Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 669: 669

Head to Tiao conference room.

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Han Bin, Li Qin and Bao Xing arrive at Toutiao company and are arranged to have a rest in the conference room.

Han Bin is browsing the Tiao software page with his mobile phone.

These days, as long as Han Bin has time to study this software.

One of the things that impressed him was that he felt monitored by the software.

At the beginning, what news he was watching in Tiao software, the software would push similar news, which was ok, and Han Bin could also accept it.

But then it changed. When he used other software on his mobile phone, such as search software, wechat and so on, he was also monitored by Tiao software.

He searched baiziyuan district with Gaode map, and at the beginning of the search, a lot of information about baiziyuan district appeared in Tiao software.

For another example, Han Bin chatted with Wang Ting on wechat, mentioned the catering industry, and Toutiao software would also push relevant news.

This is not the most terrible. Sometimes Han Bin feels that he just mentioned something when chatting with others, and Toutiao software will also push it. Han Bin even suspects that this software can eavesdrop data through the microphone.

Of course, this is just a question.

Han Bin himself can't remember whether he authorized Tiao software to turn on the microphone function when installing the software. If he could steal data through the microphone, it would be a bit terrible.

Sometimes, Toutiao software will prompt him to authorize the video function, Han Bin immediately refused, which is equivalent to carrying a portable camera.

Through the use of these days, Han Bin is also a thorough understanding of the software, which came up with a new idea of detection.

"Dong Dong." There was a knock on the door outside, and then Ni Yuanfeng pushed the door and came in.

As soon as he entered the door, Ni Yuanfeng showed an apologetic look. "Officer Han, I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting. I did have something wrong just now. I was delayed."

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Han Bin smiles, "it doesn't matter."

Seeing that Wang Xiao didn't come, Ni Yuanfeng breathed a sigh of relief and sat down beside the conference table. "Officer Han, what do you want to do today?"

"I don't deserve to be told. I have a few questions for you."

"You said

"Will your software pry into the privacy of the owner?"

Ni Yuan Feng Leng for a while, did not expect that Han Bin would ask, quickly denied, "no, of course not."

"Why do I browse some products on Taobao, and there are similar push links in Tiao software."

Ni Yuanfeng explained, "officer Han, this is not our head Tiao software to spy, but the product of the era of big data. Now the data are interlinked, and your browsing data on other platforms will be recorded, and then they can accurately put in the information flow ads to head Tiao. This is a way of information flow ads, which has nothing to do with head Tiao itself Not really. Toutiao just provides a platform for advertising. "

"Big data era?"


"Yesterday, I searched for self driving travel on Bai Du. As a result, Tiao pushed me a lot of videos about RV travel. How can I explain that? Bai Du should not advertise in your software. "

"This..." Ni Yuanfeng hesitated, "we do have some cooperation with Bai Du company."

"How to establish a cooperation law, how to sell the privacy of customers?" Han Bin asked.

"No, no..." Ni Yuanfeng wiped the sweat on his forehead. "There are some agreements between our two companies. It's true that we don't talk about them in a big way."

Ni Yuanfeng said, "officer Han, you didn't come here today for this matter, did you?"

"You're right. I'm not in charge of this. It's a big deal. I deleted your company's software afterwards. I'm here today to ask for your help. "

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Ni Yuanfeng said in secret, your attitude is not like that.

However, he did not dare to say, just want to send away the God of plague as soon as possible, "you say, what I need to do, I will do my best to help."

"I'm very interested in your big data, and it's good for solving cases." Han Bin stood up and walked up, "help me locate an account accurately with big data."

"Do you know the name of this account?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't bother to tell you so much." Hanbin thought, it is necessary to explain to him, only the other side to understand their own meaning, in order to better help themselves.

"I went back to carefully study the account information of the people involved in the case you provided, and found that the summer hail account used by the murderer only had contact with two people in the near future, one was Lu Jingfang, the other was Wang Siyu. He has not read any other information, which is very abnormal

"First of all, he knows Lu Jingfang and can be excused for contacting Lu Jingfang directly, but Wang Siyu is different. Wang Siyu is the victim he found through Toutiao software. Before determining the target, he must have browsed a lot of similar videos, but the account he used has no relevant records.""That only means that he has an account of his own, which is normally used, while the account of hailstorm in summer is only used to contact the victim."

If you change the head Tiao number into a mobile phone number, it's easy to understand.

A mobile phone number real name system, is their own, will be normal use with friends, relatives contact. Once the mobile phone number is exposed, his identity is also exposed.

Therefore, the killer will use other people's mobile phone number, which is only used to contact the victim, so that even if the police find the mobile phone number, they can't find the user.

What Han Bin wants to check now is the account number of the killer's real name system.

"I see what you mean." Ni Yuanfeng originally studied big data, and soon understood what Han Bin meant.

"Can you do it?"

"You can try."

Han Bin said politely, "Mr. Ni, you will suffer."

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"Yes, it is the duty of every citizen to assist the police in their investigation." Ni Yuanfeng answered, and then went out to arrange.

A moment later, Ni Yuanfeng came in with the technician named Xiaoma. He was looking for Xiaoma three times in a row. I think he is also a master of technology.

Pony opened the laptop, crackling operation for a while, pushed glasses, "police comrade, I'm ready, you can directly say the target person related information."

"Xiaofang, sister of the construction site."

The technician pony operated, "more than 300000 people have browsed her video."

"A soft girl who loves to keep fit."

"More than half a million people have seen her videos, and there are 100000 overlapping fans. More conditions are needed. "

"Let's generate electricity together, Lu Jingfang, homicide, Benz, Zhou Jingjing, tiannanyuan..." Han Bin said the key words of some cases.

The more conditions there are, the fewer people will meet them.

Li Qin and Bao Xing watched and did not interrupt. It was the first time they saw the suspect locked in this way.

After the pony's operation, "it's locked to five people."

Han Bin continued, "this person's IP login address should be local."

"Pa" the pony tapped the keyboard, "there are two more people."

"Get their information out." Han Bin goes to the screen and starts to check the information of the two accounts.

Account name, wangjiangwu

gender, male

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age, 26 years old

native place, Qindao

mobile phone number, 1368238xxx

Han Bin only glanced at it and "transferred the information of the next account."

Account name, xiaohuajie

gender, female

age, 24 years old

native place, Qindao

mobile number, 158233xxx

Li Qin came to have a look, "this is not a female user."

Han Bin turned to one side of Ni Yuanfeng, "gender should be able to fill in it."

Ni Yuanfeng replied, "yes, as long as the mobile phone number is bound, others can be filled in at will. We do not force customers to have full real name information."

"Sister Li, inform the technology department, check the account name, sister Xiaohua's mobile number."

Li Qin asked, "what's the name of Wangjiang?"

"Don't check this."

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