Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 678: 678

Three hours later, Han Bin came out of the interrogation room.

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The 626 joint project involves three victims, and there are many details to ask.

Han Bin took a look at his watch. It was already more than five in the afternoon.

Han Bin opened the door and took a look at the observation room. There was no one inside. Ma Jingbo didn't know when he had left.

Han Bin stretched and moved his legs. "Sister Li, fan Xianyi has something to tell Wang Siyu. I'll trouble you."

"No problem." Li Qin nodded and agreed. When the case was closed, she had to see Wang Siyu. It was just a matter of one sentence.

"By the way, what if Wang Siyu doesn't want to listen?"

Han Bin said, "the premise that we help fan Xianyi convey is not to affect the victim's will. If Wang Siyu doesn't want to hear, he won't say it, so as not to cause secondary harm to her."

Han Bin has such an arrangement, which has already completed the agreement with fan Xianyi. As for whether the victim wants to hear it or not, it is not up to him to decide.

He's just a microphone, that's all.

Back to the office, Hanbin some accident, not only Ma Jingbo here, Ding Xifeng also came.

Han Bin laughed, "Captain, you are a rare guest."

"I'm not welcome?"

"I can't wait for you to come to our group every day."

"Fan Xianyi asked?"

Han Bin handed over the trial record.

Ding Xifeng sat on the chair and looked at it seriously, "yes, he took the initiative to explain, which also saved us trouble."

Most of the cases handled by the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade are felons, and many people's charges are enough to be sentenced to death. For this reason, many suspects hold the idea that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. No matter how they ask, they just refuse to speak. If they have the ability, they will directly convict me of death.

The evidence of 626 joint case is sufficient to convict without confession, but it is not as good as the suspect himself.

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Bao Xing said with a smile, "Captain, we not only solved the case this time, but also successfully rescued the victim. Is there any reward?"

"You're the only one." Ding Xifeng laughed and scolded, handed the trial record to Ma Jingbo, "director Miao has always been concerned about this case, and is very satisfied with the process and result of this case. He will personally ask the superior leaders for credit. Don't worry, you are indispensable to the reward."

Hearing the words, everyone was in a good mood.

Director Miao is the head of the Municipal Bureau and vice mayor of Qindao city. If he comes forward to declare, he will be sure.

"In addition, I have another thing to announce. The post of vice captain of our second squadron has been vacant for a period of time. After observation and consideration during this period, Han Bin has outstanding criminal investigation skills, high ideological awareness, certain leadership ability, and gets along well with his colleagues."

"The horse captain and I unanimously recommended him to be the Deputy squadron leader of the second squadron. Feng Bureau has also approved him. We can go through the formalities tomorrow." Speaking of this, Ding Xifeng patted Han Bin on the shoulder,

"I hope that Captain Han will make persistent efforts and achieve better results in his new position."

Han Bin saluted and said, "yes, I will continue to work hard to live up to your expectations."

Others came back and began to celebrate.

Huang Qianqian was surprised and said, "the team leader has been promoted!"

"Congratulations to leader Han."

"Congratulations to captain Han!"

Han Bin's becoming Deputy squadron leader is not only good for him, but also good for the team members in the group.

Team 1 and team 2 of the second squadron often take joint actions. It's OK when Ma Jingbo is there. If Ma Jingbo is no longer in charge, the two leaders must have a leader. Now that Han Bin has become the Deputy squadron leader, he will naturally take the lead over Zhu Jiaxu.

Bao Xing is particularly happy to slap hard, his idea is relatively simple, after more face in front of the two groups.

Face is something that you can't see or touch, but sometimes it's very attractive and everyone wants to fight for it.

In particular, it is not easy for people in the system to be promoted, and their income is relatively stable. Most of the time, they are fighting for face.

Face is not a derogatory word, but a neutral word. If it is used well, it is a good thing. If it is not used well, it is a comparison.

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Take the situation of the police force as an example. The one who solves the case and who is promoted will have face, which can form a virtuous circle.

To a certain extent, the leaders of the police station still hope to see the competition among various squadrons and groups.

Fan Xianyi has confessed and the case has entered the stage of closing.

Ding Xifeng summoned all members of the 626 joint task force to hold a case summary meeting.

At the meeting, Ding Xifeng showed fan Xianyi's confession to everyone. At the same time, in order to handle the closing procedures as soon as possible, he also assigned the three cases.

Yuhua Branch has been handling the case of Lu Jingfang, and the third squadron of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch is responsible for the completion of the case.

Zhou Jingjing's closing procedures are in the charge of the second group of the second squadron.Wang Siyu's closing procedures are in the charge of the first group of the second squadron.

Finally, all the procedures and files of the case were put together in a group of No.2 Middle School, and systematically reviewed and declared under the guidance of Ma Jingbo.

At the end of the meeting, Ding Xifeng publicly announced Han Bin's decision to be promoted to Deputy squadron leader of the second squadron.

Naturally, a few families are happy and a few families are worried. Han Bin's men and the people in Yuhua Branch are naturally happy for him.

However, although Zhu Jiaxu's group congratulated on the face, their mood was not high.

Zhu Jiaxu is also qualified to compete for deputy squadron leader. If his men are excited about Han Bin's election, they will be heartless.

It is human nature that there should always be a process of acceptance.

Ding Xifeng announced in public at the meeting that it was a platform for Han Bin, giving him enough face.

However, you can't have both fish and bear's paw. Han Bin has gained face and has to be coaxed to treat him.

Han Bin then remembered Ma Jingbo's original words. It turned out that Ma Jingbo was not short of money, but he was afraid of being short of money.

Han Bin is a little sad, and the bedding is too long.


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It's more than seven in the evening.

Li family's meat.

There is a special dish in Qindao called chuozi meat, which has two characteristics. The first is that the cooking utensils are not ordinary round pots, but square iron boxes. Local people are used to calling it "chuozi".

Another feature is that customers bring their own ingredients, and the boss only charges processing fees.

Although this kind of catering mode is special, there are still some local markets. One of the important reasons is that the food they buy is cheap, fresh and safe to eat.

Han Bin calls ahead of schedule and drives several cars to the Li family's meat shop.

More than a dozen people came down from the car, only a part of them occupied seats. The rest of them went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Today, all the people from the second squadron of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau and the third squadron of the Yuhua Branch Bureau came.

Twenty minutes later, the people who bought vegetables also came back. Big bags and small bags moved into the hotel. It looked like moving.

One leg of lamb, four catties of beef, two rabbits, two chickens, four catties of streaky pork, two ducks, four fish, oysters, prawns, Qingkou, squid, skin prawns, some fresh vegetables and three barrels of Qindao fresh beer.

A total of more than 20 people, most of them are food, food preparation is not enough.

Before coming, Han Bin also invited Ding Xifeng and Feng Baoguo, deputy director of the Bureau. However, these two leaders declined politely. They were afraid that they would not enjoy themselves if they came.

Ding Xifeng is also very considerate of a wave of the big hand, an exception to allow proper drinking tonight.

This is a good opportunity. It's rare for everyone to get together. Han Bin bought three barrels of fresh beer directly.

There is a small courtyard behind the Li family's chuozi meat. More than 20 people fill the courtyard. Everyone who drinks has a large glass of fresh beer in front of them, while those who don't drink have Coke and juice.

Ma Jingbo holding a glass, "today is a good day for captain han to be promoted, and it's captain Han's treat. I propose a toast to him."

Han Bin also raised his glass and said with a smile, "I can have today because of the support of the horse team, Zeng team and other leaders. Second, with the help of all of you here, I should like to propose a toast to you. "

"I'll do it. You're free." With that, Han Bin drank it all.

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"Have a good time."

"Captain Han is a good drinker. "

" another drink. "

"Ha ha..." Many people around followed suit.

"Come on, I haven't had a drink for a long time. Let's have a drink, too." Zeng Ping yelled and drank half a glass of beer.

Seeing that the three captains took the lead, the others drank along.

After a glass of wine, the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

We are all colleagues, naturally there is no lack of topic, everywhere chatted.

What? The White House is going black.

Ah San is doing Yangko at the border again.

Which street let me put the stall again.

House prices will rise, stabilize or fall in the future.

In short, after a few cups of wine, from the commander of the United States to the stall fee, there is nothing you can't talk about.

As the protagonist of tonight, Han Bin has been given a lot of wine.

However, he was happy to drink this wine, not only because of his promotion in solving the case, but also because of his colleagues working side by side. It was very good for him to get together, have a drink and have a chat.

As for spending money on a treat, it's just a small matter. Nowadays, people are willing to give you face. It's too late to be happy.

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