Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 653: 653

Han Bin thought about it and asked, "has this account ever logged in to other IP?"

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"Have you ever logged in on your mobile phone? "

" No. "

Han Bin feels that the possibility of personal behavior of employees is not great. Now mobile phones are so convenient, and computers are also available in most families. If this person is really a black show sponsor or because he is dissatisfied with the company, he can use his mobile phone or his own computer to operate, and it is not easy to be found by colleagues in the company.

Even if he likes to do the work of the black company during his working hours, it is impossible for him to land in other places once and for all.

Therefore, Han Bin is more inclined to make the company's employees black show.

Twenty minutes later, they drove to Chongwen building and took the elevator to the 12th floor.

Cold sour plum herbal tea company office is not small, out of the elevator, the right side is the company.

There is a reception desk at the door. There is a young receptionist.

Han Bin went over and said, "Hello, I want to find the person in charge of your company?"

The receptionist glanced at Han Bin, "do you have an appointment? Who are you looking for? "

Han Bin showed police officer card, "look for your company general manager."

"The police." The receptionist muttered and asked, "what can I do for you

"Invite him to tea."

"Just a moment." The receptionist's face changed slightly, so she picked up the phone to contact her.

After a while, a middle-aged man walked out quickly, with a smile on his face, "three comrades of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade."

The receptionist stood up and said, "Mr. Li, it's these three police comrades who are looking for you."

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Han Bin looked at the other side and showed his police certificate, "Hello, I'm Han Bin from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade."

"Hello, my name is Li Dingshan." The man took the initiative to shake hands with Han Bin.

It's not a good thing to be approached by the police. In order to have an unnecessary influence, Li Dingshan invited Han Bin to the rest room to have a talk.

"Officer Han, what can I do for you?" Li Dingshan takes out a box of cigarettes and hands one to Han Bin.

Han Bin declined politely and asked, "what does your company mainly do?"

"Our company mainly produces and sells herbal tea."

"How about the sales?"

"Not bad." Li Dingshan put away his cigarette and asked, "officer Han, how do you care about the business of our company?"

"Do you know the program" let's make electricity together "

"Yes, our company is the sponsor of this program. It's a good program. It's not only entertaining, but also meaningful to solve the single problem of some young people." Li Dingshan said and asked, "officer Han, did you come here today because of this program?"

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and opened a screenshot of the message "brother Jing in the sun."

Li Dingshan looked at it and frowned, "ah, this netizen is too shameful. How can you be so ugly? I don't respect the program group and the female guests. "

"Do you know this netizen called" brother Jing who is basking in the sun "

Li Dingshan said without hesitation, "I don't know. If I knew him, I would warn him that his behavior was wrong. It's a deliberate attempt to discredit the programs we sponsor. "

"I really don't know," Han Bin confirmed.

"Look what you said. I can lie. I can't cheat the police. There's no need for that."

"After our investigation, this account has been using your company's IP address to log in. Now you say you don't know. It's hard to convince people."

"No. Is someone stealing our company's network

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"You suspect that someone embezzles your company's network to discredit your company. Do you have any suspects or evidence?"


"Then first investigate from the inside of your company, eliminate the suspicion of your company, and then investigate the external factors."

"Officer Han, I don't quite understand one point. This It's not a big deal. We need your city's criminal investigation team to investigate. "

"It's really not a big deal, but it involves a criminal case. I hope your company can help us find out this matter, and don't let small things become big things."

"Good." Li Dingshan held his forehead with his hand, seemingly inadvertently wiping the sweat on his forehead, "maybe Maybe it's one of the employees who played a prank. "

" I've seen pranksters, but if they play the same prank for months in a row, it's not a light prank that can solve it. " Han Bin leaned forward, staring at Li Dingshan and said, "Mr. Li, I have also contacted some company leaders in the process of handling the case. They have a common feature. They all hope to turn the big things into small ones and turn the small things into small ones. Try not to affect the company. "

"Of course, this itself is no problem, but if it affects the police investigation, then I can only do business and invite relevant personnel to the police station to talk."Li Dingshan said quickly, "officer Han, don't worry. I promise to help you find out this matter."

"I'd like to hear how you want to help me find out."

"I don't know much about investigating cases either, or I'll do as you say."

Han Bin suggested, "then call out all the employees of your company, and I'll ask them one by one."

"No, no, as you said, it's not good for this kind of thing to spread in the company." Li Dingshan quickly stopped, thought about it and said, "the marketing department has always been responsible for sponsoring programs and advertising. Otherwise, I'll call the manager of the marketing department and ask him to assist you in your investigation."


"Just a moment. I'll call him."

Han Bin changed a seat and sat beside Li Dingshan, "I suggest you call him directly."

Li Dingshan nodded, sat down again, took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hello, Mr. Li."

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"Manager Jin, come to the rest room."

"Mr. Li, what can I do for you?"

"Come here when you're called. There's so much nonsense." Li Dingshan is a little annoyed. Han Bin is sitting next to him. What can he say?

It seemed that Li Dingshan was angry, and the other party quickly agreed, "OK, I'll go now."

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside the rest room, "Dong Dong."

"Come in."

A man in his early 30s came in and naturally looked at Li Dingshan and Han Bin. Then he looked back, "Mr. Li, you're looking for me."

"It's not me who's looking for you, it's the three comrades of the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade." Li Dingshan said, and then introduced, "officer Han, this is Jin Shaoyong, the manager of our company's marketing department."

Jin Shaoyong looks at Han Bin in surprise.

"Manager Jin, please take a seat. I have something I want to know about you."

Jin Shaoyong sat in the opposite position, "what's the matter?"

"I've heard from President Li that you are the sponsor of the program" let's generate electricity together "

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Han Bin stares at the other side and asks, "do you know brother Jing who is basking in the sun?"

Jin Shaoyong looked surprised and turned to look at Li Dingshan

Han Bin can see that the other party's surprise is not disguised, in other words, he should know the net name, otherwise he would not be surprised.

"If you think about it, don't cheat the police, or you'll get yourself and your company into trouble!" Han Bin admonished for a while, and said, "Mr. Li, what do you say?"

Li Dingshan echoed, "yes, officer Han is right. Manager Jin, you honestly say that knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing. Don't cheat police comrades."

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"I I know some. "

"Say what you know."

Jin Shaoyong pondered for a moment, "this is called" brother Jing who basks in the sun ". In fact, it's an account registered by an employee of our company, so that he can interact with the" let's generate electricity together "program group, understand the trend of this program, and occasionally communicate with fans."

"Communication." Han Bin snorted and said, "have you seen his comments? You call it communication. "

"Our city Criminal Investigation Brigade is not idle. It involves a criminal case. Don't think it's a trivial matter. Don't think it's impractical for me. If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, we can only go to the police station to talk about it."

Li Dingshan quickly advised, "officer Han, don't worry, let me persuade him."

"Manager Jin, what's the matter? Tell the police comrades clearly and don't hide anything. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Jin Shaoyong nodded, thought for a while, and said, "this matter is more complicated, involving some work of our company."

"In the second half of last year, we sponsored the program" let's generate electricity together ". At that time, the ratings of this program were OK, but later I don't know if it was aesthetic fatigue. The ratings of this program were getting lower and lower."

"At the beginning, we also had a reaction with the program group, hoping that they could adjust to a better broadcast time. The program group also communicated with the TV station, but the TV station did not agree."

"We hope to improve the content of the program and add some new links. They were very cooperative and soon changed it to a new version, but the ratings were lower. I had to change it again. I really couldn't help it. "

"Later, some staff suggested that we could help the program group stir up some topics. With the topic, there will be attention, the audience rating will go up, and the exposure rate of our products will be high. "

"So, we have registered this account called" brother Jing who basks in the sun ". The purpose is to help the program stir up the topic, that's all."

Han Bin recorded in the book, "how to stir fry?"

Jin Shaoyong deliberated and said, "it's just to comment and exaggerate on the characteristics of some female guests, so that they can become the topic."Han Bin asked, "do you have an impression of Lu Jingfang

Jin Shaoyong thought about it and nodded, "yes, she has obvious characteristics. She wants to find a rich boyfriend."

Bao Xing snorted, "so you call her a gold digger who only knows money but not people. She also said that she didn't come here for her boyfriend, but for her Godfather! "

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