Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 742: 742

September 13, 8:27 p.m.

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A man with big and small bags walked out of the train. The man was in his forties, and it was Ren Lingling's father who had a heavy responsibility.

It's a long way to go. I only stay in Qindao for three days. I don't have much luggage in my bag. Most of them are for my daughter.

As a matter of fact, my daughter's school is not long. I'm just worried about being a parent. I just want to come and have a look in person and bring some local products to my daughter.

Ren Chongyuan got off the bus and rushed to Yanbin hotel.

There was dinner on the train, but the price was expensive and it didn't look delicious. I had a long way to go, so I didn't buy it. I was hungry. I put down my luggage and went out to eat.

Ren Chongyuan didn't come to Qindao many times. He felt fresh everywhere and wanted to taste the local food. However, he thought that he could not eat too much by himself.

I'll meet my daughter tomorrow. I'll have some good food then.

Ren Chongyuan asked for a meal. When she had dinner, she called Ren Lingling to tell her that she had arrived, but no one answered her cell phone.

After dinner, Ren Chongyuan is going to stroll around and enjoy the street view of Qindao.

His hotel is not a market center, and there is no good landscape around, but it's cheaper and closer to his daughter's school.

Ren Chongyuan plans to meet his daughter tomorrow, play in Qindao for two days, and then go home.

Walking along, Ren Chongyuan strolled to a snack street. There were all kinds of delicious food on both sides, such as kebabs, seafood, meat and so on. Ren Chongyuan swallowed his saliva and regretted eating early.

Come here for a meal when you have time.

Ren Chongyuan quickly left the snack street and saw a park in front of him. He was going to go in and have a look.

A young man came over and said with a smile, "big brother, alone."

Ren Chongyuan glanced at him, "what do you do?"

The young man looked at the heavy responsibilities and said, "brother, are you a stranger?"

"You don't care where I am." Ren Chongyuan frowned and turned to go.

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The young man said in a low voice, "Hey, wait a minute. Do you want to have some fun? My sister is very beautiful."

Ren Chongyuan hesitated for a moment, "no, no time."

"Brother, don't hurry to go. I'd like to introduce this student sister. She's young, beautiful and well-educated. I'm sure you haven't seen her before."

Long way to go, "you rely on it or not."

Young man squeezed squeeze eyes, "reliable, absolutely college students, especially high quality, you are satisfied."

Ren Chongyuan swallowed his saliva, "do you have any pictures?"

The young man took out his mobile phone and opened the album. "Look, this face and this body are absolutely useless."

Ren Chongyuan took a look at the photo and was stunned.

"Brother, I'll give you a special price for your first visit. How about a 20% discount?"

"You Is that me? " The voice of the heavy responsibility is a little trembling.

"It's absolutely necessary. My sister is not far ahead, and it's only a few hundred meters away. Please come and have a look with me. If it's not for me, you'll turn around and go. I won't stop you."

Ren Chongyuan's face became very ugly. He gritted his teeth and said, "come on, take me to have a look."

The young man thought he had made up his mind. In addition, it was dark and he didn't find anything unusual. He led the way ahead.

Ren Chongyuan asked, "by the way, what's the girl's name?"

"Lingzi, not only has a good name, but she is also very gentle." Speaking of this, the young man reminded, "by the way, big brother, we charge 1000 yuan an hour. When you come here for the first time, you will get 20% off, 800 yuan. What do you think?"

Heavy responsibilities, just walk, calm face, do not speak.

The young man thought he was too expensive and added, "to tell you the truth, this girl is my girlfriend. We are both college students. If we didn't owe money, we wouldn't do this business. This college student is definitely different from the general one, don't you think so? "

Heavy responsibilities, fist clenched creak, "which school?"

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The young man vowed, "from Qindao business school, if you don't believe me, I'll show you her student ID later. It's absolutely true. We've only been doing it for a long time. When the money is paid off, we'll stop doing it. After you pass the village, there won't be a shop. "

Ren Chongyuan after some inquiry, basically determined that the girl in the photo should be his daughter, the heart has already been angry.

Ren Chongyuan took a deep breath, and forced his anger, "are you really her boyfriend?"

"It's true, of course. We've been together for many years, and she's still chasing me. "

Ren Chongyuan bit his back teeth and said, "she's your girlfriend. Are you willing to let her do this?"

The young man shrugged his shoulders. "We owe money. If we don't do that, how can we pay off the debt?"

"The girl's parents painstakingly brought her up and let her go to university. As a result, they did this kind of thing, which is worthy of her parents."The young man said, "brother, why do you care so much? Just be happy. I can say well first. If you want to meet someone later, you have to pay first. "

Heavy responsibilities still did not answer, teeth have been biting creak.

After walking several hundred meters, the young man pointed to the house in front of him. "Big brother, that's the house in front of him."

Ren Chongyuan came to the door, but he hesitated, "what's your name?"

"My surname is ma. Just call me brother pony. Hurry in. My girlfriend is in it. It's absolutely on time."

Ren Chongyuan took a deep breath and glanced at brother pony. He wanted to stab him to death. He's so hateful. He can do all these things. Is he human?

He plucked up the courage to enter the room, a tall woman standing in the living room, with her back to him cleaning the table, the woman wearing a short skirt, graceful, very attractive.

Brother pony said, "Lingzi, the guests are coming. Give them a good reception."

The girl, known as Lingzi, turned around. She had long hair and a shawl. She looked very beautiful in her early twenties.

When the girl turned her head, she squeezed out a smile. However, when she saw that she had a long way to go, the whole person was stunned, and the rag in her hand also fell off.

With a look of pain on her face, the girl turned to run into the room.

Ren Chongyuan stepped forward quickly and grasped the girl's arm. "Lingling, it's really you How can you do such a thing? "

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"Wuwu..." Ren Lingling cried out and struggled to escape, as if she had no face to face Ren Chongyuan.

Brother pony saw that things were not right. He came over in a hurry and pushed away. He had a heavy responsibility. "Who are you in the end? Let her go."

Heavy responsibilities were pushed aside.

Ren Lingling took the opportunity to run into the room and began to cry in a low voice.

Shouldering heavy responsibilities, he got up from the ground and picked up the fruit knife on the tea table. "I'll kill you, you beast!"

Ren Chongyuan rushed up and stabbed brother pony.

"Ah..." There was a terrible cry.

Ren Chongyuan covered his opponent's mouth with his hand.

Brother pony struggled to resist and scratched his shoulder. Blood was left on the ground, and soon there was no movement


In the interrogation room.

When Ren Chongyuan talked about this, he also cried out, full of tears and heartbreak.

"Comrades of the police, do you think such people should not be killed?"

Ass decides the head. In the view of heavy responsibilities, Ma Jinlu should die.

However, from the existing evidence, Ma Jinlu did not commit the crime to death.

There is no evidence that Ren Lingling was forced by Ma Jinlu to sell silver.

When Han Bin took notes for Ren Lingling, she admitted that it was voluntary.

In Han Bin's view, this is Zhou Yu's beating Huang Gai, one willing to fight, another willing to suffer. It can only be said that Ma Jinlu's character is not good, and Ren Lingling is not well behaved.

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Of course, in the eyes of a father, Ma Jinlu must be damned. It's not too much to die a hundred times.

Ren Chongyuan leaned over and thumped his chest, "Comrade police, to tell you the truth, I'm going to vomit to death when I encounter this kind of thing. If I don't kill the horse, I will be angry to death. I'd rather die with him than that. "

"Please let my daughter go, too. I did all this and had nothing to do with her. She is innocent

When it comes to the end, I still want to protect my daughter.

But it can't be as simple as he thought. Even if Ren Lingling didn't kill anyone, she was also suspected of forging evidence and obstructing law enforcement.

Han Bin inquired carefully again and found that Ren Chongyuan had never been to the bedroom or cleaned the scene.

In other words, it should be Ren Lingling who made the false appearance of theft, and the murder weapon should be Ren Lingling who hid it.

Later, the police arrested Ren Lingling and conducted a surprise interrogation on her. They learned that her father had confessed, and Ren Lingling did not hide any more. She explained the process of forging the scene.

The confessions of the father and the daughter met each other, and the murder weapon and the heavy burden of blood were also found. The case was successfully solved.

Although the case was solved, the result was not easy.

It's morally right for him to commit murder in spite of heavy responsibilities, but legally, he is guilty and should be punished by law.

Outside the interrogation room, father and daughter met each other, shoulder heavy responsibilities, silent.

Ren Lingling was crying.

Ma Jinlu and Ren Chongyuan are her closest friends. One person's death and one person's imprisonment will bring more damage to Ren Lingling than the disaster of imprisonment.

During the trial, Han Bin can clearly feel that she doesn't care how long she will be sentenced.

In Han Bin's opinion, Ren Lingling is both pitiful and hateful. Because she doesn't love herself, Ren Chongyuan may face life imprisonment or even death penalty.

It's a disaster for the whole family.

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