Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 614: 614


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Shi Da yawned. Since Han Bin took people to the company yesterday, he was a little uneasy.

If the first time is just a routine inquiry, then the second time must be targeted, which makes him feel very uneasy.

Shi Da involuntarily touched his mouth. When he remembered that he had been collected DNA, Shi Da was even more insecure.

Last night, he even had an impulse to run, but where can he run? He was even more afraid that because of his escape, he would attract the attention of the police. At that time, nothing would become something.

In the final analysis, he still can't let go of everything now. After so many years of hard work, he managed to make a good appearance. Now he has been away for so many years. Isn't he working in vain.

Whether it's a blessing or a curse, he decided to gamble.

He is able to make such a big food company from scratch. Every decision he makes may make the company bankrupt.

However, his luck is very good, most of the time bet right, he believes that this time he will not lose.

This kind of low rise small board building with one floor and one household has good privacy. Shi Da installed a monitor in front of his house and checked that there was no abnormality before he went out.

The car he often drives is a black Cadillac. He doesn't like Mercedes Benz, BMW and Audi. He prefers American cars. They are spacious, stocky and comfortable to drive.

Shi Da drives to work as usual. When the car arrives at the door, the bar doesn't open automatically. Shi Da can't help but frown, and TM has an old problem again.

Sometimes it's not easy to use this pole. Generally speaking, the camera is not aimed at the license plate number, so it can't recognize the vehicle information, so the pole doesn't open automatically.

Shida reversed the car, twisted the steering wheel, aimed at the bar, put a camera on it, and drove slowly to the front of the bar, but the bar didn't lift up.

Shida was a little impatient. He honked the horn twice and said, "didi..."

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I wanted the guard to help start the bar, but I didn't see anyone coming.

"Damn, this property management company is becoming more and more disrespectful. There are so many property management fees every year. The broken car bar can't be used all the time, so TM can't replace it with a new one. And these doormen are lazy one by one. They don't lift their buttocks when they hear the horn of the car

Shi Da complained and moved out of the car, but the bar still didn't respond.

Helpless, he had to get off the car to find the guard himself.

Shida pulled up the handbrake, got out of the car, and said, "dog, I must complain about you..."

When Shi Da came to the guard room, he felt that something was wrong. There seemed to be more people around.

"Creak..." The door of the guard room suddenly opened, and Han Bin came out of it.

Shi Da was startled, and immediately woke up. He should have been targeted, and he was about to run.

However, it's too late, Wang Xiao, Bao Xing, Jiang Yang, Ma Jingbo and others have surrounded.

"Police, don't move!"

The crowd yelled and threw Shi Da to the ground. Shi Da was held down by several people and couldn't resist.

"Click! Click Twice, Shida was handcuffed.

The handcuffs seemed to have magic power. Shida didn't struggle any more. His whole body was decadent and soft.

Bao Xing and Jiang Yang just put him in the car. Shi Da's legs began to tremble.

He didn't shout, he didn't say anything, and he was quietly taken into the car.

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Ding Xifeng went to Cadillac and observed the car.

Han Bin came over and reported, "team leader, people have been arrested."

"Yes, it's very sharp." Ding Xifeng nodded, eyes still staring at the car, "call the technology department, let them come to investigate the car, see if there are other findings."


Ding Xifeng waved his hand again, "forget it, I'd better call."

"You hurry to take the person back to trial. This case can't be delayed any longer. Let the other party speak as soon as possible."

"I see." Han Bin should be a, quickly left, arrange people to escort Shi Da back to the police station.

Han Bin remembers Ding Xifeng's advice, and immediately brings Shi Da to the police station for trial.

There were three people in charge of the trial, Ma Jingbo, Han Bin and Jiang Yang.

Ma Jingbo sits in the position of the chief judge, puts things on the table, and looks at Shi Da sitting on the interrogation chair. His mood is somewhat complicated.

Originally, he also wanted to pry Li Dongzhi's mouth and ask for the clues of the person behind the scenes, but the boy's mouth was very hard, and he just refused to say.

And the other side is a patient, the trial time is limited, can not stimulate the other side, Ma Jingbo even though the trial ability is great, also can not show three points.

He was thinking of a good grinding, may be able to let Li Dongzhi mouth.

Who ever thought that Han Bin directly found the behind the scenes, which made him both happy and depressed.It is gratifying that Han Bin is his favorite person, or his subordinates, Han Bin meritorious, as his leadership, he also followed the light.

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Depressed is, he just played with Ding Xifeng, want to show in front of the leadership.

As a result, as soon as I got up the next day, the murderer was found. What's the use of interrogating Li Dongzhi?

"Cough..." Ma Jingbo coughed lightly and said to Han Bin, "let's go."

Han Bin should be a, looked at Shi Da some, "Shi boss, we meet again."

Shi Da cold face, handcuffs up, "officer Han, if you want to meet me, there are many places, why bring me here."

"When you're here, don't hide. You know what you've done, and we know. That's why you're here. What's more, we already have the evidence. Even if you don't tell me, you can be convicted. "

"I don't understand what you mean?"

"Do you know Zhu Weichao?"

"I don't know."

"Don't promise so much. This is his picture. Have a good look. Have you seen it?" Han Bin takes out a picture of Zhu Weichao and puts it in front of Shi Da.

Shi Da took a look, involuntarily frowned, and then quickly stretched, "never seen."

"Have you ever had a drink together?"

Shi Da squeezed out a smile, "officer Han, it's interesting for you to ask. How can I drink with him if I haven't met him?"

"Zhu Weichao was the murderer who killed Lin Qiuyun."

Shida thought for a moment and said, "Oh, it's him. I'm a little familiar with him. By the way, I heard that a prisoner broke out of prison. It's also called Chao. He won't be the same person as him."

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"You're right. They're the same person."

"Officer Han, I don't understand why you want to arrest me?"

"Because I suspect that you are behind the killing of Lin Qiuyun. Zhu Weichao was hired by you."

Shida laughed, "ha ha Officer Han, you are really joking. Do you have any evidence that I am behind the scenes? Is it Zhu Weichao who personally testified against me

Hanbin a face serious, "you say good, is indeed Zhu Weichao evidence of you."

Shida showed a touch of sarcasm, "OK, you find him out. I'll confront him face to face. I'll see if he can recognize me!"

"I'm afraid it's difficult. He can't confront you now."

Shida leaned on the chair, the whole person relaxed a lot, "Oh, it's difficult that the police haven't caught him, so we have to hold fast. It's been several days. If we really want him to run away, where can you find him?"

Hearing this, Han Bin, Ma Jingbo and Jiang Yang couldn't help laughing.

Shi Da was guilty. Han Bin and others laughed, but he didn't know what to laugh at

Han Bin goes to the interrogation chair and takes out another photo to put in front of Shi Da.

The photo was taken by the technology department. Zhu Weichao was just dug out and opened the black plastic Island, revealing a head.

Shi Da only looked at it once, and immediately he was scared to shiver all over

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