Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 664: 664

"No, No." Zhang Yibin is anxious, "I have no accomplice, more did not kill them two."

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Han Bin threw his notebook on the table. "How can I believe it based on your lying testimony just now?"

"You're obviously framing. I'm a host. How can I be involved in murder?"

"Bang Bang..." Bao Xing knocked on the table, "Ai Ai, how do you speak? You are superior as a host, regardless of your profession. No one is born with the word "criminal" on his head

"I didn't mean that, I just You can't talk nonsense without evidence. You can't label me indiscriminately. There is no doubt that there will be no crime. I know the law. "

"Just now, you said that there is no doubt that there will be no crime. We'll show you the evidence, and you'll admit it immediately. Together, you are never suspected of crime. That's the excuse to escape crime. " Han Bin hummed.

"This time I told the truth. I didn't lie any more." Zhang Yibin was anxious and angry, and he was about to cry.

Han Bin did not speak, picked up Zhang Yibin's mobile phone from the table, looked up.

Zhang Yibin also has a headline account on his mobile phone.

Han Bin whispered to Jiang Yang, "go to contact Ni Yuanfeng and ask him to send back-end data of Zhang Yibin's Tiao account."

Jiang Yang answered and left the interrogation room with Zhang Yibin's mobile phone.

Seeing that Han Bin ignores himself and whispers to the police on the other side, Zhang Yibin's heart is more and more bottomless. He has seen many foreign films and TV dramas. If the police can't solve the case, they will find some ghost to replace him.

He was afraid.

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"What are you going to do? What are you going to do? I'm the host and a public figure. I'm not a person who can be easily manipulated. I have a very good relationship with Taiwan leaders. They won't ignore me."

Bao Xing took out his mobile phone from his pocket, "which station leader, make it clear, I'll call him now to see how he wants to manage you. If only he knew about the case. We just asked him a few questions. "

Zhang Yibin immediately wilted, this kind of thing, unless it is a special iron relationship, it is too late to get rid of, who would like to touch.

At this moment, Zhang Yibin's mentality collapsed.

Zhang Yibin has a good family and studies well. After graduating from University, his parents put a lot of effort into getting him to work in a TV station. They just took him to run to no less than ten places.

Since then, Zhang Yibin has made up his mind that he must be a person in the TV station, not only for a better life, but also for his parents' sake. Later, he became a famous presenter, so it's up to those people to turn to him.

After entering the TV station, although Zhang Yibin didn't have a big hit, he also had his own program and became a real program host. Many people can recognize him when walking on the street, which gives him a sense of satisfaction and makes him feel like a celebrity.

As the host, he also participated in many dinner parties and met many people in the system. He had eaten and drunk together. Gradually, his heart began to swell and he felt that he was a character in Qindao.

Sitting on the interrogation chair, he realized that all this was fake.

He thought about it in his head, but he couldn't figure out who to turn to for help.

To tell you the truth, at the beginning, he didn't look up to these policemen. At the dinner party, he also met some friends in the system, with rank, status and face.

But what happened next was unexpected. These policemen didn't care about his "identity.".

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Zhang Yibin's character is extreme. Once he makes some achievements, he will expand. Once he encounters setbacks, he will completely deny himself.

At this time, his heart has been completely confused, just want to make things clear, clear their own charges, early out of here.

"Comrade police, I admit that I obstructed the execution of official duties, but I really didn't kill people, I really didn't."

"Then you should confess your crime again, from the beginning to the end. If you are vague and vague again, the police will not fully accept your confession. We will continue to investigate according to the previous analysis. " Han Bin said.

"I said, I said..." Zhang Yibin nodded busily.

This time, he said it in great detail. Starting from Han Bin's first visit to the TV station, he no longer had the slightest concealment, and even described his dirty heart and selfish performance at that time in great detail.

Han Bin is just a kind of trial, holding the mentality of "three strokes without dates", and he doesn't expect Zhang Yibin to admit it. In the end, he relies on evidence to speak.

Zhang Yibin finished his description and sobbed in a low voice, "Comrade police, what I said just now is true. I admit that I have selfish intentions, but I really didn't kill people, and I didn't have the courage."

"Please believe me. I don't want to go to jail. Please..."

"Dong Dong." There was a knock on the door outside. Jiang Yang pushed the door and came in. He sat beside Han Bin and whispered, "team leader, Ni Yuanfeng sent back-end data of Zhang Yibin's Tiao account. No suspicious information and contacts have been found for the time being."

Han Bin nodded slightly."In addition, the captain will hold a summary meeting to let you finish the trial."

"Where is it?"

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"Conference room on the fourth floor."

Han Bin picked up something, "here to you, after finishing the record, send him back to the detention room."

Zhang Yibin yelled, "officer Han, don't leave. I'm innocent. Please believe me."

Han Bin ignored him, straight in addition to the door of the interrogation room.

What did you do earlier? You should cooperate with the police earlier, and you won't get to this point.


Han Bin returned to the office and poured a glass of water, then went directly to the conference room on the fourth floor.

Someone can be heard from outside. It should have been a meeting.

Han Bin didn't knock at the door. He unscrewed the handle and walked in quietly.

Rao is so, also attracted the attention of some people, but did not interfere with the meeting.

Han Bin pulled a chair to sit down, opened the notebook, a serious record of the appearance.

At this time, Zeng Ping is speaking, describing the progress of the investigation.

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"After receiving the reminder from leader Han, we rushed to Wang Siyu's home and checked the monitoring of the community. Wang Siyu left the community at about 5 pm yesterday. She left in a hurry, with several try on clothes on her bed and didn't put them away."

"We checked the monitoring carefully, and Wang Siyu didn't come back after leaving the community yesterday. When she left home that day, she was wearing a long beige skirt, ponytail, black high heels and a brown leather bag

"After leaving the community, he got on a black Mercedes Benz with the license plate number of Lu b176nd. As like as two peas were found in the vicinity of the site, the color and style of the Mercedes Benz are the same.

"We checked and it's still a suit. In addition, the driver intentionally blocked, can not see the appearance, but from the body shape and clothes, the other party should be male

"I personally feel that this Mercedes Benz driver is probably the murderer of Lu Jingfang."

Ding Xifeng raised his head and asked, "did you trace the Mercedes Benz?"

Zeng Ping said, "we are still using Skynet to monitor and track the bottom businesses along the street. I believe there will be results soon."

Ding Xifeng exhorted, "the tracking of the suspected vehicle should keep a close eye on some. From the current clues, Wang Siyu is likely to be held by the murderer, but we have not found her body, which means that she is likely to be alive."

"At the same time, she is in a critical situation. Every minute, there will be more danger. Only by finding out the identity of the murderer as soon as possible and finding his hiding place can we have a chance to rescue Wang Siyu. "

"In addition, I have another situation to explain. Zhou Jingjing extracted the murderer's DNA from her body. After comparison, it is completely consistent with the DNA of the murderer who killed Lu Jingfang. This proves that our investigation idea is correct, and the two cases are committed by the same murderer."

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