Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 673: 673

(the last chapter is blocked, some words can't appear, use dangerous goods instead, this chapter should be written. Long live understanding.)

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Fan Xianyi was dead pressed on the ground, he Yingsheng from his pocket took out a remote control, "horse team, really have."

Ma Jingbo still did not relax his vigilance, "search carefully again to see if there are any other dangerous goods on him."

While he Yingsheng searched, Ma Jingbo began to ask, "what's your name?"

Fan Xianyi wanted to turn to see Ma Jingbo, but was pressed to the ground, struggling, "you let me go."

Ma Jingbo grabbed his hair and said, "don't talk nonsense. What's your name?"

Fan Xianyi bit his back teeth and glared at each other, squeezing out three words from his teeth, "fan Xianyi."

"Do you know why I caught you?"

"I don't know."

"How dare you say it now?"

"What I said is true. You have caught the wrong person. "

" no mistake, it's you. " Ma Jingbo snorted and continued to ask, "what's the name of the girl with you?"

"Wang Siyu."

"What does it have to do with you?"

"It's my girlfriend."

"Again, what's the relationship?"

Fan Xianyi yelled, "say again ten times, she is also my girlfriend!"

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"Let go of me. I'm going out with my girlfriend. Why do you arrest me?"

"You killed Lu Jingfang and Zhou Jingjing?"

"What? I don't know Lu Pingfang and Zhou Lingling at all?"

"I mean Lu Jingfang and Zhou Jingjing? I don't know. "

"I didn't know her ten times. I just came out with my girlfriend."

Ma Jingbo sneered, "OK, it's hard to say. If you say someone else is your girlfriend, do you want to see if they recognize you?"

Although the inquiry was not withdrawn, the identity of the other party has been confirmed and the attitude of the other party has been understood.

Ma Jingbo waved his hand, "take away."

At the same time, the women's toilet separated by a wall started to move at the same time, and Wang Siyu was also controlled by Han Bin, Li Qin and others.

Although Wang Siyu is the victim, she has dangerous goods. Han Bin and others have to be careful.

One more thing, Wang Siyu was hijacked, just Hanbin speculation. No one can guarantee that Wang Siyu is really willing to follow fan Xianyi.

There are many cases of serial killers in foreign countries. They were originally the victims captured by the killers. After being abetted by the killers, they became the accomplices of the killers.

Although Wang Siyu was held for a short time, this is unlikely, but no one dare to take the risk.

Therefore, the safest way is to control Wang Siyu first, ask him clearly, remove the dangerous goods, and then carry out the next resettlement.

Wang Siyu, like a frightened bird, while being controlled, did not resist at all, but trembled with fright, "don't hurt me, don't hurt me."

Li Qin cried, "don't be afraid. We are police. We're here to save you. "

"Police, are you really police?" Wang Siyu's eyes widened, with an unbelievable appearance.

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Han Bin showed his police certificate and said in a calm voice, "we are really police. This is my certificate. Our comrades have controlled fan Xianyi. You are safe now. Don't be afraid."

"Safe." Wang Siyu murmured, his face showed the color of panic, raised his coat, "no, no, I have dangerous goods on me!"

"Wang Siyu, don't get excited. Fan Xianyi has been controlled. He has no chance to start the remote control. What you have to do now is to cooperate with the police. Calm down and the police will help you. "

Wang Siyu cried, "really? The devil has been caught

"Really, our comrades have put him in the police car."

"Wuwu..." Wang Siyu finally cried out.

However, she is still in control, dare not cry aloud.

Li Qin gently comforted, "cry, just cry out."

After Hanbin found the dangerous goods, Ding Xifeng had transferred experts. After evacuating the crowd, the experts removed the device on Wang Siyu.

Fan Xianyi only knows a little about it, not an expert. It's the easiest one to make. It's very rough and its performance is not very stable. Fortunately, it was removed in time.


Wang Siyu burst out crying, this cry is not sad, but in the release of repressed emotions.

After crying for several minutes, Wang Siyu was helped into the police car.

"Thank you, comrade police. Thank you for saving me. Thank you..." Wang Siyu hugged Li Qin and kept thanking him.

After settling the suspects and victims, Han Bin and Ma Jingbo are relieved.

Although the deployment is well planned and they have a great deal of confidence, if they make a mistake, the consequences will be unimaginable.Ma Jingbo wiped the sweat on his forehead and told Han Bin, "you check the scene again to see if there are any omissions. I'll report to the team leader and let him get off the highway."

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Han Bin said with a smile, "the team leader is now estimated to be waiting for news, and then run out of the market."

Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Many people surrounded the compound of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Director Feng Baoguo met them in person.

This time, the second squadron of the city's Criminal Investigation Brigade not only successfully solved the case, but also rescued a victim from the suspect. This is not only the honor of the second squadron, but also the honor of the whole city's Criminal Investigation Detachment.

A sharp eyed policeman hopped and yelled, "here, here, it's the captain's car."

Voice down, the number of cars into the police station, the moment the door opened, thunderous applause sounded outside.

Ding Xifeng, Ma Jingbo, Zeng Ping, Han Bin and others have walked past one after another.

Feng Baoguo glanced at the crowd and said with a smile, "this time we not only caught the suspect, but also successfully rescued the victim. It's a beautiful job. I must ask the provincial government for credit."

Everyone said, "thank you, Feng Ju."

"You're welcome. You deserve it. You've caught the suspect and safeguarded the peace. On behalf of the Municipal Bureau, I'd like to thank you." After a pause, Feng Baoguo continued, "through discussion, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau decided that each criminal investigation team member participating in the case would be given a bonus of 3000 yuan."

On hearing this, the police officers of the second squadron of the municipal criminal investigation team and the Yuhua Branch were excited. No matter how much encouragement they said, it was empty. The bonus was real.

The police officers in the crowd were envious, but not envious. They were clear about the hard work of investigating the case.

This case is really beautiful, and they only envy it.

Ding Xifeng said, "Feng Bureau, on behalf of the members of the 626 joint task force, I would like to thank the leaders of the Municipal Bureau for their care and love."

"Well, I'll give it to you." Feng Baoguo put out his hand and patted him on the shoulder. "You've been working hard this time. Hurry to clean up and go to the restaurant for dinner. I'll let the restaurant keep dinner for you."

When they heard this, their hearts warmed.

It's more than three o'clock in the afternoon. It's already past the meal time. Most of the team members don't care to have lunch. The most they can do is to eat bread. They are all big stomach kings. How can they have enough to eat? They are already hungry.

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Originally I thought I would be hungry till night, but now I hear that the canteen has food left, how can I not be happy.

After settling the suspect and the victim, people rushed to the restaurant in groups.

Han Bin has been hungry chest paste back, before not so strong feeling, into the dining room has been hungry some panic.

The restaurant has prepared seven dishes and one soup, all of which are delicately fried. Han Bin can see that these are newly made, not leftovers at noon.

Ma Dajie, the person in charge of the restaurant, held a spoon in one hand and cried, "director Feng said that today is an overtime meal. We don't need money. Everyone is open to eat."

The crowd was immediately excited.

Ma continued, "the premise is, no leftovers."

This sentence is ignored by most people. For these food items, I don't know how to write the word "leftovers".

Han Binsheng is eating a plate full of dishes when his mobile phone rings.

"Hello, Dad."

Han Weidong's voice rang out in the mobile phone, "son, I heard that you are on a mission?"

"Yes. How do you know? "

"I've heard from my friends in the municipal bureau that your arrest is very dangerous. There's nothing wrong with it."

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong. Everyone has been arrested. We are eating in the canteen."

"Good. You can eat and come back in the evening. " Han Weidong's tone was much more relaxed.

Han Bin sighed, no matter what time, parents are quietly concerned.

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