Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 606: 606

"Ding Ling Ling..."

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A burst of mobile phone ring, Han Bin took out a mobile phone to see, is Ma Jingbo call.

"The horse team."

Ma Jingbo opened the door and said, "I'll tell you something. The technology department has finished DNA comparison. The blood in the house of Jiayuan community is Niu Xin's

"In addition, Zhu Jiaxu found the place where the body was thrown."

Han Bin was a little surprised. "Yo, Lao Zhu can do it. It's quite fast."

"Where's the body? I'm fine now. Go and have a look. "

"I'll send you the location. And you're going to have to do it. " Ma Jingbo finished and hung up his cell phone.

Han Bin shows a wry smile. Is it stimulating him?

"Chief, what's the matter?" Bao Xing is curious.

"The second group found Niu Xin's body." Han Bin rearranges the task, "Jiang Yang, you continue to be responsible for contacting Guo Xiaoshan."

"Sister Li, you are responsible for the monitoring of the community."

"Bao Xing, come with me to the corpse dumping site."



Outside shangning village.

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This area was originally a pond, but later it turned into a stinky ditch. A lot of garbage was dumped around it. You can smell the stink from a long distance.

Bao Xing stopped the car nearby. As soon as he opened the door, he immediately covered his nose. "I'll go, it tastes It's amazing

Han Bin took a mask from the car, put it on, and handed it to Bao Xing. After getting off the car, he glanced around.

There are a few cars from the Municipal Public Security Bureau nearby, and a dozen people are standing by the stinky ditch not far away. In addition to the two groups of people, there are also the technical section, the forensic section, and the police who have already been in the police station.

"Team leader, the suspect is good at finding a place. It stinks so much that he immediately covers up the body odor."

Han Bin put on the shoe cover, "let's go and have a look."

Bao Xing looked at the garbage heap in the distance and sighed. He said in secret that he would have gone to check the monitoring if he had known about it. He didn't wait for the phone call.

Bao Xing also put on a shoe cover, not for fear of damaging the scene, but for fear of soiling the shoes.

Zhu Jiaxu said, "here you are."

Han Bin asked, "what's the situation?"

Zhu Jiaxu pointed to not far away, "you come just in time, the body has just been dug out, come and have a look."

Han Bin looks in the direction of Zhu Jiaxu's finger and finds a pit beside the garbage dump. There is a black bag beside the pit. People from the technology department have opened the bag and exposed a man's head. He is bloody and can be identified vaguely.

Niu Xin.

Zhu Jiaxu said with emotion, "it's a pity that this young man is 17 years old, which is the best time."

In Han Bin's opinion, Niu Xin has his own reasons for coming to this step, but it is more because of his family.

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Parents are children's first teachers, and their words and deeds have an invisible influence on their children.

From the moment Niu Xin embarked on the road of crime, it was doomed that his life would not be very smooth.

In the TV series, there are not many big brothers, but only a few.

Most people go on the road of crime, either caught by the police, or lost forever.

Wrong step, wrong step.

The black plastic bag was untied and Niu Xin's body was exposed. There was a lot of blood on his body, which was dry and black.

Although the garbage around is smelly, Han Bin can still smell a strong smell of blood.

The skin and flesh of the neck were everted, with an obvious scar.

Intuitive judgment of the other party may be cut throat to die, with the previous forensic speculation is consistent.

Han Bin asked, "how did you find the body?"

Zhu Jiaxu said, "according to the time when Niu Xin left home, we speculated the approximate time of Niu Xin's death, and checked the suspicious vehicles during this period. According to Skynet monitoring, the car disappeared when it was found nearby all the way. "

"After we got off the car to check, we found that there were traces of cleaning nearby, and a very clean path was swept. I thought it was suspicious, so I followed that path and found traces of blood and soil turning around the garbage bag. We tried to dig and found the body

"Where's the truck carrying the body?"

Zhu Jiaxu shook his head. "It's a silver gray van. It's very common. The track of the car is broken from here. Skynet monitoring can't find it. I suspect he escaped by the village road. "

"Wuwu..." At this time, another car came and Ma Jingbo came down from the car.

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Han Bin is ready to go forward to say hello, found that the rear door opened, Ding Xifeng also walked down from the car.

"Captain, horse team."

Ding Xifeng nodded and quickly walked to the body and observed it carefully.

At this time, the forensic is still doing testing, and people from the technical department are also investigating the scene around.

Ding Xifeng saw the general situation of the scene, came over, pointed to Zhu Jiaxu, "the body was found by your group."Zhu Jiaxu straightened his waist and said in a loud voice, "yes, I investigated according to the plan put forward by the team leader at the meeting. I found the vehicle suspected of transporting the body and tracked it all the way through Skynet monitoring."

Ding Xifeng patted him on the shoulder, "well done, I'll give you a credit."

"Have you found any clues about the suspect?"

Zhu Jiaxu replied, "at present, we only know that the suspect is driving a van, and the technology department is still investigating the scene. Maybe we will find something."

"Didn't Skynet monitor capture the appearance of the suspect?"

"No Zhu Jiaxu some helpless way, "the suspect consciously shelter, let alone can't see the face, the body can't see clearly.". "

Ding Xifeng frowned," it shows that suspects are also growing up. The more crimes they commit, the stronger their anti reconnaissance ability. "

Zhu Jiaxu should say, "you are right, I also think we must catch the suspect as soon as possible."

Ma Xiwen of the technology department came over, "team leader, the scene investigation has been completed."

"Did you find anything?"

"This should be the scene of the corpse throwing, and the scene of the murder is likely to be Jiayuan community. A large amount of blood on the body of the deceased and the way of death are more consistent with the blood in the house of Jiayuan community."

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"We didn't find any obvious drag marks near the scene, but we found some cleaned marks. I speculate that the suspect may have dragged the body, and in order to avoid leaving drag marks and footprints, he cleaned it again along the road. "

"No digging tools, no weapons, no fingerprints were found around."

"No identification items were found on the body of the deceased, and no mobile phones and other communication equipment were found."

"But I found a coat in the bag of the dead, with a lot of blood splashing on the sleeve. I personally feel that it should not be the clothes of the dead, and further identification is needed."

Ding Xifeng interjected, "do you have a picture of that dress?"

"Yes, I'll send it to you." Ma Xiwen finished, took out his mobile phone and operated it.

After Ding Xifeng received the pictures, he checked them first, and then sent them to the 603 project group, where all the police officers could see them.

Han Bin also points to open the picture to see that the style of the coat is relatively old. It looks like it has been worn for a long time, and there are obvious splashes of blood on the sleeve.

Han Bin analysis may be the killer in the throat, blood splashed on his sleeve.

Ma Jingbo said, "the murderer is more and more ferocious. He cut his throat directly."

Han Bin also agrees with Ma Jingbo that the murderer is growing up. Although he found the scene of his body throwing, there is no valuable clue yet.

For example, Han Bin is good at the identification of footprints. Generally, if there are drag marks, the footprints of the draggers may be left around. However, the murderer sweeps around the drag marks, and the footprints are also damaged.

Han binkong has the ability of footprint identification, but he can't show it.

The police have inferred that Niu Xin is dead, and the scene of the corpse throwing itself is not of great value. The important thing is to find the clues of the suspect at the place of the corpse throwing, so as to have a chance to catch the suspect.

But so far, Han Bin has not found any valuable clues

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