Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 647: 647

Liu Xiurong said with regret, "ah, how can this happen? She is still so young. It's a pity."

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"Made by Liu, do you have much contact with Zhou Jingjing?"

"Not much. I remember that she took part in three or four programs. Before the first shooting, we had a chat to learn about her basic situation and personality characteristics. After that, we were shooting normally. I was mainly responsible for the production, content and later stage of the program, and basically had no contact with her."

"At that time, did you notice anything unusual about her?"

Liu Xiurong waved her hand. "We have 16 female guests, one host, two emotional teachers, and three or four male guests, not to mention the staff of the program team. There are dozens of people in all. I can't pay attention to them at all."

Han Bin asked, "speaking of male guests, do you remember who led Zhou Jingjing?"

"I have to think about this..." Liu Xiurong pinched her temple with both hands, thought for a while, and said, "I can't remember the specific name, like Yan. The young man is very handsome, sunny and versatile. At that time, many young guests left lights, but he finally led Zhou Jingjing."

"Comrade police, although I can't remember the specific name, I can check it for you if necessary."

Han Bin said, "before I came here, I saw several expensive programs. The man who led Zhou Jingjing was Yan Heyu."

"Oh, yes, I remember when you said that. It's the name." Liu Xiurong answered and asked, "do you suspect that Yan Heyu killed Zhou Jingjing?"

"We are still in the process of investigation, and there is no clear evidence at present. I hope your program team can provide some clues. "

Liu Xiurong recalled," Yan Heyu has only been here once, but I had a talk with him once, but it's just an ordinary conversation, not a special understanding, and it really doesn't provide any clues. "

"Is Yan Heyu his real name?"

"Yes, before they go on the show, we will ask them to sign a contract with a copy of the identity of the male guests. This is definitely not bad."

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"If you can find out his information, we need to verify his identity information."

"No problem. I'll have it adjusted." With that, Liu Xiurong beckoned a man in his twenties. The man was a little thin, with thick eyes. He looked like Liu Xiurong's assistant.

Liu Xiurong whispered a few words to him, then turned to Han Bin and said, "officer Han, if you have any requirements, please mention them. Our program team will cooperate."

"Thank you." Han Bin laughs and continues, "let's transfer the information of Yan Heyu, Zhou Jingjing, Lu Jingfang and Ren Baitao."

Liu Xiurong was stunned for a moment. In fact, she was just polite.

"Officer Han, why do you want to transfer the information of Lu Jingfang and Ren Botao?"

Han Bin took a look at Liu Xiurong's assistant and said, "you let people transfer out first, I'll tell you slowly."

Liu Xiurong understanding, and to the assistant whispered command two, male assistant all the way trot away.

Liu Xiurong asked, "officer Han, what's the relationship between Lu Jingfang and Zhou Jingjing's death?"

Han Bin asked, "are you familiar with Lu Jingfang?"

"Not bad. This girl is very interesting and impressed me a lot."

"Why is she interesting?"

"There are too many people we meet on blind date shows. Most of the female guests are more reserved. They are the kind of people who can see through without saying through. But Lu Jingfang is different. She is very direct. She wrote on the program application form that she wanted to find a rich boyfriend. Even on the program, she never covered up this. To tell you the truth, I personally like this kind of female guest. It's easy to produce program effect and the audience rating will go up. " Liu Xiurong made a rising gesture.

"Is there much contact between Zhou Jingjing and Lu Jingfang?"

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"I can't remember it clearly. I'm in charge of too many things. I don't like to get involved in the affairs between female guests. It's better to do more than less. They will solve the private affairs themselves. If there's a problem when recording a program, they usually communicate with the host directly. It's really rare to find me directly." Liu Xiurong said, showing concern,

"what's the relationship between the death of Lu Jingfang and Zhou Jingjing?"

"Lu Jingfang is dead, too."

"What! Lu Jingfang also died. Was he also killed? " Liu Xiurong stood up, but Han Bin was startled.

"Producer Liu, two female guests died in your program. You should know the seriousness of this." Han Bin waved his hand, motioned the other party to sit down, and continued,

"one female guest was killed by accident, and two female guests were killed by accident. I'm afraid it's hard to convince people to explain it by accident."

Liu Xiurong wiped the sweat on her forehead. "Officer Han, our program is regular. There is absolutely no mess. The death of the female guest really has nothing to do with our program group."

"I think people are always accurate. I'd like to believe Liu's words. However, as long as this case is not solved, it's difficult to completely clear the suspicion of the program team. It's not a small matter that two people are killed in succession." Han Bin said.Liu Xiurong took a deep breath, "will it also affect the recording of the program."

Han Bin shook his head. "I can't guarantee that."

Liu Xiurong's forehead wrinkled into a mountain character, "ah, what can I do? This is a real disaster. Our program has never had such a problem before. "

Han Bin comforted, "Liu production, you don't have to worry too much, these effects are only temporary, as long as the police can successfully detect this case, prove that the death of two female guests has nothing to do with the program group, it will disappear naturally."

"That's right. Those who clear up will clear up. Officer Han, please make sure you find out the case and give our program a clean slate."

"I will try my best and hope that your program team can cooperate with us and provide as many clues as possible so that we can solve the case as soon as possible."

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Liu Xiurong vowed, "no problem, I will do my best to help, which is also the obligation of a citizen. "

after Han Bin's politeness, the conversation changed," do you remember the scene when Lu Jingfang was led away? "

"I'm a little impressed. That guy should be Ren Botao. He has a good financial condition. He started his own company. I think they are very suitable. I'm happy that they can help Lu Jingfang find a good home." Speaking of this, Liu Xiurong has some feelings,

"I have done so many years of programs, in addition to making the audience surprised, I also hope to be able to do something meaningful to help these young people blind date and introduce them. I feel it is also a blessing."

Bao Xing said coldly, "but now Lu Jingfang is dead."

The atmosphere suddenly cold down, Liu Xiurong also some embarrassment, "yes, for her death, I also feel very sad, also hope to help her."

Han Bin changed his words and asked, "do you have the contact information of Yan Heyu and Ren Botao?"

"Yes, they all have it in their information. We usually contact them according to the information."

Han Bin asked a few more, Liu Xiurong's male assistant came over, handed Liu Xiurong a kraft paper bag, Liu Xiurong looked at it, and directly handed it to Han Bin, "officer Han, all the information you want is here."

Han Bin took the information, glanced at it, handed it to Bao Xing, and continued to ask, "producer Liu, besides you, who has more say in the program group?"

"Zhang presided. When I was away, the program has the final say."

"Zhang Yibin?"

"Yes, Xiao Yun is his assistant. You should have met him."

"Hum." Bao Xing snorted and said, "I've seen you before, but host Zhang is in a hurry to record the program, but he doesn't have time to pay attention to us."

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Hearing Bao Xing's dissatisfaction, Liu Xiurong quickly explained, "host Zhang is not very good at speaking, but he has no bad heart. Maybe it's about to record the program. Dozens of people are waiting for him. He's also a little nervous and doesn't pay much attention to his speech. "

Bao Xing shrugged his shoulders, "we also understand these, so we didn't say anything, let him record the program, and the three of us were very supportive as guests."

"Now I formally summon him. After he has finished recording the program, I ask him to go to the police station to make a record. There is no pressure to record the program. I hope his attitude will be better."

"Well, what the police officer said was that when he finished recording the program, I must warn him to correct his attitude." Liu Xiurong said, and then looked at Han Bin, who can see that Han Bin is the real master,

"officer Han, Zhang may have done something wrong, but he is a host and a public figure after all. If he goes to the police station to make a record, it may have a bad impact on him, and even affect the image of our program group. Can we not summon him He went to the police station

Bao Xing said with a straight face, "Mr. Liu, are you interfering in the police's handling of the case?"

"No, no, I don't mean that. I mean you can ask questions here. Three, please wait a moment. He's finished recording No, I'll go to the studio and ask him to come and help the three investigators. Here, you can ask him whatever you want. " Liu Xiurong has a sincere attitude.

Han Bin has always been a person who respects me. I respect people. People have feelings. Everything has certain activity. As long as they do not violate the regulations of the police force, the police also have certain autonomy.

The personnel involved cooperate with the police investigation, Han Bin will also give the other party a certain preferential treatment.

Han Bin cleared his throat. "Originally, Zhang Yibin was more suitable to be summoned to the police station to take notes. As for whether he is a public figure or not, the police should not consider it. The police treat the common people equally and will not give him too much waiting because he is the host."

"However, our police and the people work together as a family. Liu is willing to cooperate with the police investigation. I am also willing to give you face and agree to your proposal."

Liu Xiurong said gratefully, "officer Han, thank you so much. You can't leave at noon today. I'll treat you to dinner in my own name."

Han Bin waved his hand, violating the rules of the police force, he can not do, "the heart received, the meal will not eat."

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