Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 650: 650

Bao Xing and Jiang Yang come into the store one after another and sit beside Han Bin.

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Bao Xing took out his mobile phone and sent a wechat to Han Bin, "team leader, the man behind the counter looks like Yan Heyu. "

Han Bin replied," yes, it should be him. "

Han Bin stands at the door of the store, just a glance to recognize each other, but the more this situation, the more can not stare at each other, otherwise it is easy to scare.

Jiang Yang typing way, "when to start?"

Han Bin said, "wait for the chance."

A waiter in an apron with biceps in his face came up with a menu in his hand. "What would you like to drink, three of you?"

Bao Xinggang ate spicy bar, just want to drink something to relieve the spicy, "what do you have here, how to order?"

The waiter handed over the menu. "You can look at the menu first and tell me what I want to drink later. You can also go to the counter and order

Han Bin stood up, "go to the counter. The menu is too small. It's hard to look at it."

Han Bin goes straight to Yan Heyu, and Bao Xing and Jiang Yang follow him left and right.

Han Bin stands outside the counter, Bao Xing stands near the door, and Jiang Yang stands near the counter. As long as Han Bin gives a sign, he can rush into the counter to catch people at the first time.

The man suspected of Yan Heyu asked, "what would you like to drink?"

Hanbin in his body to observe some, did not find carrying weapons, "a cup of milk tea three brothers."

"Twenty five."

"So expensive?"

"We all have large glasses, and there are pearls in them. It's not expensive at all. Just try it. You want to come next time." Yan and Yu pointed to the two girls next to the location, "the air conditioning over there is cooler, you can go there to drink."

"Yes, I'll have one."

Yan Heyu began to bow his head to make milk tea.

Han Bin cold not Ding of shout a way, "Yan He Yu."

Yan Heyu's instinctive response, "AI."

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Jiang Yang does not know when, has quietly around to the counter inside, standing in Yan and Yu body side, then can take him down.

Yan and Yu Meng raised his head, staring at Han Bin, "you just called me."


"Do you know me?"

"Do you know Zhou Jingjing?"

"Oh." Yan and Yu snorted, put the cup on the table, staring at Han Bin, "she asked you to come to me for trouble, really good, it's been so long, still tossing."

"What's your relationship with Zhou Jingjing?"

"What did she tell you? Say I cheat her, or use her? "

"Did you cheat her?"

Yan Heyu suddenly raised his voice, "brother, what are you doing? What do you want? Just say it. "

The male shop assistant and the man who handed out the leaflets also came.

"We are a milk tea shop. If you drink milk tea, you can have a good drink. If you don't want to drink, just go away. Don't be upset. "

The man who handed out the leaflet echoed, "what's the age of it? It's not the end of it. We spent hundreds of thousands on the decoration alone in our shop. You can think it over by yourself and smash it. "

Bao Xing showed his police certificate and pointed to the corner of the shop, "the police handle the case. It's none of your business. Please sit in that corner for me. Our public security bureau also spent a lot of money on decoration. I don't mind showing you around. "

" police! " The man who handed out the leaflet stepped back, a little confused, "how can this be done Why don't we just split up The police don't even care about it. "

Bao Xingzhi asked, "what are you muttering about? Speak up and say it!"

"No, nothing." The man who handed out the leaflet spread out his hand, as if to Yan Heyu, brother, I can't help you.

Then he sat down in the corner, the waiter also wilted, took off his apron and sat down.

Yan Heyu is also a bit empty, "are you really police?"

Han Bin looks serious, "don't pretend, what have you committed is not clear?"

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Yan and Yu quickly denied, "I didn't do anything, you can't wronged a good man."

Han Bin waved his hand, "come out and say."

Then Yan Heyu walked out of the counter and sat around a table with Han Bin.

Of course, to be exact, Bao Xing and Jiang Yang are sandwiched in the middle, Alexander.

Yan and Yu wriggled, don't know is nervous, or not used to sitting so close with men, "police comrade, what do you want me to do?"

Han Bin said, "take out your ID card."

"I I forgot to bring it. "

Han Bin smile, looked at each other, "I suspect you have dangerous goods, to search you, please understand."

Han Bin made a wink, "you two search!"

Jiang Yang and Bao Xing are ready to start, Yan and Yu said, "don't, don't, I'll take it, I'll get it.""Where did you put it?"

"In the drawer under the counter."

"Bao Xing, you go."

Bao Xing stood up and went to the back of the counter to look for it. After a while, he came over with two ID cards. "Chief, there are two ID cards with different names, but the photo is the same person."

Han Bin took the ID card, one is Yan Heyu, the other is Yan Jiachao.

Han Bin carefully checked the two ID cards. The material of Yan Heyu's ID card is obviously different, and there is a certain gap between the workmanship and the real ID card.

Han Bin asked, "come on, what's the situation?"

"I My name is Yan Jiachao. "

"What about Yan Heyu?"

"I always think Yan Jiachao's name is not pleasant to hear. It's too rustic, so I want to change it to Yan Heyu."

Han Bin handed the ID card named Yan Jiachao to Jiang Yang, "check it."

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Jiang Yang goes out of the milk tea shop with his ID card.

"Come on, since we have found you, we have some evidence. Don't make trouble for ourselves."

Yan Jiachao lowered his head and sighed, "I have a criminal record Don't want to be looked down upon, forged an ID card

"What criminal record?"

"Make trouble."

Bao Xing thinks it's unreasonable, "how dare you go on a blind date show in your case?"

Yan Jiachao widened his eyes and asked, "why can't I go on a blind date show? Because I have a criminal record? I am destined to be a head shorter than others forever. "

Bao Xing didn't expect that the other party would answer so justly, humming, "if you have a clear conscience, you can use your real name, why use a pseudonym?"

Looking at Bao Xing, Yan Jiachao said seriously, "there are always some people who look at people with criminal record with colored eyes. I hate this kind of people, just like dogs staring at bones. When they smell a certain fishy smell, they will rush over and bite you hard."

"Now that the Internet society is so developed, my front foot is on the program under the name of Yan Jiachao, and my back foot will be turned out. I just used a stage name for fear of trouble. "

"It's not a crime to use a stage name."

Bao Xing looks a little ugly. Yan Jiachao uses a pseudonym to appear on the program. He doesn't know if it's illegal. But when it comes to crime.

Han Bin changed the subject, no longer entangled in the question, "what's the relationship between you and Zhou Jingjing?"

"She's my ex girlfriend."

"How long have you two been dating?"

"About a month."

Han Bin wrote down in the book, "why did you break up?"

Yan Jiachao touched his nose, "like together, don't like to cent Bai."

"When was the last time you saw her?"

Yan Jiachao shook his head, "I can't remember clearly."

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"I think so."

Yan Jiachao said suspiciously, "Comrade police, why do you ask me these questions? What happened to Zhou Jingjing? What did she tell you? "

Han Bin stares at Yan Jiachao's face, "Zhou Jingjing is dead."

"What? What's the matter with Zhou Jingjing? " Yan Jiachao thought he had heard wrong.

"Zhou Jingjing was killed."

"This Really? " Yan Jiachao opened his mouth wide and his voice trembled. "When did it happen?"

Bao Xing snorted, "do you think our police are idle and have nothing to tease you?"

Yan Jiachao suddenly woke up and leaned back, "it's none of my business. After we broke up, I haven't seen her again."

"When did it break up?"

"I It's not a day or two to break up. In early June I can't remember exactly which day. "

"Can't you remember, or don't you want to say?"

"I don't remember. I didn't lie. "

Bao Xing said sternly," if you don't tell me the reason for the breakup, I can't remember the breakup time clearly. I really think the police are easy to fool. I still want to visit the decoration of the police station. "

Yan Jiachao said, "I said, I can tell you the reason for breaking up. She had a fight with me and thought I cheated her, so she broke up with me."

"What did you lie to her about?" Bao Xing asked, but he guessed something in his heart.

"She I In fact, how to say... " Yan Jiachao patted his forehead and didn't know how to open his mouth.

Bao Xing asked, "does she know your real identity?"

"Yes." Yan Jiachao answered and added, "but I told her that she didn't want to break up with me because of this."

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