Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 619: 619

"Bang!" Jiang Yang patted the table and glared at each other, "Shida, we have given you a chance. Don't be stubborn."

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"Comrade police, I'm telling the truth. Don't scare me. I'm timid."

Jiang Yang snorted and showed another evidence, "Shi Da, we went to the property company to investigate. You were not at home that night on June 9. Your alibi is false. Where have you been?"

"I don't remember."

"You said that in court. Do you think the judge will believe it? You were talking about celebrating your anniversary at home with your wife. "

"I lied. My relationship with my wife is not that good. What's more, I'm married. What's to celebrate? "

"You lied, but you can't explain your whereabouts. Even if you really can't remember, you can directly tell the police why you have to cheat them. "

Shi Da stood up and said, "I didn't mean to deceive you, but I was afraid that if I don't remember clearly, you would suspect me, just like now."

Han Bin cold face said, "then you think about it, that night where?"

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Shi Da shook his head. "I'm in a mess now. That night, Han Bin invited everyone to eat in Siji restaurant, which is also a celebration of the end of the case.

After work, Han Bin and others drive to the Four Seasons restaurant. In addition to a group of players, Han Bin also invites Ma Jingbo and Ding Xifeng, but the two captains are busy and refuse.

No matter what, without leadership, we are more comfortable.

Today's dishes are prepared by Wang Ting herself. They are very rich.

The main course is barbecue, and octopus, coke cake, vegetable salad and other side dishes, coupled with iced beer, that is called a cool.

After a few beers, the dinner table became lively. People chatted, and inevitably mentioned the case again.

Bao Xing put down his beer glass, his face a little red, and complained, "this case is really depressing. We've been busy for so long, but Shida's old boy still refuses to recruit."

"You think it's TV. Every case can be dealt with smoothly. As soon as the leading character Wang Bazhi spreads out and the evidence is put out, the suspect confesses honestly." Wang Xiao wiped his mouth and said in the tone of a passer-by, "it can only be said that the cases you encounter are still few. In a few years, you will see no wonder."

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Huang Qianqian also participated in the case, but she didn't know the specific details. She asked, "then why did Shi Da kill people?"

"He doesn't admit to killing people, how can he tell the reason for killing people?" Han Bin snorted, put down his chopsticks, and continued, "however, after this period of interrogation, re combing the case, I often discussed with the horse team, and probably analyzed the reason for his killing."

"Why?" Huang Qianqian has big eyes like a curious baby.

Han Bin took a sip of draft beer and said, "speaking of the source of this case, we have to start with the case of Lin Qiuyun."

"At that time, Lin Qiuyun's abortion was not a small blow. He blamed Guo Xiaoshan, the owner of the little shepherd's restaurant, for everything, leading to the bankruptcy of Guo Xiaoshan's chain restaurant."

"During this period, Guo Xiaoshan also made some counterattacks, such as collecting black materials from Shian food company, in order to coerce Lin Qiuyun to stop."

"Guo Xiaoshan also said some radical words. For example, Lin Qiuyun's miscarriage is due to retribution. The onlookers see clearly and the players are confused. Lin Qiuyun may have heard it in his heart."

"Lin Qiuyun is the director of Shian food factory. She is very clear about the ingredients used in the food factory. Maybe she is guilty, which makes her more convinced that the miscarriage may really be due to retribution."

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"Then, Lin Qiuyun is likely to propose to Shida that Shida should not use inferior food materials to produce food in the future. Considering the cost, Shida will definitely not agree. I didn't want to let Lin Qiuyun get in the way, so I transferred her from the position of production director to the position of marketing manager. "

"Originally, Shi Da thought that Lin Qiuyun would stop, but after the abortion, Lin Qiuyun became paranoid. She might not have listened to Shi Da's advice at all."

"I asked Bao Xing to check with the Bureau of quality supervision. During that time, someone reported that Shian food company used inferior food materials. Later, because it was an anonymous report and the informant was not contacted, it was over. "

"The person who reported Shian food company is likely to be Lin Qiuyun, who also killed himself for this reason."

Then a series of cases happened. Shi Da hired Zhu Weichao to kill Lin Qiuyun. Later, Zhu Weichao was arrested and threatened Shi Da to help him escape.

During this period, Shi Da invited Niu Xin to meet Zhu Weichao in order not to expose himself.

Shi Da is a smart man. He has been threatened by Zhu Weichao once. He knows that as long as Zhu Weichao is alive, he is the biggest threat.

So, Shi Da stuns Zhu Weichao and buries him alive in the sun's yard.

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Niu Xin and Zhu Weichao are both employed by Shida.

When Shi Da suffered a loss, he would not suffer a second loss. In order to destroy the evidence and no longer be threatened, he killed Niu Xin.After Han Bin described the crime, there was some silence among the people present.

Huang Qianqian listened carefully and took a deep breath. "Shi Da is really cunning and cruel. He has refused to plead guilty. Will the court really acquit him?"

"Let's go through the inspection yard first." Li Qin shook her head. Judging from her experience, the procuratorate would certainly reject the case because of insufficient evidence. It would not be over if she did not toss about two or three times.

It's not that easy to convict a zero confession.

Bao Xing also showed a worried look, "if we really want to do this, we are not busy in vain!"

"Don't worry. We've got enough evidence to convict. Shida's dead." Han Bin's tone is firm.

No matter how hard Shi Da's mouth is, he is sure that he will die.

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