Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 591: 591

The victim of Zhu Weichao's bath murder, Lin Qiuyun, was 34 years old when he died and worked for a food company.

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Family members are parents, husband, daughter and sister.

Han Bin carefully looked at the bath murder case file.

At that time, the main direction of investigation was surveillance. Zhu Weichao wore a hat when he committed the crime and lowered his head where there was a camera. He was quite careful.

However, after checking a lot of surveillance, the police still found some characteristics of him, such as his size, the color of his hat, the gray backpack, and the time of the crime.

From the victim's community monitoring, to the street shop monitoring, and Skynet monitoring, little by little investigation, finally locked several major suspects, and Zhu Weichao is one of them.

The murderer left DNA at the scene of the crime. After comparison, it completely matches Zhu Weichao's DNA.

After Zhu Weichao was arrested, he refused to explain at the beginning. It took him several days to confess. He admitted that Lin Qiuyun killed himself, and described the process of the killing, which is completely consistent with the evidence found by the police.

However, Zhu Weichao did not give up his accomplice from the beginning to the end.

At that time, the case was classified as robbery and homicide, and it was not considered to be murder by employment.

The nature of these two homicides is different, and the direction of investigation is also different.

If it is a simple robbery and homicide, the previous investigation method is not wrong.

The randomness of this kind of cases is relatively strong, many of them are fugitive crimes, and generally they are investigated from the aspect of evidence.

The case of employment homicide is different. It belongs to targeted homicide.

To put it bluntly, it's an acquaintance.

There must be some disputes, love and hatred, or interests between them.

The main investigation direction is the surrounding relationship of the victims.

Because strangers have no grievances and no enmity, it is impossible to pay to hire someone to kill. Even if Lin Qiuyun dies, it is not good for the employer.

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Lin Qiuyun's daughter is not yet an adult and is temporarily excluded.

After thinking about it, Han Bin decides to contact Lin Qiuyun's husband first and get some information from him.

Lin Qiuyun's husband is Cheng Jiwen, and his contact information is in the file.

However, more than two years have passed since the crime, and no one can guarantee whether he has changed his contact information.

A moment later, the mobile phone was connected, and Han Bin said, "Hello, is this Mr. Cheng Jiwen?"

A man's voice came from his mobile phone: "it's me, who are you?"

"I'm Han Bin from Qindao Criminal Investigation Brigade. I'd like to know something about it."

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, "are you a policeman?"

"Yes, I'm from the City Public Security Bureau."

Man's tone with a little doubt, "you look for me to understand what situation, I have no intersection with you police."

"We want to know about Lin Qiuyun's case with you."

The other end of the mobile phone was silent for a while. "My wife's case has been solved. There is nothing to understand."

Han Bin explained, "about this case, we have found some new circumstances, the murderer is likely to have accomplices. We are now re investigating the case, hoping to catch all the murderers. "

"What partner? Isn't there only one killer in that case? "

"If it's convenient, I'd like to have an interview with you." Han Bin said.

There was a moment of silence at the other end of the phone. "Are you really a policeman?"

"If you don't believe me, you can come directly to the second squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. My name is Han Bin."

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Cheng Jiwen asked, "how could there be another murderer? I thought the case had been closed."

"Some words are inconvenient to say on the mobile phone, so it's easier to communicate face to face." Han Bin said.

"OK, I'll go and make this call when I get to the Municipal Public Security Bureau."

"Yes, where are you now and when will you be able to come?"

"I'm not far away. I'll get there as soon as possible." Cheng Jiwen finished and hung up his cell phone.

Han Bin also put away the mobile phone, said to the other team members, "good luck, Cheng Jiwen has not changed the mobile phone number."

Li Qin asked, "team leader, do you want to contact Lin Qiuyun's parents?"

"It's up to you." Han Bin said.

Sometimes it's hard to communicate with older people. Han Bin doesn't want to spend too much energy on this.

Forty minutes later, Cheng Jiwen arrives at the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Han Bin tells him the location of the office.

A few minutes later, a man in his thirties knocked on the door and came in. He was wearing a pair of glasses, a striped T-shirt and a pair of dark trousers.

"Excuse me, who is officer Han?"

Han Bin heard each other's voice, got up and said, "I'm Han Bin, you're Mr. Cheng Jiwen."

The man nodded, "it's me.""Sit down, please." Han Bin made a gesture of invitation.

Cheng Jiwen looks a little stiff, looks at the environment of the office, and then sits on the chair, wringing his hands together.

Han Bin felt a little nervous and said, "Mr. Cheng, you don't have to be nervous. We're just looking for you to know something."

Cheng Jiwen bit his lip. "As soon as I arrived at the Public Security Bureau, I felt something unspeakable. It would make me think of my wife. This kind of feeling Not so good. "

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Han Bin asked subconsciously, "have you remarried?"

Cheng Jiwen shook his head and said, "no, remarried family is more tired, not as easy as a person, and my wife's tragic death, so I do not want to form a family."

"How is your relationship with Lin Qiuyun?"

"Good. I love my wife very much. I'm going to spend my life with her. I didn't expect that..." Cheng Jiwen showed a touch of sadness, "I didn't take care of her."

"Where were you when Lin Qiuyun was killed?" Han Bin asked.

"It was a weekend. I took my daughter home to see my parents. I..." Cheng Jiwen said, suddenly stopped, looked at Han Bin and said, "officer Han, why did you suddenly ask about this? You don't doubt me, do you?"

Han Bin explained, "no, don't get me wrong. I just want to know more about Lin Qiuyun's case."

Cheng Jiwen said, "after the crime, the police have made a record for me. It should be in the file."

"I said in my mobile phone before that we have found some new clues, so we need to understand the case from different directions." Han Bin said.

Cheng Jiwen sighed, "what's the new situation? Can you tell me about it? At that time, the police clearly told me that the case was closed. Now they say that there are new clues. As the family members of the victims, I really can't accept it. "

Han Bin hesitated for a moment, and decided to tell the other party about it.

One is that he can understand Cheng Jiwen's feelings now, and it must be stupid to receive this call suddenly. Moreover, the case of that year is not a good memory for him, and anyone will have some conflicts in his heart.

Another trust and communication is mutual. If Han Bin wants to learn more from the other party, he should inform the other Party accordingly.

Han Bin asked, "do you know about Zhu Weichao's prison break?"

Cheng Jiwen has a red eye and complains, "you should have killed him long ago. Why don't you shoot this demon? Now that you've escaped from prison, I don't know what the police are looking for all over the world..."

Han Bin said, "Zhu Weichao is dead."

Cheng Jiwen was stunned for a moment and repeated, "dead? You mean my wife's killer is dead

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Cheng Jiwen laughs, "deserve it, retribution. This kind of person should have died long ago. How did he die? Was he killed by your police?"

"When we found him, he was dead. He was buried alive." Han Bin said.

Cheng Jiwen gritted his teeth and said, "well buried, this kind of person should be buried alive, let him slowly die of despair."

"Which hero killed him? I want to thank him. My family should thank him!"

Han Bin slightly frowned, "we are also tracking down the murderer who killed Zhu Weichao."

"The murderer?" Cheng Jiwen shook his head, showing a strange look, "no, he is a hero! I hope you can't find him, never. "

"I can see how you feel. But he also killed people and broke the law. " Han Bin said.

Cheng Jiwen said with disdain, "so what? I only know that he avenged my wife. I want to thank him for killing the people."

Han Bin is embarrassed. He can hear the dissatisfaction in Cheng Jiwen's words.

Cheng Jiwen continued, "you come to me. You don't want me to help you catch the murderer who killed Zhu Weichao."

Han Bin did not hide, "yes, at present we are really tracking down the murderer who killed Zhu Weichao."

Cheng Jiwen stood up and said in a cold voice, "if so, I have no comment!"

Han Bin advised, "Mr. Cheng, don't worry. Listen to me."

Cheng Jiwen showed a touch of irony, "in my opinion, there is nothing to say."

Cheng Jiwen turned and walked out, then stopped and said, "officer Han, thank you for telling me the good news!"

"Thank you."

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