Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 702: 702

Seven o'clock in the evening.

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Jiumen hot pot shop.

Tonight, Zheng Kaixuan ordered a big private room in Jiumen hot pot to entertain the old subordinates of Yuhua Branch.

All the people from the third middle team of Yuhua Branch are here.

One table can't sit down at all. Fortunately, the private room is big enough to have two round tables for ten people.

Zheng Kaixuan, Zeng Ping, Han Bin, Zhao Ying, Li Hui, Wei Zimo, Du Qi, Zhao Ming, and the rest of the team.

Seeing the familiar old subordinates, Zheng Kaixuan was in a good mood. "Everyone is very busy. It's hard to get together. It's not easy."

Zhao Ming unscrewed a bottle of wine and poured Zheng Kaixuan a glass.

Zheng Kaixuan helped the cup, "this wine is Han Bin's, it's a little old, it's good wine, we'll drink more later."

Li Hui said with a smile, "team Zheng's treat, team Han's treat, just let us touch the joy of the two, also move up."

Zhao Ming coughed softly, "cough I'm the one who takes the cigarettes. You can smoke them at will. There's more after smoking. "

Wei Zimo joked, "I don't see team Zheng smoking Zhonghua before. I wonder if it's your boy's cigarette when I get to the provincial level."

Li Hui said solemnly, "team leader Wei, you are so ignorant. The name of Zhao Zhonghua in our third squadron is still very famous."

"Ha ha..." Everyone laughed.

Zhao Ming didn't think he was disobedient. Instead, he straightened his chest. It's better to be famous than to be unknown. In the future, there will be opportunities for promotion. At least someone will remember you.

What's more, he has money in his own family, and he doesn't steal or rob. What's wrong with smoking Zhonghua.

Han Bin said with a smile, "group leader Wei, I heard that you have become the group leader of the third squadron. When will you invite us to dinner, I'm still waiting for the news."

Wei Zimo said with a smile, "I'm still the acting team leader. I planned to treat you after I became a full-time official. I'm too happy that team leader Han can come."

Li Hui interjected, "Lao Wei, you are not right. When I was the acting group leader, how did you make a fuss? The next day, you wronged me. How can I treat you to become a regular here? You can't double label

Wei Zimo squeezed his eyes. "The guest is sure to be invited. Don't worry. You can't come one by one."

Since Zheng Kaixuan went to the provincial department, the third squadron of Yuhua Branch is also a big change. Han Bin went to the City Criminal Investigation Brigade as the Deputy squadron leader.

Zeng Ping was promoted to the leader of the third squadron and Li Hui to the leader of the second group of the third squadron.

At the beginning, the Yuhua Branch sent Zheng Kaixuan to the provincial department for training. It was intended that he would take over the post of leader of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Yuhua Branch. However, Zheng Kaixuan was valued by the leaders of the provincial department and stayed in the Criminal Investigation Corps of the provincial department.

Although he only served as the squadron leader of the serious crime detachment, he was transferred from Yuhua Branch to work in the provincial department. It can be said that Jiaolong entered the sea, and his future is limitless.

Yuhua Branch naturally has no way to compete with the provincial department. Sun Chengying, the leader of the second squadron, was promoted to the acting leader of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch.

Zhao Ying was promoted to acting squadron leader of the second squadron, and Wei Zimo took over Zhao Ying's position as group leader.

In addition to Han Bin was transferred to the Municipal Bureau, other people's promotion has something to do with Zheng Kaixuan.

There are all kinds of dishes on the table. There are fresh vegetables, fungi, meat, seafood and everything you want to eat.

Zheng Kaixuan stood up and said, "come on, I'd like to propose a toast to you. I wish you all a smooth work, a happy family, good health and safe access."

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A safe exit can be regarded as the finishing touch. There is no such toast in other industries, but the police belong to a high-risk industry. They have to deal with criminals all day long, and what can be safe is happiness.

As the saying goes, there is no banquet without wine. If you don't drink, there is a lack of atmosphere, which makes the party seem a little lonely.

Wine is like a catalyst, which can make the relationship between people warm up.

Wine table culture is a neutral word, as long as moderate can draw close to the relationship between people.

Li Hui asked, "team Zheng, what's the difference between your transfer to the provincial office and our Yuhua Branch? "

ZHENG Kaixuan took a bite and put down his chopsticks." the nature of the cases received by the provincial department is more complex, and the geographical span is also larger. Sometimes he is in Quancheng today, and he may go to Weihai tomorrow to investigate. Moreover, it has been a long time since the case was reported to the criminal investigation team, and the golden age of handling cases has been missed. Generally speaking, the case is more difficult and the closing cycle is longer. "

Zhao Ming said curiously, "team Zheng, what big cases have you handled recently? Tell us about them."

Zheng Kaixuan hesitated for a moment. It's not that he didn't want to say it, but that some cases can't be said. After some deliberation, "there is a case you should know better. It's a cross regional case of reselling pipes. This case was reported to the provincial department by Qindao public security Bureau."

Li Hui subconsciously said, "yes, this case is a 131 joint project, which was investigated by our team and the municipal criminal investigation team together. At that time, Han Bin was still the leader of the second group, and he was transferred to the Municipal Bureau after handling this case."Since all the people present were involved in the case, Zheng Kaixuan has no taboo. "The city criminal investigation team found two suspects, one named song Xinhai, who had shot himself, and the other named Yang Zhichao, who was transferred to the serious cases detachment of the criminal investigation team."

"Yang Zhichao is just a peripheral person in the case of the reselling of Qi Guan. Song Xinhai is his online agent. When song Xinhai dies, he basically breaks up with the online agent and does not provide too many valuable clues."

"We can only sort out the case again according to the files submitted by the criminal investigation team of Qindao City, and then compare it with the cases in other cities. We found some similar clues. The scale of this case is far larger than we thought. It's even beyond Luzhou province. "

"There are three intermediaries in the case of organ tube reselling, the lowest of which is the donor intermediary. The number of donor intermediaries is quite large and scattered in various regions. They will look for the target of the crime according to the requirements of the recipient intermediary."

"At the top level are receptor mediators, who are mainly responsible for contacting patients who need to change their organs and finding suitable targets according to their needs. These receptor mediators often have certain contacts and status, otherwise patients will not easily believe them."

"At the top level is the Black Yi agency, which will contact some private clinics and doctors to operate on patients who need to change their organs. He should be at the top of the interest chain. According to speculation, this person should not be in Luzhou. It is likely that there are networks all over the country, so it is difficult to find specific traces. "

Tian Li hums, "this kind of person is insane person, earn this kind of black heart money also not afraid to suffer retribution."

Li Hui said with emotion, "I went to the scene at that time, and now I still remember it. It's just like a slaughterhouse. It's completely like dividing people into animals."

Zhao Ming caught a hairy belly, biting creaking, "I want to say, this kind of person should catch one and shoot one, otherwise it can't stop this evil wind."

Seeing the dull atmosphere of the banquet, Zeng Ping raised his glass and said, "come on, don't talk about work. It's not easy to get together. Let's drink to team Zheng."

"To team Zheng."

"Congratulations to team Zheng."

"Team Zheng, when you go to the Criminal Investigation Corps, don't forget our old subordinates. We also want to follow you."

"Yes, let alone the Criminal Investigation Corps, it's OK to be in the Municipal Public Security Bureau."

The crowd began to coax.

"I can't forget. I will think of you when I have a chance." Zheng Kaixuan promised.

However, he is still powerless. He is just an ordinary squadron leader in the serious crime detachment, and he has no ability to promote others.

Zheng Kaixuan, as the protagonist of the banquet, has many people who come to him for a toast, and he will not refuse to have a drink. If you can't have a drink, you can have half a drink. We are all acquaintances, and no one will haggle.

Rao is half a drink, also can't stand the crowd, Zheng Kaixuan is still drunk.

Han Bin and others also drank a lot of wine, it can be said that the guests and the hosts were happy.

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As a leader, Zheng Kaixuan had a hard time going back to Qindao. Of course, he couldn't really ask him to pay.

When he was not drunk, Zeng Ping went to check out.

ZHENG Kaixuan was able to transfer to the provincial criminal investigation team because of the support of a group of old subordinates. He wanted to invite them to dinner out of sincerity.

Zeng Ping, as his successor, was promoted by Zheng Kaixuan. He also wanted to take over the wind and wash the dust for the old leader. It was not about money, but a matter of heart.

Zheng Kaixuan stayed in Qindao for two days. On the second day, he invited the leaders of Yuhua Branch to have a meal. On the third day, he returned to Quancheng.

A few days later, Han Bin was smoking at the window of his office when he heard a loud noise. Then a group of people came into the Municipal Public Security Bureau. There were dozens of people holding banners, banners, gongs and drums.

The first banner said, congratulations to the second squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade on the detection of armed robbery.

The second banner said, thank the city police for recovering the stolen money. You are the patron saint of the people.

The third banner said that the villagers of the seventh group of Fangjing village expressed their highest thanks.

As soon as he saw the banner, Han Bin understood it and immediately reported to Ding Xifeng and Ma Jingbo.

A few minutes later, Ding Xifeng, Ma Jingbo, Han Bin and others went downstairs to receive the villagers of Fangjing village.

At the head of the group is Fang Jing, who holds a banner in his hand and is "eager to solve the case and serve the people."

Fang Jinshan knew Han Bin and gave the banner to Han Bin for the first time.

Han Bin made a please gesture and pointed to Ding Xifeng beside him, "village head Fang, this is captain Ding of our city's Criminal Investigation Brigade. The case can be solved quickly thanks to the support of the captain."

Fang Jinshan is also a cadre. He immediately understands Han Bin's meaning and hands the banner to Ding Xifeng.

Other villagers also sent banners. Ma Jingbo, Han Bin, Li Qin, Wang Xiao and other members of the team who participated in the case sent a set of banners.

Although this is not a homicide case, it involves the interests of dozens of villagers, which is no less than that of the homicide case. There are dozens more people in the city council compound, so it is difficult for others to know.The people in the publicity department were also shocked. They came over with cameras and camcorders and took pictures of the lively scene. They also took pictures of some police officers and villagers.

After more than half an hour of excitement, the thank-you ceremony was over.

Han Bin sent the villagers to the gate of the Municipal Bureau.

Village long into the mountain took Han Bin's hand again to thank, "Captain Han, if you didn't solve the case, none of us thought it would be Li Shiwei that bastard eat inside and outside, this boy is a wolf cub who is not familiar with."

"Back then, when he set up the company, he was very poor and begged me to let the village land become a shareholder. Now the company has developed. According to the previous agreement, he has to pay dividends to the villagers according to the proportion of income every year. As a result, the boy is envious and even does this kind of pickling. I feel that he is losing people!"

Fang chin Shan sighed and asked, "Captain Han, how many years will Li Shiwei be sentenced for robbing so much money? "

Han Bin organized the language," this case is different from the ordinary robbery case, and Li Shiwei's situation is also more complex. Our police only handle the case and arrest people, and the court should consider how to try according to the comprehensive situation. "

The court's professionals need the first instance and the second instance. Sometimes the second instance will overturn the first instance, and the sentencing is not fixed. Of course, Han Bin won't step in and say something he's not sure about.

Fang Jinshan sighed, "if you say Li Shiwei, you can be regarded as a capable man who has just started the company. In the past two years, he has talked to me about dividends, hoping to reduce the proportion of dividends and invest more funds in the development of the company. "

"I have considered this matter and asked some villagers about it, but the villagers are not willing to do it, so I didn't agree with it, but I didn't think Li Shiwei would take the risk to do it."

At this point, it's selfish to go into the mountain. Li Shiwei has explained the situation of the company thoroughly. Fang Jinshan also knows that Li Shiwei's idea is right, but the villagers don't think so. They pay more attention to the immediate dividend.

Fang Jinshan, the village head, has great prestige. It is also because of the support of the villagers. The reduction of dividends has touched the interests of most of the villagers. In case the villagers do not elect him next time, what does it have to do with the development of Fanglong storage company in the future.

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People are selfish.

"Captain Han, can I meet Li Shiwei?"

"What can village head Fang do for him?"

Fang Jinshan looked embarrassed and hesitated for a moment. "Fang long storage company has always been in charge of Li Shiwei, and several of the company's major customers only recognize him. Now he is being detained by the police, which has a great impact on the company. I want to meet him, win his support and achieve a win-win situation. "

Fearing Han Bin's misunderstanding, Fang Jinshan added, "it's not for me alone, but for the Fanglong storage company and the villagers in the seventh group of Fangjing village. To tell you the truth, except for Li Shiwei, no one can figure out the current situation of Fanglong storage company."

"If Li Shiwei leaves the company alone, it will be like a mess. After we have sorted out the situation of the company, the company's customers will be almost dug up. The operation of Fanglong warehousing company will be in a slump. I believe Li Shiwei doesn't want to see this either. "

"This company was founded by him, and I believe he has feelings for it."

Han Bin nodded, "I understand what you mean. I will report the situation to the superior."

Fang Jinshan forcefully shook Han Bin's hand, "thank you, please."

"You're welcome."

After seeing Fang Jinshan and others leave, Han Bin reflects Fang Jinshan's request to Ding Xifeng.

As for whether the leaders agree or not, Han Bin can't control it. Afterwards, a special person will contact Fang Jinshan.

The next few days, the second squadron received no new cases.

On Saturday, Han Bin has a rest.

Recently, Wang Ting has not been working. It's boring to stay at home all day. She knows that Han Bin is busy at work and seldom bothers him.

Han Bin is also well aware of this, but also very grateful to Wang Ting's considerate, ready to take her to relax.

On Saturday, they woke up naturally, and Han Bin was too lazy to cook. He drove her to KFC.

Wang Ting blinked, "after dinner, where are you going to take me to play?"

Han Bin looked out of the window. It was just after nine o'clock in the morning that the sun was shining. It was in mid August, the hottest time of the year. "It's too hot. It's cooler in the mall. Let's go shopping and buy some clothes for you."

Wang Ting took a sip of coffee. "I'm a vagrant now. How can I afford to buy clothes?"

Han Bin took a tissue to help Wang Ting wipe the corners of her mouth, "I have money, I have a lot of bonus this month, enough for you to spend."

Wang Ting smiles. She has a lot of savings in her hand, but listening to Han Bin, she is still very happy.

A man is willing to spend money on you, not necessarily because he loves you, but also because he has other purposes.

But if a man refuses to spend money on you, he certainly doesn't love you.

"By the way, someone has been calling these two days to rent my shop. Do you want me to rent it?"Now the real business is not easy to do, many shops are closed, and they can't rent out even if they want to, but this situation is also divided into lots. The gold shops in the city center will never worry about renting.

Wang Ting's shop is not big, but it is located in the downtown area. It's not difficult to rent it out.

Han Bin asked, "are you not going to open your own shop?"

Wang Ting hesitated, "I can't say it well."

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"I don't know much about this kind of thing. You'd better discuss it with your uncle and aunt."

Wang Ting nodded slightly.

After breakfast, Han Bin began to accompany Wang Ting shopping.

Wang Ting's eyes are very picky, or just enjoy the process of shopping. She only bought a skirt and a pair of high heels, and a T-shirt and sports shoes for Han Bin.

After they were tired of shopping, they found a restaurant for lunch. This is a restaurant that specializes in Cantonese cuisine. There are not many dishes. The dishes are small in size. Because the quantity of dishes is small, the price is not too expensive. The advantage is that two people can eat more dishes.

Wang Ting gave Han Bin clip a small cage bag, "after dinner, what shall we do?"

"What do you want to do?"

Wang Ting tooted, "I asked first."

"Let's go to the cinema. It's said that Tangtan 3 has been shown."

"Did you buy the ticket?"

"There shouldn't be many people going to the cinema. I can buy it now."

Wang Ting touched her clean chin, "I still want to buy something for your parents later."

Han Bin smile, "decided to go to my home?"

"I didn't want to see your parents so early, but I was afraid that I would be embarrassed to meet your parents again. I might as well visit them first."

Han Bin a thumb, "smart girl, wise choice."

Wang Ting curled her lips and said, "if you get less, you'll sell well."

Han Bin said, "Tingting, do you want me to visit your parents first?"

"Wait, my parents don't want to marry me out so early."

The woman in this respect is relatively reserved, Han Bin did not force.

Wang Ting grabs Han Bin's hand, "by the way, help me to think about what gifts to bring when I visit your parents?"

It's not good to let Wang Ting go empty handed. Let Wang Ting buy things, Han Bin also don't know what to buy, this is his first time.

Han Bin wiped his hand and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. "I've been shopping all morning, and you're a little tired. In the afternoon, let's go to a movie and relax. "

"When to buy it, I can't go to your house empty handed."

"It's not easy. I'll go shopping with you next time. At that time, I will not only buy gifts for my parents, but also one for my uncle and aunt. It's my intention to visit or not. "

Wang Ting thought, "that's OK. But first of all, it will cost me my own money to buy things for your parents. "

Han Bin said, "my money is your money."

"That's not the same."

Han Bin pinched her cheek, "all right, I'll listen to you. You has the final say."

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