Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 68: 68

After learning something from he Ru, he sent her to the command car.

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If the kidnappers contact her, Zheng Kaixuan can respond immediately.

At the same time, Zheng Kaixuan also contacted the technical team and asked them to rush to the command car. As long as the kidnappers call the mobile phone again, they can try to locate the real-time mobile phone. Although they may not succeed, they always have to try.

As for Han Bin and Li Hui, they began to look for Chen Zili.

The case of He Yan is not like a simple kidnapping case, but no matter what happens, Chen Zili is the key.

Han Bin thinks about it. There are three ways to find Chen Zili. The first way is to call Chen Zili. As long as Chen Zili turns on the phone, he can contact each other.

This is the simplest way, but also the most passive one. If Chen Zili does not turn on his mobile phone, Han Bin will not be able to contact each other.

Second, Chen Zili likes to play lottery. He can go to the lottery station to find him.

Third, when Han Bin and others were investigating near Huafei express company, they learned from the landlady of the lottery station that there was a group of people looking for Chen Zili. Han Bin copied a video of the group's appearance, so it's not difficult to find out their identity.

Relying on Han Bin and Chen Zili alone, they have some difficulties in finding Chen Zili. They first rush to the local police station and ask the police of the station to assist in the investigation.

To the police station, Han Bin will lottery station video, to the police station, let them help find those who look for Chen Zili.

The police station is in charge of public security in this area and should have a better understanding of the local situation.

Later, he took out a picture of Chen Zili and asked the police of the police station to help him find it.

Han Bin is not idle, on the mobile phone to check the nearby lottery station, ready to find one by one.

While driving, Li Hui asked, "binzi, Chen Zili's wife is missing. Do you think he is still in the mood to buy lottery tickets?"

"Chen Zili turned off his cell phone, and his mother and sister-in-law didn't know where he was? I quit my job. Where do you think I can find it? " Han Bin asked.

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"You said, could he have been kidnapped, too?" Li Hui guessed.

"He Yan has been kidnapped. What's the point of kidnapping him again? There's no one to raise money. "

"Binzi, do you think he Yan's kidnapping has something to do with Chen Zili?"

"What did you find?" Han Bin said.

"Guess, I just think it's abnormal for him to turn off his cell phone at this moment."

"The kidnapper is calling he Ru. If it's Chen Zili, he Ru won't miss it." Han Bin said, pointing to the front of the car:

"stop, there is a lottery station in front."

Two people get out of the car, go to the lottery station to check, there is no figure of Chen Zili, Han Bin take out a picture to let the boss identify, the other side also has no impression.

Two people out of the lottery station, received a call from the police station, they have found the group of people in the video.

According to the group, Chen Zili owed them money and refused to return it when it was due, so they went to Chen Zili, admonished him and let him leave.

Han Bin also sent a, they met Chen Zili position.

"Where is binzi going?" Li Hui asked.

Han Bin looked at the location: "near the intersection of Jian'an Road and Siming street."

"When did they find Chen Zili?"

"About one o'clock."

"It's almost five o'clock now. It's not a time to carve a boat for a sword." Li Hui snorted.

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"Drive well." Han Bin exhorted, and checked with his mobile phone: "there is also a lottery station nearby, go and have a look."

"I don't think there's much hope."

"Look, if you can't find it."

Ten minutes later, they drove to the lottery station near the intersection of Jian'an Road and Siming street.

Han Bin is at the gate of the lottery station, and Li Hui goes in to look for someone.

The store was also surrounded by smoke, and about a dozen men were studying lottery tickets.

Li Hui glanced at the photo on his mobile phone and found that a man was more like him, shouting: "Chen Zili!"

The man shivered, looked back, saw Li Hui coming towards him, and ran away.

"Get out of the way!" Chen Zili yelled and ran to the outside of the lottery station.

Han Bin side, to Chen Zili make way for a road, Chen Zili from his side ran past, Han Bin foot hook.

Chen Zili stepped on the air with one foot and fell out directly. He said that he fell to the ground and screamed: "ah

Li Hui ran after him, took out his handcuffs and handcuffed him directly.

"Police, don't move!"

"Police, you are police. Why did you arrest me?" Chen Zili was a little surprised.

"Why are you running?"

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"I didn't run. I was in a hurry. I wanted to go to the toilet." Chen Zili sophistry.

"It's bullshit. People who are impatient run like you and pee their pants early." Li Hui lifted him up from the ground.At this time, surrounded by a lot of spectators.

"Let's go, the police."

Han Bin signals everyone to drive, and Li Hui escorts Chen Zili to get on the SUV.

"Comrade police, did you catch the wrong person?"

"Catch the wrong person, if you are not guilty, run what?" Li Hui snorted.

"I thought you were debt collectors. You came to me again." Chen Zili explained.

"Even if it's a debt collector, you don't have to run."

"If you look at my face and the injuries on my arm and back, you can see why I ran away." Chen Zili showed a touch of bitterness.

"How much do you owe?"

"The principal plus interest is about 100000 yuan."

"Does he Yan know you owe so much money?" Li Hui asked.

Chen Zili shook his head: "police comrades, you are he Ru invited to look for He Yan?"

"I don't know what I'm here for. My husband is in no hurry. We're here to join in the fun." Li Hui laughed at himself.

"Please two."

"Chen Zili, do you have any clues about He Yan's disappearance?" Han Bin brings it to the point.

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"Do you know where he Yan is now?"

"I don't know."

"Are you worried about her?" At the same time, Han Bin has been observing each other.


"Who are you going to cheat? If you are really worried, you will go to the betting station to study the lottery?" Li Hui asked.

"Comrade, I can't help it. Look at my injuries. If I don't find a way to pay back the money, they won't let me go." Chen Zili said helplessly.

"How do you pay back?"

"To buy lottery tickets, as long as I win the lottery, all the money will be paid off, and there is still a lot left." There was a flash of light in Chen Zili's eyes.

Or it can be called hope.

"Don't you worry that your wife is in danger?"

"I'm worried, so I went out to look for her early in the morning. If I hadn't been forced by those who want debts, I would still be looking for her now." Chen Zili said.

"Your wife has been kidnapped."

"What Chen Zili was a little surprised: "it's impossible."

Han Bin slightly frowned: "listen to what you mean, it seems to know where she is?"

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