Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 729: 729

Municipal Public Security Bureau, the third interrogation room.

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Li Gaoyuan was handcuffed to the interrogation chair, his head lowered, his hands twisted together, as if thinking about something.

After Han Bin and others came in, he slowly raised his head and looked at Han Bin, Jiang Yang and Bao Xing carefully.

Li Gaoyuan shook the handcuffs on his wrist. "Comrade police, why do you want to arrest me?"

Han Bin sat at the interrogation table, "you have a bad attitude towards pleading guilty. You should be very clear about what you have done."

"I admit I'm wrong, but I'm not going to get caught."

"What's your mistake?"

Li plateau thought, "I shouldn't use a fake name, let alone cheat the police."

"What's your real name?"

"Li zhantong."

"Who is Li Gaoyuan?"

"It's my cousin. We look more like each other, so I used his ID card. But I didn't mean to cheat, I did it for the convenience of finding a job. " Li zhantong sighed,

"you should also know that I have a criminal record, so it's not very convenient for me to find a job with my own identity, especially for security work. When people hear that I have a criminal record, they won't use me."

"Well, you can find a reason for yourself very well. It's quite satisfactory." Han Bin snorted, "where is Li Gaoyuan?"

"He planted greenhouses in his hometown and didn't use his ID card very much, so I used it. I know it's not right for me to do this, but it shouldn't be a crime and I won't be caught here. "

Bao Xing said, "you think I'm a city Criminal Investigation Brigade. It's a joke. I don't want to look at you more for such a thing."

Li zhantong asked, "then I don't understand. What do you want me to do?"

Han Bin opened his notebook, "do you know Han Weilong?"

Li zhantong hesitated, "I know you."

"What's the relationship between you two? "

" it's not a friend. I've had several meals together. I'm an acquaintance. "

Han Bin continued, "according to Han Weilong, you once took the initiative to find him and asked him to help as an agent. You stole a body from the funeral home."

Li zhantong shook his head. "He must be talking nonsense. There is no such thing at all."

"Have you ever transferred money to Han Weilong's sister?"


"Why give her the money? Do you know Han Weilong's sister? "

" I don't know. " Li zhantong answered and continued, "it was Han Weilong who borrowed money from me and said that his sister was ill and needed medical aid. I'm a warm-hearted person, so I lent it to him. "

"Because his sister was ill, I transferred it to her directly."

Han Bin recorded it and continued to ask, "did you use foam software to chat with Han Weilong on the evening of May 23?"

"Yes, I talked to him."

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"What are you two talking about?"

"Well, I told other friends about the loan, and they thought I had been cheated, so I wanted to go to his home to confirm. His promise to let me go shows that he has a clear conscience and that her sister is really ill. " Li zhantong said that, with some emotion, "I also felt that I was a villain in vain. I felt a little guilty. Afterwards, I remitted a sum of money to her sister."

"I can't help it. I'm too soft hearted to see this."

"So far from instigating Han Weilong to help you steal, you have done a good deed."

"It's like this."

Han Bin asked, "why did Han Weilong say you stole a corpse?"

"Ah..." Li zhantong sighed, showing a look of chagrin, "my mother told me a long time ago that I should not be so kind-hearted. There are some people who have bad conscience in this world. If you help him again, you won't remember your good deeds. You will be promoted to be a good friend and fight against a bad friend."

Han Bin reexamines Li zhantong, "it's a pity that you don't become a screenwriter."

Li zhantong waved his hand, "Oh, I can't do that. I haven't been to university. I can't be a teacher, I can't be a teacher."

Han Bin went on to the next question, "did you rent a house in the north of Xihua village?"

"Yes, what's the matter? It's not against the law

"We found a body in that house. Where did you get it?"

Li zhantong showed a look of surprise, "I don't know, I haven't lived there for some time, will someone deliberately plant me."

"Who do you think is framing you?"

"I don't know."

"There's a cellar in the yard you rent, you know?"

Li zhantong thought, "I don't know."

"There is a coffin in the cellar. Have you ever seen it?"


"Did you touch it?"


"There are some fans and electric heaters in the cellar, aren't they yours?"Li zhantong touched his nose, "No."

Han Bin said sternly, "we found your fingerprints on these three items. How do you explain?"

Li zhantong said, "it doesn't mean that I have something to do with the corpse?"

"But it can prove that you lied and your testimony is not credible."

Li zhantong took a deep breath. "I didn't mean to lie. I just don't want you to suspect that I have something to do with the corpse."

"Then I ask you why there are your fingerprints on the coffin, fan and electric heater?"

Li zhantong Leng for a long time, "these are all I bought to use."

"For what?"

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"I want to store something in the cellar, and I think it's too damp, so I want to dry it."

"What do you want to store in the cellar?"

"Bacon." Li zhantong's tone became more firm, "yes, it's bacon. I especially like bacon, but it's very expensive. I want to make some bacon myself."

"But because of the busy time, I haven't been able to do it. Who ever wanted to be occupied. I've been arrested. Do you think I've been wronged? "

"So you haven't seen the body?"

"Not really."

"Are cellars, fans and electric heaters really used for bacon?"

"Yes, it's for bacon."

"Then tell me how to make bacon?"

"Bacon is salted first, then cut into strips and put on a bamboo pole. Then I dry it with a fan and an electric heater to take away the excess water. The meat is not easy to break."

"That's it? Are there any other processes? "

Li zhantong shook his head. "I haven't started to do it yet. I think of so much for the moment."

Han Bin asked, "we found your fingerprints on the vacuum bag containing the body. How do you explain that?"

Li zhantong was speechless.

Han Bin a pick eyebrow, "from you just said in the process of making bacon, but can't use vacuum bag."

"I..." Li zhantong's forehead was covered with water, with a dignified look, as if he was thinking about countermeasures.

"Li zhantong, the body was found in the place you rented. Your fingerprints were also found on the vacuum bag containing the body. You can't get rid of it."

Li zhantong still did not speak.

Han Bin is not in a hurry, sitting quietly drinking tea.

After about ten minutes, Li zhantong said, "Comrade police, if I am willing to cooperate with the police to take the initiative to investigate, can I fight for leniency?"

"Of course, as long as you take the initiative, we will consider it."

Li zhantong said slowly, "I admit that I stole the body."

"Where did you steal it?"

"The teaching and research building of Qindao medical college."

"Who else are you with?"

"There are Wei Hongxi and Han Weilong."

"Wei Hongxi is the security guard who works with you in the museum."


"Han Weilong is also involved in the theft of this male corpse?"

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"Yes, he's the mastermind. He made us steal it."

Han Bin frowned slightly, which was different from his understanding of the situation, "what's the purpose of your stealing the body?"

Li zhantong replied, "I don't know. Han Weilong asked us to steal it."

"Why do you listen to him?"

"He gave us the money."


"He gave me $100000 in cash. He also gave Wei Hongxi 70000 yuan. "

"Then why do you want to remit money to Han Weilong's sister?"

"It's Han Weilong who asked me to do this. He said that this can confuse the public and disturb the police's investigation line of sight, so that the police don't know who is the real mastermind, and the suspected crime will be mitigated."

"A good suspect should be lenient. He knows the law very well." Han Bin snorted.

Li zhantong shook his head. "I don't understand. He said it all."

Han Bin sorted out his thoughts, "why do you and Wei Hongxi go to Qindao museum to work?"

Li zhantong took it for granted, "we are working in the museum. What's the problem?"

"Li zhantong, did you steal that female corpse?"

"What female corpse? I don't know. "

" the female corpse in the funeral home. "

Li zhantong said, "I've never been to a funeral home. Could it be that Han Weilong asked other people to steal it? After all, he's the mastermind. Maybe there are other people under him. "

"I'll ask you again, where were you on the night of August 16th?"

"It's been so long. I have to think about it."

Li zhantong rubbed his hands. "I should be at work that day. Yes, I was on the night shift."

"Are you the museum security guard?"

"Yes.""There was a theft at the museum that night. Do you know?"

Li zhantong shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. There should be no such thing. Otherwise, we will definitely find out."

"That night, you deliberately let two security guards accompany you to play cards, but also deliberately lost to them, in order to create opportunities for those who steal ancient corpses."

"No Li zhantong said with a smile, "Captain Han, I'm the security guard of the museum. The museum has never been stolen. You can't put something on me that you don't need. "

"That's because you exchanged a fake body for a real one, so the museum hasn't found it yet. Now that we've caught you and watched the surveillance, you don't think the museum will find it. " Han Bin asked.

Li Zhan said, "it's no use scaring me. Anyway, I haven't stolen anything in the museum."

Han Bin scolded, "Li zhantong, you just said that you would cooperate with the police investigation, but you have been avoiding the heavy and taking the light. Is this your guilty attitude?"

"Captain Han, what I said is true. I just participated in the case of the autopsy in Qindao Medical College, and it was Han Weilong who asked me to do it. I just watched outside, and I didn't know anything else." Li zhantong showed an innocent look.

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"It's all Han Weilong who is taking advantage of me and blames me for being open-minded and almost helping him carry the pot. You say how hateful this man is. Now I understand that some friends can't be made. "

Han Bin knocked on the table, "Li zhantong, don't be smart. Cooperation with the police is the only way to deal with it. You have to understand that you are not the only one who committed the crime. If you don't recruit others, others will. Think about it for yourself."

Han Bin finished, got up and left the interrogation room.

Li zhantong has been avoiding the heavy and neglecting the light. He only admits that he has stolen Wu Jianfei's body, not Lu Yuee's body or the ancient corpse from the museum. He also says that he is only an accomplice.

If convicted according to this, his charges will not be too heavy and his sentence will not last long.

The urgent task now is to make sure that the Han Dynasty female corpse in the museum has been stolen, and find more evidence to convict Li zhantong.

Bao Xing caught up, "team Han, what do you think we should do now?"

Han Bin asked, "what do you think?"

Bao Xing subconsciously said, "I think we should find Lu Yuee's body first."

Han Bin nodded, "please invite curator Lai of the museum."


After Bao Xing left, Han Bin contacted the captain Ma Jingbo again.

Ma Jingbo took people to search Li zhantong's home. However, the mobile phone did not connect, Han Bin can only give up temporarily.

After returning to the office, Han Bin reviewed the interrogation records and combed the case in his mind. Now the most important thing is to make sure whether the Han Dynasty female corpse in Bogu Museum has been transferred.

After a while, Bao Xing took Lai Jianhua into the office.

Lai Jianhua, a little fat and sweating, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped it. "Captain Han, what's the situation now? Have you found anything stolen from our museum? "

"Sit down, please." Han Bin made a gesture to ask, "we haven't found the stolen goods yet, but we have caught the suspects. They are Li zhantong and Wei Hongxi, the security personnel of your museum."

"By the way, Li zhantong falsely used his cousin Li Gaoyuan's ID card."

"I'm impressed by the name." Lai Jianhua nodded and asked, "you said he was a suspect of theft. What did he steal from the museum?"

"That female corpse of the Han Dynasty."

Lai Jianhua was stunned for a moment and shook his head. "It's impossible. When I came here, I saw that woman's corpse. It's good. It hasn't been stolen at all."

"As I said before, Lai Jianhua made a long-term preparation, forged a mummy and replaced it with a female corpse of the Han Dynasty." Said, Han Bin took out the photo of the mummy found in the cellar, "you see, this is their test object."

"I have enough reason to believe that the Han Dynasty female corpse has been transferred."

Lai Jianhua took the photo with a slightly trembling right hand, looked at it carefully, and then took a deep breath, "this does not mean that the Han Dynasty female corpse in our museum must have been stolen."

"Do you have any other evidence?"

Han Bin suggested, "it's very simple to have evidence. Just test the DNA of the woman's corpse to know whether it's true or false."

"It's impossible!" Lai Jianhua refused without hesitation, "the requirements for the preservation of female corpses in the Han Dynasty are very high. Unless you have practical evidence, we will not agree to open the incubator."

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