Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 589: 589

Previously, Han Bin speculated that the 500000 unidentified property had two sources.

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The first is that Lin Qiuyun's family keeps 500000 yuan, and Zhu Weichao takes 500000 yuan in cash after he kills.

Second, someone paid 500000 yuan to hire Zhu Weichao to kill Lin Qiuyun.

Han Bin prefers the second.

Zhu Weichao may have been hired to kill.

In other words, in addition to Zhu Weichao, the murderer in that year also had the employer.

When Zhu Weichao was arrested, he did not disclose the person who hired him.

But it doesn't mean he won't say that if Zhu Weichao takes this as a threat and asks the other party to help him escape from prison, everything will make sense.

Even the reason why Zhu Weichao was killed can be explained.

The basic purpose of that person's helping Zhu Weichao escape from prison is probably to kill Zhu Weichao and eliminate this potential danger.

Of course, these are only Hanbin's conjectures, and there is no real evidence.


LPG dormitory community.

Li Dongmei riding an electric car into the community, a pair of eyes from time to time aimed around, almost with a neighbor.

She always feels that there are more strange faces near the community recently.

Push the electric car into the corridor, under the stairs.

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Open the door into their own home, since the door more than a box of milk.

Liu Dongmei took off her mask and went into the room, "Dad, who has been to our house?"

Li Hongshan sat on the sofa and said, "officer Li Qin and one of her colleagues."

"They brought the milk, too?"

Li Hongshan said feebly, "yes."

"Dad, what do you think?"

"What do you think?"

"To help my brother escape?"

"I told you last time that your brother, who is a man of human nature, has been in prison for a long time and will be abandoned. I just want him to come out early."

Li Dongmei sat down beside her father and said in a low voice, "do you know it's against the law?"

"I know. I've been waiting for the police to catch me. I recognized it." Li Hongshan Road.

"You said you..." Li Dongmei also has some speechless, "I always feel that there are many policemen outside, who seem to be staring at our house, making me suspicious."

"What are you afraid of? They're here to catch me, not you."

"What do you say I'm afraid of? You can't even walk steadily now. The police must suspect that I'm your helper. Can you stop staring at me?"

"Next time I'll make it clear to them, it's none of your business." Li Hongshan looked guilty.

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"Will they believe what you say?"

"What about that?"

"The police officer Li is so kind. He told me personally that as long as you cooperate with the police investigation, you can help you get a probation. You can just recruit someone." Li Dongmei said.

"I did. What about your brother? He is a felon. Plus this prison break, the government may shoot him." Li Hongshan was full of helplessness, "I know Li police officers are good, so when they asked, I admitted that I didn't have the heart to cheat them, but..."

"I can't do it. I can't take your brother's only chance to survive. I have nothing to ask for now. I just hope I don't want to give my white hair to the black hair. I've missed it once, and I don't want to make it again. "

"Ouch." Li Dongmei opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to persuade her.

He understood his brother's place in his father's mind.

His father is not a bad man, and he never did anything illegal when he was young. He has always been a good citizen who abides by the law.

But between family and law, he would definitely choose the former.

His willingness to confess may hurt some people, but compared with his son, it is nothing.

Li Dongmei is also a mother now. She can understand the selfish side of being a parent.

Compared with children, the world is nothing.

Children are her world.

Li Dongmei knows that this idea may be wrong, but she can't change it.

That's her nature.

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She did not persuade Li Hongshan.

It's no use persuading her.


Municipal Public Security Bureau, conference room.

At 5 p.m., Ma Jingbo held a case summary meeting.

Both group one and group two of the second squadron took part.

The investigation of a case is multifaceted, which requires timely collection and sharing of intelligence, so as to unify the command, obtain more clues and evidence, and solve the case as soon as possible.

Ma Jingbo saw that the people were almost there. He pinched his cigarette and said, "let's have a meeting."

"This morning, I attended a meeting of the Municipal Bureau. At the meeting, I talked about the case of Zhu Weichao. According to the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, it should be to cancel the arrest of Zhu Weichao. The leaders of the Municipal Bureau also asked about the progress of Zhu Weichao's murder, which made the team leader and I very passive. ""At the end of the meeting, director Feng called the team leader and I to the office and gave them a careful instruction."

"Comrades, the time to solve the case within a week is coming. I hope everyone will hurry up. If we can't solve the case at that time, it's not only the shame of my captain, but also our second squadron. "

"I don't want to bring up the case of Zhu Weichao in the future, which will become the stain of our second team." Ma Jingbo sighed and said, "efficiency, efficiency, I know everyone is not lazy, they all work hard, but we must improve the efficiency of investigation, think more, communicate more, and don't be bored."

"If the direction of investigation is not correct, the investigation of the case will only fall into a dead end, and no amount of effort will be of no use."

"Well, I know you don't like to hear it, so I'll say a few words less to save you muttering behind my back." Ma Jingbo knocked on the table, "let's get back to business and talk about the investigation."

Zhu Jiaxu raised his head, "I'll talk about it first."

"Today, we have been comparing Skynet monitoring. After a period of investigation, we finally found out the driving route of the motorcycle, and speculated the hiding place of the motorcycle according to the monitoring of the emergence and disappearance of the motorcycle."

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With that, Zhu Jiaxu went to the projector, put a map on it and marked it with a pencil.

"The motorcycles have been sent out twice, once on June 3 and once on June 7. Every time it appears at the intersection of Pinggang road and S135 provincial road, and every time it disappears at the intersection of S135 provincial road and Jintong road. "

"According to my guess, the hiding place of motorcycles is in several villages between Pinggang road and Jintong road with S135 as the center."

"Village road is not monitored by Skynet, but there will be some private monitoring or monitoring installed by the village committee, so I want to lead the team to several villages tomorrow to actually check."

Ma Jingbo asked, "how many villages do you think are suspected?"

"The key suspects are about four or five villages. Of course, some nearby villages can't be completely ruled out. I will ask people to collect more monitoring as much as possible."

"The scope is still too large." Ma Jingbo sighed. Many villages extend in all directions. There is no monitoring of the roads. Motorcycles are not cars. Their mobility is very strong. As long as there are roads, they can get in. The scope is too large.

If someone with a certain anti reconnaissance ability circles around the village path, where can you find him?

Of course, this investigation clue can't be abandoned. In case the village committee comes forward to install the monitoring system or some villagers know the motorcycle, they may be able to find the suspect.

Zhu Jiaxu said, "we will visit more nearby to investigate and narrow the scope of investigation as much as possible."

Ma Jingbo nodded, as long as there is a clue, the police can not give up.

"How's team one doing over there?"

Han Bin coughed lightly, and said, "I took people to Gangnan City, and I have taken Hou Jiansheng back to the Municipal Bureau. At the same time, he was interrogated. According to his confession, we found a new clue. "

" in those years, Zhu Weichao's murder was probably instigated by others, and he also received 500000 yuan of employment money from the other party. "

"I want to re investigate the murder of Zhu Weichao in the bath."

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