Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 713: 713

"With the police here, what are you afraid of? Sit down." Wang Xiao patted him on the shoulder, "don't get excited. Now you can't be sure that Gao Aixia is the one who died. I need your help to identify it."

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"I'm not excited." Su Wentong took a deep breath, "you take it out, I see."

Wang Xiao took out the photo of the woman's corpse for him to identify.

Su Wentong's hand trembled slightly, and he didn't dare to get too close when he took the photo? Why are you still in the water

Wang Xiao is afraid to frighten the other party, perfunctory a, "you don't ask so much, take a closer look."

After a while, Su Wentong lowered his head and gave the photo back to Wang Xiao.

Wang Xiao asked, "is it Gao Aixia?"

Su Wentong tone dignified, "yes."


"Although we don't have a good relationship, we used to be husband and wife. How can I not recognize them?" Su Wentong sighed, "Comrade police, how did she die?"

"It's still under investigation. You can give us any clues you have."

Su Wentong was silent for a while, "no, I really haven't contacted her for a long time. Although I want to help you, I have no strength."

Wang Xiao asked, "besides you, does Gao Aixia have any close male friends?"

"As I said just now, we haven't contacted each other since the divorce. What's more, since we are divorced, he will find a new man It's nothing to do with me, right

"After the divorce, you don't know. Before the divorce, did she have any close male friends?"

Su Wentong touched his nose, "ah, how can I say that?"

Jiang Yang said, "truthfully, the police will keep a secret for you."

Su Wentong scratched his hair. "Our relationship between husband and wife is not very good. She always looks down on me and always compares me with other men. I doubt whether she has someone outside. But I've never found out that she doesn't go home at night. At most, she goes to her parents after a quarrel. "

"I don't think it exists. And now that I'm divorced, it's no fun to talk about that. "

"Do you have any doubts about Gao Aixia's disappearance and murder?"

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Su Wentong shook his head. "No, she doesn't have any money. She's not particularly beautiful. I can't think of it."

Wang Xiao took a look at the notebook and continued to ask, "between 12:00 and 3:00 on May 27, 2020, where are you?"

"May, it's been so long. I can't remember that."

"Think about it."

"I can't remember. You don't doubt me." Su Wentong's face changed slightly. "Ah, I promised to take notes to help. You're good, but you suspect me. It's something you do. "

"Besides, why do you suspect me?"

Wang Xiao comforted, "don't get excited. We're following the rules of routine inquiry. We don't doubt you."

"I can't remember the routine answer."

Wang Xiao also did not force, in the book draw a, change a question, "Gao Aixia and her parents relationship?"

"It's very good. Her parents have only one daughter. She used to run home when we were not divorced."

"In your impression, does Gao Aixia have anything to do with Qindao medical college?"

"Medical school? I don't know. It doesn't matter. "

Wang Xiao took out a picture of Wu Jianfei from a kraft paper bag and said, "do you know this man?"

Su Wentong took a look, "I don't know. What's the relationship between him and Gao Aixia?"

"That's what we want to know."

"Police comrades, you should make a note for Gao Aixia's parents. They live together after divorce. They should know more than I do."

"We will."

Su Wentong looked down at his watch and said, "Comrade police, it's almost time. If you don't take notes, you can do it. I really don't know about it."

Wang Xiao closed the notebook, "you have my phone, think of what clues can call me."

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Su Wen swore in a letter, "no problem, she is my ex-wife after all, and I hope to catch her killer as soon as possible."

Then, Su Wentong got off the car and left on his electric bike.

As Jiang Yang started the car, he said, "it's heartbreaking for husband and wife to have a fight."

Wang Xiao leaned back on the chair, "yes, this case has passed for a long time, and no body has been found. It's hard to find out the time of death


Xinhua District, near the intersection of Longyuan street and Jinhui road.

He Yingsheng has been staring outside, see Bao Xing and Zhang shungu ran out, also rushed out of the car, "what's the matter?"

"He Zi, just now a big runner in underpants came out of the car repair shop. Did you see that?"

"Yes, we went to the gas station opposite.""Did he go alone?"


Zhang shungu said, "go, catch the boy."

He Yingsheng asked, "is this the guy who called Gao Aixia? It doesn't look like it. "

"He's not the owner, but according to the owner, it's him who made the call through his cell phone."

A group of three people crossed the street and went outside the gas station. A young employee in his twenties was filling a black car.

Zhang shungu asked, "did Wen Guanglei go to your gas station?"

The man at the gas station asked, "you mean brother Lei from the opposite garage?"

"Yes, that's him."

"Yes, it's in our store."

"What's he doing in your shop?"

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"He said that a group of mad dogs came to the car repair shop and came to have a rest for fear of being bitten by the dogs. Our two stores are so close that he often comes here to rub the air conditioner. "

A listen to mad dog, Zhang shungu three people's faces are not good-looking.

There are no dogs at all in the car repair shop. It's obvious that they are scolding them.

The three pulled the man aside and asked about the environment and terrain inside the gas station.

After finding out the general situation, he Yingsheng enters from the front, Zhang shungu and Bao Xing enter from the back door.

He Yingsheng sits in the car, Wen Guanglei can't see him, but he Yingsheng confirms Wen Guanglei.

Big head sitting at the counter, blowing the cold wind, eating bitter coffee ice cream, is boasting with the cashier beside the counter.

He Yingsheng pretends to be shopping in the store and walks quietly behind him, but Wen Guanglei has no response.

Then, Bao Xing and Zhang shungu arrived from the back door.

Three people directly hands, a left and a right after Wen Guanglei pressed on the counter, "police, don't move!"

Wen Guanglei was stunned. His face was pressed on the counter, his arms tilted up, and he put on the handcuffs twice.

Zhang shungu grabbed his hair and was ready to lift him up.

However, the accident happened, Zhang shungu directly pulled Wen Guanglei's hair off.

Zhang shungu was stunned for a moment

I don't have so much energy.

Take a closer look. It's a wig case.

Wen Guanglei belongs to the standard Mediterranean issue. After removing the headgear, he still has hair on both sides, and his head is bald, embarrassed and funny.

The female teller, who had been startled, couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene.

Zhang shungu yelled, "what's your name?"

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"Wen Guanglei."

"Do you know why I caught you?"

"I don't know. Aren't you looking for Jin Haibo?"

"Do you know Gao Aixia?"


"Gao Aixia!"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Did you call Gao Aixia at about 1:00 p.m. on May 27?"

"Yes, I called her, but I can't remember the specific day."

"With whose cell phone?"

"With Jin Haibo's mobile phone."

"Does Jin Haibo know Gao Aixia?"

"I don't know."

"Then why do you use Jin Haibo's mobile phone to call Gao Aixia?"

"Gao Aixia owes me money. She refused to answer my phone, so I used Jin Haibo's phone. She answered the first phone call, but later she knew it was me and refused to answer it."

Zhang shungu patted him on the back of the head, "what you said is true?"

"It's true, absolutely true."

Zhang shungu said to Bao Xing, "call the Korean team. Jin Haibo should have no problem. It's the old man who's to blame. "

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