Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 696: 696

Wang Ting patted her forehead, "ah, I'm so embarrassed. Do you think she recognized me?"

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Han Bin didn't speak. He said in secret. That's for sure.

Wang Ting grabs Han Bin's shoulder, "did you show my picture to your mother?"

Han Bin smiles, but still doesn't speak.

Wang Ting asked herself, "I knew that she must have recognized me."

Han Bin comforted, "I recognize it when I recognize it. Anyway, I will meet sooner or later. The ugly daughter-in-law will see her in-law sooner or later. What's more, you are so beautiful. What's to be afraid of. "

Wang Ting pursed," what you said is light. I'm so embarrassed. "

Han Bin suggested, "otherwise, one day when I have a rest, I'll take you to my parents to meet them."

Wang Ting was a little surprised, "is this meeting my parents?"

Han Bin thought, "in fact, I should visit your parents first. If you have time, you can find out what your parents say. If they agree, I will visit them first."

Wang Ting took a long breath, "OK, I'll think about it again."

Han Bin to Wang Ting clip a vegetable, "I also why business, but it is a face, no big deal, hurry to eat."

Wang Ting tooted and snorted, "of course you don't think it's a big deal."

Han Bin smiles. If his estimation is right, my mother should also be telling my father about it.


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The next morning.

After Han Bin arrived at the company, he held a meeting within the group.

First of all, Han Bin relayed what he and Ma Jingbo said.

After listening to this, they all showed the color of thinking.

Han Bin yawned and looked at the crowd, "what do you think of this?"

Wang Xiao habitually turned his pen, "I still think Bao Jinlong is more suspicious. From the existing evidence, he has enough time and motivation to change money into counterfeit money."

Han Bin nods, he also thinks Bao Jinlong is the most suspect.

"You will be responsible for the investigation of Bao Jinlong. I will say hello to Director Tang and ask him to help you find out."

Wang Xiao said without hesitation, "no problem."

Han Bin continued, "in addition, other people who have been in contact with cash should also be investigated. Including Li Shiwei, Lin Zhengyi, the Jockey Club, Zhang Jinhui, as well as relevant bank staff. "

Bao Xing wrote down the names of several people, then slightly frowned, "team Han, I have a question. These people you mentioned are all internal staff of Fanglong warehousing company. They all know that the money is used for dividends."

"The villagers will surely find that the money in the box is fake. Once this is exposed, they will not be afraid that the police will find them by seiteng?"

Lin Qin echoed, "I've also thought about this. If it's the cash exchanged by people from Fanglong warehousing company, they are too bold."

Han Bin took out a cigarette clip in his hand, Bao Xing's words are reasonable, this practice is too dangerous, unreasonable.


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"Han team, what do you say?"

Han Bin habitually knocked the desk with a cigarette, "let's make a hypothesis, if we don't catch the robber, what will happen to this case?"

Bao Xing subconsciously said, "what else can we do? The robbers ran away with cash."

Han Bin waved his hand, "no, no, I said that the premise is that the people of Fanglong storage company changed the money, what will happen?"

Wang Xiao analyzed, "if someone from Fanglong storage company really changed the money, then the 3 million stolen money will surely fall into the hands of the person who changed the package. And no one will know about it except the participants. "

"Bao Jinlong's three people can only get 200000 yuan. They are bound to doubt each other and fight against each other. But they are guilty of theft. They dare not tell anyone about it. They can only be dumb."

"But there is a premise. How can people from Fanglong warehouse know that the money will be stolen?"

Han Bin took over, "that's what I'm going to say. There are insiders in the robbers. One of the robbers may have colluded with the people of Fanglong storage company. The people of Fanglong storage company knew that there would be this theft for a long time, and the money couldn't reach the villagers at all, so they dare to exchange it boldly. "

Bao Xing asked, "who is inside?"

Jiang Yang listened carefully and followed the crowd's thinking all the time. "I think Bao Jinlong can be ruled out. First, he shared the most money and there was no need to do so. Second, the money is hidden in his yard. He can transfer the money by himself. Why cooperate with people from Fanglong storage company? That way, he will only share less. "

"I think the key suspects should be Lao Pao (Wang Zhixiang) and Lu Tonghai."

Han Bin pondered for a moment, "in this way, let's have a surprise interrogation. Bao Xing and I are responsible for interrogating the old gun."

"Wang Xiao and Huang Qianqian interrogated Lu Tonghai."

"Li Qin and Jiang Yang interrogated Bao Jinlong.""Yes."

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Then, the crowd split up.

Han Bin and Bao Xing interrogate Lao Pao in the third interrogation room.

The old gun was sitting on the interrogation chair, his wrists and ankles were handcuffed, and his eyes were a little distracted. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Creak..." The door of the interrogation room opened, Han Bin and Bao Xing came in from the outside, and the old gun's eyes were restored to focus.

"Good afternoon, two police officers."

Han Bin looked at each other for a while, "good mental state."

"Yesterday, I listened to your words. I was willing to make a good transformation and be frank and lenient. I felt at ease." Lao Pao said with a smile, "Captain Han, can I help arrest Bao Jinlong?"

"Of course not."

"Can I commute?"

Han Bin nodded slightly, "we will truthfully write your situation in the file, I believe the court will give certain commutation policy."

"Thank you, Captain Han. Just ask what you want. I will cooperate well."

Han Bin said earnestly, "Wang Zhixiang, you have a good attitude now. The police are willing to provide you with some commutation opportunities. I hope you can continue to do so."

"I will, I will."

Han Bin went to the table, staring at Wang Zhixiang's expression, "where do you hide the three million?"

Wang Zhixiang was stunned, "what? What three million, I divided more than fifty thousand. I saw you yesterday. The rest of the money is hidden by Bao Jinlong. I really don't know where it is. You should ask him to go. "

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Han Bin a pick eyebrow, "Wang Zhixiang, you collude with Fang long storage company's people to transfer cash, we already know, you don't have to install."

Wang Zhixiang's hand trembled, showing a look of panic.

Han Bin caught his expression in time, and the reaction of surprise and fear showed that he was probably the insider.

"Don't you want to do something? Tell me where the money is hidden? "

"I don't know. I don't understand what you're talking about. I don't know anyone from Fong lung storage company, and I don't have the money to transfer. The money was embezzled by Bao Jinlong. You should ask him, not me. " Wang Zhixiang was a little excited.

"Wang Zhixiang, since I say so, there is enough evidence. Just because you don't give an account doesn't mean that your accomplices don't give an account. Telling the whereabouts of the three million yuan is a good opportunity to do meritorious service and reduce the sentence. I hope you don't make a mistake. "

"I want to do meritorious service and reduce my sentence, but I really don't know. I'm going to Fanglong storage company to steal money. How can I be an insider? Besides, I'm not a local in Fuping Town, and I'm not familiar with people there. Even if I'm looking for an insider, people won't look for me. "

"Who do you think you should go to?"

Wang Zhixiang said sincerely, "I don't know. I'm really wronged. I've admitted the robbery. There's no need to lie, right

Han Bin stares at Wang Zhixiang tightly and says tentatively, "we have caught Lin Zhengyi. If you don't explain, he will also say that it will only be more unfavorable to you at that time."

Wang Zhixiang was stunned for a moment and let out a breath.

Han Bin did not see panic from his face, in other words, Lin Zhengyi's suspicion is not big.

That leaves three suspects, Li Shiwei, the Jockey Club and Zhang Jinhui

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