Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 667: 667

Xiaofeng village, Qindao suburb.

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Xiaofeng village is a small village with only a few hundred households. It is close to Qindao city and has convenient transportation.

Many people who work in other places will rent houses here. The staff here are more complicated, and there are no less conflicts between local people and outsiders.

A road was built to the east of the village, which can lead directly to the urban area of Qindao. There are many shops on both sides of the road, and there will be some breakfast stalls in the morning.

Among them, there is a fried dough sticks stall with the most guests. There is only one fried dough sticks restaurant in the village. First, because the village is not big, there are not so many diners.

Second, because his fried dough sticks are affordable, delicious and often change oil, other fried dough sticks stalls can't compete with it.

Around the fried dough sticks stand are several low tables and benches. On the south side of the low table sits a pair of young men and women. The handsome men and the beautiful women attract the attention of many villagers.

A woman in her early twenties, with a ponytail and a good figure, sat at a low table, eating fried dough sticks with her head down.

The man took a spoon, fished a wonton from the bowl, and handed it to the woman's mouth, "Siyu, wonton tastes good, you try it."

The woman slightly raised her head, opened her mouth, hesitated and looked at the man next to her.

The man frowned, "don't you want to eat?"

The woman shook her head, "no, I'm afraid of scalding."

"It's OK. I'll blow for you." The man blew the wonton and put it on the woman's mouth again, "eat it, it's not hot."

"Thank you." The woman squeezed out a smile and opened her mouth to eat wonton.

The man laughed and gave a kiss on the woman's cheek. "I'm your boyfriend. Why are you polite to me?"

"What else would you like to eat? I'll feed you

"No, I can eat it myself. You should eat it quickly, or it will be cold later. "

The man grabbed the woman's hand, "Siyu, you are concerned about me."

The woman nodded.

"Yes, I will, too." The man picked up a fried dough stick and took a big bite.

Not far away from the low table, sat a couple about 30 years old, husband and wife are very fat, very husband and wife.

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Fat elder sister while eating fried dough sticks, while looking at the side of the little couple, and looked at the side to eat sweating husband, the most irritating is that he also Bata mouth.

"Hey, hey." The fat elder sister touched her husband with her elbow. "Look at people, and then look at you."

Fat big brother eat some hot, will vest pulled to the chest, revealing than the bottom of the pot round stomach, "what's up."

Fat elder sister stare, whispered, "you patronize their own to eat, bring up a bowl of wonton, even the soup did not let me drink a mouthful."

"You don't like wonton. I bought you a bowl of soybean milk."

"That's soybean milk, right? Are you stupid? You didn't see that handsome guy feeding his girlfriend wonton. It's one thing whether you like it or not. The key is an attitude."


The fat elder brother took a breath. He could bear the words in front of him. The key is that the word "understand" in the back makes him gasp.

You're a fat girl. She's comparable to a beautiful girl. Look at her figure. The chest is the chest and the leg is the leg. You The whole bucket.

Also feed you, this guy, give you face.

Fat elder sister bumped her husband with her elbow again, "Hey, what are you doing, stupid."

Fat big brother's face heap smile, "I this is not in introspection, come to wife, choose a good, big one for you."

Big fat brother scooped a wonton with a spoon and sent it to big fat sister.

Fat elder sister smelled with nose, push fat elder brother's hand away, "I don't like this."

Big fat brother "..."

You old lady, I give you face, don't I.

Fat brother was not happy, but considering the harmony of the family, he ate wonton in one gulp.

You old lady, you are lucky. If you were born in ancient times, I have to marry a little wife and let you eat wonton every day.

The young woman finished eating a fried dough stick and looked at it in a daze.

The young man didn't eat any more and said, "Siyu, are you full?"

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The woman whispered, "well, I'm full."

The man took out a tissue and wiped her mouth. "Let's go."

With that, they stood up and left hand in hand.

Fat elder sister has been paying attention to this side, and habitually poked her husband with her elbow, "look at other people, since I got married, how long have you not held my little hand."

The big fat brother looked at his wife's fat hand, sighed and drank a mouthful of wonton soup as if he wanted to get drunk.


Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Temporary office of the third team of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch.

The three teams were divided into two groups. One group went to the traffic police monitoring command center to check Skynet, and another group went to the office to check private monitoring.Zeng Ping is looking at the information of the case. The suspects committed three crimes, but there is not much evidence except for DNA and Mercedes Benz.

In his experience, the murderer's ruthlessness does not seem to be the first time.

And the murderer dare to leave DNA evidence, which shows that the other party has no criminal record before, of course, it may be that the case is still unsolved.

Ducky stood up, "team Zeng, I found traces of the suspected vehicle here."

Zeng Ping came over to check the monitoring.

"You see, this is the monitoring around 8 pm the day before yesterday. Although the license plate number has been changed, the car model is exactly the same." Duchton paused and continued, "the suspected vehicle disappeared in Skynet monitoring at about 7 o'clock. According to the time, it is likely to be this vehicle."

"Where is this?"

"It's the monitoring at the entrance of Xiaofeng village. I only see the car coming in, but I don't see the car coming out."

Zeng Ping made a quick decision and said, "get ready. I'll report to detachment Ding. I'll leave in ten minutes."



In an hour.

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Two cars drove into Xiaofeng village.

Zeng Ping, Tian Li, Du Qi, Wei Zimo and others got off in succession.

Zeng Ping glanced around. The road was wide and there were many roadside stalls. "Wei Zimo and Sun Xing went to the village committee with me. Other people visited the neighborhood to find out the trace of the suspected vehicles."

And then they split up.

Zhao Ming played a game last night. He went to bed late and got up late. He didn't even care for breakfast. He just saw a fried dough sticks seller not far away.

"Well, I'll ask over there."

Zhao Ming said hello to others and ran to the fried dough sticks stand.

"Boss, two fried dough sticks."

The boss is in his forties, and he is a sharp man. He sandwiches fried dough sticks and asks, "we have soybean milk, bean curd and wonton. What would you like to drink?"

Zhao Ming is to want to eat a bean curd, but now is in the investigation, also do not have that condition, "to a cup of soy milk."

"Yes, with or without sugar."

"No sugar."

While the boss was packing soya bean milk, Zhao Ming asked, "boss, your village is so close to the urban area, so you should have a lot of money."

"Not bad."

"Do you have a Mercedes Benz in your village?"

"Yes, a few days ago, a young man came to buy soybean milk and fried dough sticks. By the way, he's here today, but instead of driving a Mercedes Benz, he's got a little girl friend. She's beautiful, and she's a good figure. "

Zhao Ming subconsciously took out his mobile phone and opened a picture of Wang Siyu, "have you seen this girl?"

"I'm familiar with you. By the way, I'm the girl who has dinner with the young driver of Mercedes Benz."

"Are you sure?"

"I can't be wrong. I've had it here in the morning. It's less than two hours."

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"And where did they go?"

"I didn't notice. Maybe I went home or I went to work." The boss packed the soymilk and handed it to him, "four yuan in all."

Zhao Ming settled the bill. It's a surprise. If you eat fried dough sticks, you can still find clues.

"Do you know where they live, boss?"

"I don't know. There are so many guests every day. I'm so busy that I can't care about them."

But after thinking about it, Zhao Ming felt that something was wrong, "are they the only two to eat?"


"How do they eat?"

"That's the question, of course, of sitting and eating."

"I don't mean that. I mean, what does their relationship look like?"

"Well, you and I are young. You feed me and I wipe your mouth. I envy you." The boss sighed, "if I were twenty years younger Hey... "

"Zhao Ming." Not far away came a woman's voice.

Zhao Ming doesn't have to look. He knows who it is.

He took a bite of fried dough sticks. It tasted good. He quickly walked to Tian Li and said in a low voice, "sister Tian, are you looking for me?"

"You eat quickly, don't dawdle, let team Zeng see, be careful to scold you."

"Hey, hey." Zhao Ming smiles and feels Tian Li's concern. He passes the soymilk to her. "Sister Tian, drink some soymilk, and take care of your beauty."

"Drink it yourself. I'll ask over there."

"Sister Tian, don't ask. I've got a clue."

See Zhao Ming in the hand of soybean milk fried dough sticks, Tian Li showed a look of doubt, "really? Fake? "

Zhao Ming pretended to be mysterious, "of course it's true, but the situation may not be the same as what we think."

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