Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 60: 60

"Team Zheng, now we have found the evidence. Is it right to try Chen Kangning while the iron is hot?" Han Bin asked.

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"Yes, it's not the time to relax." Zheng Kaixuan also worried about one thing: "the first reporter Xu Yan is still waiting for the money. Only when the case is closed as soon as possible can the money be returned to the other party."

"I want to bring Chen Kangning up for trial again." Han Bin said.


Zheng Kaixuan nodded and continued: "I'll go to ask the leaders of the branch for instructions. The situation of Xu Yan's family is special. As long as the suspect recruits, I'll go through the formalities for her and take away the lost deposit as soon as possible."


Xu Yan's father is going to have an operation tomorrow. If the operation is delayed, his life may be in danger. The lost deposit is used to pay the operation fee.


Han Bin returns to the police station and immediately brings Chen Kangning to trial.

With stolen goods and fingerprints as evidence, Chen Kangning is not as calm as before.

Under the continuous interrogation of Han Bin, Chen Kangning finally recruited.

The previous arrogance disappeared.

Like a person in general, crying, a leader, ask Hanbin help commutation.

He also claimed that he was confused for a while and would never make it again.

Han Bin with disdain, will not believe his lies.


After the police.

It was one o'clock in the morning when I returned home from the branch office.

Han Bin took a bath and lay in bed tired and hungry. At this time, if he could have a bowl of instant noodles, it would be absolutely delicious.

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However, he was so tired that he didn't want to move and yawned.

"Congratulations, police officer 577533, successfully cracked the first series of thefts." A familiar voice sounded.

"Micro expression analysis + 4."

"Ten points for merit."

Han Bin shows a smile, and is one step closer to paying off the installment skill bill.

As long as the skills bill is paid, he can learn new crime solving skills.

With expectation, Han Bin fell asleep contentedly

The next morning, Qindao branch.

Criminal investigation team 3, group 2 office.

Li Hui yawned and fell on the table to catch up.

Zhao Ming took the hot water and prepared to eat instant noodles.

Han Bin leans on his chair to play with his mobile phone. The criminal police are busy day and night with the case.

Without the case, Han Bin is still happy to take a break.

He's not a machine. He can't work all the time.

As long as people have negative emotions and know how to combine work with rest, they can adapt to the work intensity of criminal police for a long time.

"Zhao Ming, how to eat instant noodles in the morning." Han Bin said.

"I had some dinner after work last night. It was almost two o'clock when I got home. I went to bed late in the morning and didn't have time for breakfast." As he spoke, Zhao Ming tore open a ham and began to eat it.

Tian Li walked into the office, holding a stack of documents: "has team Zeng not come yet?"

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Han Bin raised his head and looked at the clock on the wall: "it's all this time. It's estimated that it won't come again today."

"Who can sign these files and documents?" Tian Li is helpless.

"Just give it to Zheng." Zhao Ming proposed.

"Yesterday, we were going to give team Zeng a video to ask him what happened. As a result, we were too busy to take care of our work. What's the matter with us today? Is it a video? I'd better call on you. " Li Hui raised his head to solicit public opinions.

"Have you ever been to Zeng's house?" Han Bin asked.


"You haven't even been there. How can we know where we used to live?" Tian Li shrugged her shoulders.

"So it is Li Hui said with some embarrassment.

"Well, while we're not busy now, we'd better give team Zeng a video. If something happens, we can help each other." Han Bin took a look at the three: "who's fighting?"

"You have made the first contribution again. Even team Zheng praised you. Who will fight if you don't fight?" Li huidao.

"Yes, team Zeng will definitely ask about the case. Han Bin is more suitable."

"Bingo, just fight."

Han Bin did not show any affectation. He opened wechat and applied for a video call with Zeng Ping.


A moment later, the video call was connected, and Zeng Ping's figure appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

"Good morning, team Zeng." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Team Zeng."

The three of Li Hui also showed their heads behind.

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"You guys, why are you so free today? Why did you video with me early in the morning?" Zeng Ping squeezed out a smile.

"I just finished a case yesterday. I'm not very busy today. I just want to see what you are busy with."

"It's nothing, just a little personal."

Han Bin hesitated: "team Zeng, can we help you?"

"No, I'll do it myself." Zeng Ping waved his hand."Team Zeng, don't be polite to us." Li huidao.

"Yes, we are on call." Zhao Mingdao.

"Team Zeng, we don't feel used to your absence these days." Tian Li smiles.

"Not used to it? I feel relaxed. No one urges you. " Zeng Ping joked.

"It's up to you."

"No way." They quickly denied it.

"Well, cherish your free time. I'll go back in two days. You'll be busy then." Zeng Ping Road.

"Then we'll be in the office, waiting for you."


There were no cases for two days in a row, Zeng Ping didn't go to work, and Han Bin's four people were not controlled, but they had a lot of leisure.

Han Bin, in particular, went to the office to sit there, drinking tea or coffee, playing mobile phones, hair will stay, a small life is very comfortable.

After lunch, Han Bin returned to the office, feeling sleepy and ready to squint for a while.

"Bang Bang..."

"Dong Dong Dong Dong... "

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There was a sound of gongs and drums outside.

"Shit, what's going on?" Li Hui said curiously.

"It sounds like the gongs and drums are beating outside." Zhao Ming went to the window and looked at him.

"Who dares to run to the public security bureau to beat the drum?" Li Hui also ran to the window and looked around.

"Could it be a wedding party passing by the gate of our police station?" Tian Li guessed.

Han Bin pointed to the clock on the wall: "elder sister, look what time it is. The new daughter-in-law has already married home."

"Sister Tian, you don't want to get married." Zhao Ming joked.

"Go on, don't talk about this mess." Tian Li picked up a book on the table and was about to smash it.

Scared Zhao Ming quickly hide: "sister Tian spare my life, I know it's wrong."

"Don't make any noise. Ah, all the gongs are in our police station." Li Hui called.

"That's true. There are a lot of people."

"How do you look at it? It's a bit like sending a banner." Tian Li murmured.

"Have the first and second teams solved any major cases recently?"

"I didn't hear that."

"Huige, you know a lot of people in the branch, don't you?" Zhao Ming asked.

Han Bin sharp eyed, pointed out the window: "how do I look at the head of a few people a little familiar."

"Coincidentally, I also think..." In the middle of his speech, Li Hui suddenly remembered, "isn't this the owner of Linfang community?"

"Are the banners for us?"

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