Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 705: 705

Qindao medical college.

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Han Bin and others rushed to the school, and the person who received them was still Wang Jinliang, deputy director of the school's Academic Affairs Office, and Ma Tao, director of the teaching and research office.

Guo Tianxu gave them a brief introduction to each other.

Wang Jinliang took the initiative to shake hands with Han Bin, "it turned out to be captain Han, disrespectful."

"Director Wang, you're welcome." Han Bin shook hands with the other party and proposed, "we want to go to the scene to have a look."

"Yes, this way, please."

Under the leadership of Wang Jinliang, the party arrived at the storage room of the teaching and research building again.

As soon as you enter the second floor of the basement, the air pressure around you feels low. Under the yellow light, swallow, Xiaoyan and Dahan all look dignified.

Han Bin three people is not much change, most of the cases they handle are homicide cases, all kinds of death methods have seen, for the contact of the dead is far more than the police station. On the way to

, Han Bin was watching the cameras. He found that there were surveillance cameras in the two floors of the entrance, hall and basement of the teaching and research building, which could have captured the suspect.

When they came to the house number of 207, Ma Tao stopped, "this is the storeroom for the general teacher."

Han Bin asked, "are you the first to find the teacher stolen?"


"Was the door of the storeroom closed or open at that time, and was there any sign of damage?"

Ma Tao thought, "I didn't care too much at that time. I opened the door normally, and I didn't find anything unusual."

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Han Bin took out the police flashlight and looked at the lock carefully. There was no obvious sign of being prized. In other words, the suspect either had a key or a professional unlocking tool.

"Who has the key to this door?"

Ma Tao replied, "I have a key here. The others are in the general affairs office. I don't know how the general affairs office keeps it. "

Han Bin turned his head and looked at Wang Jinliang, "director Wang, are you from the academic affairs office?"

"Yes, I'm the deputy director of academic affairs."

Han Bin asked, "I remember that the logistics department should be in charge of the general affairs department. Why didn't the people from the general affairs department come, but you came?"

Ma Tao took over the conversation and said, "the logistics department is really in charge of the general affairs department, but I am responsible for all of them. After all, most people are afraid of this thing. Director Wang is mainly responsible for the course arrangement of students, and the anatomy class is generally coordinated and arranged by the two of us. "

Han Bin nodded, "please contact the general affairs office. I want to know about the storage room key preservation."

"Yes, I'll get in touch." Wang Jinliang didn't want to stay here, so he just found a reason to leave first.

Han Bin looks at Ma Tao again, "director Ma, how do you keep your key?"

"Wow..." Ma Tao shakes the round key ring in his hand, which is full of keys. Each key is pasted with white tape, and the number of the house is written on the tape.

"All my keys are locked in one drawer. I always carry the keys in that drawer with me. Because there are many keys, I pay more attention to them. I can guarantee that the keys have not been lost or used by others."

Han Bin opened the door wearing gloves, a strong smell of medicine came, "good guy, it's really choking."

Ma Tao explained, "human organs are easy to corrupt, so they can only be soaked in liquid medicine to prevent corrosion."

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Han Bin turned and told everyone, "don't touch the things in the room. Sister Li called the technology department and asked them to come to the scene."


Into the storage room, Han Bin looked inside the environment, the room is full of glass cans, cans filled with all kinds of organs, if the timid people come in must be scared to death.

Han Bin's eyes fell on the surveillance camera above the door, slightly frowning, "general cameras are installed in front of the door, when the thief enters the door, he can take pictures at the first time. The camera in the storage room faces inside. The thief can completely block the camera when he comes in, and then enter the storage room to steal. Don't you feel uncomfortable when the camera is installed? "

"We didn't think too much about it. At that time, in order to save money, we asked the school maintenance personnel to install it. They thought that wiring would be more economical. After the event, I also found that it was a bit awkward, but the monitoring had been completed and was in normal use. If it was to be re installed, it would have to be declared, and it was not a department's business That's what happened afterwards. " There was some helplessness in Ma Tao's tone.

Han Bin is too lazy to care whether his helplessness is real or afraid of trouble.

"Is there anything stolen other than the male teacher?"

"I don't think so."

"Give me an accurate answer."

"I found that the general teacher lost, the whole person was flustered, did not care to carefully check." With that, Ma Tao began to check in the storeroom.

After a while, Ma Tao's tone was firm, "I didn't lose anything else."

"Is there anything more?""No

"Is there any sign that other items in the storeroom have moved or been touched?"

"Not in my mind."

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"Do you have any doubts about the theft of the general teacher?"

Ma Tao sighed, "I can't think of it."

"Who will benefit from this?"

"How can I say that? If I am dismissed, the person who replaces me will certainly benefit. But then again, I deal with general teachers all day, and not many people want to do this job."

Well, that's not true.

Han Bin carefully searched the storage room, and found no obvious clues. He ordered, "leave two people to stare, wait for the people from the technology department to come, and other people will follow me to the monitoring room."

Xiaoyan and Dahan are left behind. They watch the crowd leave.

Han Bin took a few steps and stopped. "Is there a back door here?"


"Take us out the back door."

The dead can't walk. How the suspect transports the corpse is also one of the problems Han Bin is considering now.

It is necessary to find out the terrain of the teaching and research building.

Out of the teaching and research building, Han Bin went around the school again to figure out the structure and terrain of the school.

This followed Ma Tao to the monitoring room.

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In addition to the teaching and research building, other monitoring devices are installed before, which can only store half a month's monitoring video. In other words, only the monitoring video in the teaching and research building can be used.

Han Bin asked people to monitor the front door, hall, second floor corridor and back door of the teaching and research building. Everyone began to check the video separately.

In order to improve the efficiency of viewing the video, Han Bin reminded, "the time when the female body was stolen is the night of July 16. You can check whether the surveillance video of that night is abnormal."

After a while, Bao Xing called, "team Han, I have a situation here. The surveillance camera in the corridor is blocked."

Han Bin got close to the screen, "is the screen covered tightly, and did you take pictures of the suspect?"

Bao Xing watched the video before and after occlusion once, and slowed down the video speed, "no discovery, occlusion is very tight."

Han Bin straightened up, "you play it again to see how he covered the camera."

Bao Xing replays the video upside down, slowing down the video playback speed again, staring at the screen, "balloon, it seems that the balloon blocked the camera!"

Han Bin's eyes swept to other people, "the rest of you also check the monitoring that night, in addition to the storage room and corridor, which camera is blocked."

Everyone began to check separately, Han Bin is out of paper and pen, draw a rough map of the teaching and research building.

After a while, the swallow cried, "on my side, the monitoring of the back door of the teaching and research building is blocked, as if It's also covered with balloons, which look like red. "

Han Bin drew a stroke on the topographic map of the teaching and research building, connecting the storage room, corridor and back door, basically making clear the route of the suspect's theft.

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