opened the car lock, "it's all in the trunk. Go and see for yourself."

"Don't beat around the bush. I'll have some cooked food. The birds are fading out of their mouths these days. " Da'ao swallowed and couldn't wait to get to the trunk of the car.

"Ka" Da'ao rubbed his hands and directly opened the trunk door.

Suddenly, before he could see what was inside, a shadow rushed out of the trunk. It was too late to escape.

"It's a man's hand." This is the last voice in Da Ao's brain, but before he could speak it, he felt as if he had been electrocuted. His whole body trembled and he lost consciousness.

It's not an illusion, it's real.

At this time, a few people rushed over the courtyard, led by Lin xiuyong, the squadron leader of laiping Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Lin xiuyong covers Da'ao's mouth and drags Da'ao out of the yard with the cooperation of two other police officers.

Taking advantage of this moment, a man jumped out of the trunk. It was Bao Xing of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Han Bin also stepped down from the car.

Han Bin made a gesture and hid himself in the side of the black car.

Subsequently, Jiang Yang, Bao Xing and two police officers all felt into the yard.

The car slowly into the yard, Han Bin has been to the car as a shelter, still holding a pistol, has been ready to shoot.

At this time, the driver is Yang Xiaowei. From the outside, Yang Xiaowei seems to be normal, but in fact, his hands are handcuffed and tied to the steering wheel of the car.

Vice director Wu Guangli sits in the back of the cab, the purpose is to monitor Yang Xiaowei, prevent him from any abnormal behavior.

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Although director Wu is not young, he has rich experience and is calmer than the average young police officer in dealing with this kind of emergency.

It's really a time of life and death. Calmness is more important than any skill.

No matter how many skills you have, you will not be able to make half of your ability even if you are flustered.

Yang Xiaowei drives the car near the door. Han Bin holds a gun in both hands and squats in the back of the car.Bao Xing, Jiang Yang and the police of the police station hide on both sides of the north door.

"Didi..." The car horn sounded again, and Yang Xiaowei yelled, "fourth brother, I've come out to move things. Let's see what good things I've bought for you."

There was a murmur in the room, "what are you howling about, for fear that others won't know. Da'ao is outside. You two can't move things. "

A man in his thirties came to the door of the house and looked into the yard. "Where's Da'ao?"

This man is Yang Xiaowei's fourth brother, and Hou Jiansheng, whom Han Bin wants to catch.

Yang Xiaowei lowered the window and complained, "don't mention him. Lazy people have a lot of excrement and urine. They opened the door for me and ran to the toilet."

Hou Jiansheng nodded without any doubt and walked out of the house. As soon as he got to the door, he suddenly felt something wrong, as if It's so quiet.

Then, Hou Jiansheng's eyes, found on both sides of the door seems to be shadow.

Hou Jiansheng reacted quickly. He stepped back and touched his right hand in his arms. He had a gun in his arms. As long as he got the gun, he would be safe.

However, Hou Jiansheng was slow in the end.

Bao Xing and Jiang Yang are hidden on both sides of the door. When Hou Jiansheng walks out of the door, they move almost at the same time. Bao Xing uses the electric stick again and greets Hou Jiansheng directly.

Hou Jiansheng felt a numbness in his waist, and his whole body trembled. With a sharp pain, his strength seemed to be drained.

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Then Jiang Yang rushes over and grabs Hou Jiansheng's right hand. His hand is fierce and he doesn't keep it. He pulls and twists hard. When he hears a "click", Hou Jiansheng's right arm is removed.

"Ah..." Hou Jiansheng later made a scream, but he didn't know that the one who was electrified was still suffering from arm pain.

The police on both sides also rushed up and directly knocked Hou Jiansheng down. They pressed him to the ground, not to mention their hands. Their noses and mouths were close to the ground. It was hard to avoid eating a mouthful of dirt.

Han Bin came out from the back of the car. It's the best to take Hou Jiansheng without firing.

Jiang Yang carefully searched Hou Jiansheng, took a pistol out of his arms, scolded, "this dog has opened the insurance, really want our lives."

Han Bin also took the pistol to check, and then handed it to Jiang Yang, "keep it."

"Yes." Jiang Yang answered and put the pistol into the bag.

Hou Jiansheng also seems to slow down, lying on the ground and yelling, "son of a bitch, who are you? Why do you catch me?"

Han Bin waved his hand.

Two police will Hou Jiansheng up, the other side is still a soft prone appearance, should be the sequela of electric shock.

Han Bin asked, "what's your name?"

Hou Jiansheng glared at Han Bin, "my name is Niu Zhenwei."

"It's a tough mouth. I dare to lie when I'm caught with personal gains." Han Bin sneered and said to Jiang Yang, "unload the gun and give it back to him!"

On hearing this, Hou Jiansheng's face turned white and said, "if you have something to say, my name is Hou Jiansheng."

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