Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 746: 746

If what Zhang Li said is true, it will be a murder.

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Han Bin asked, "is there anyone else besides you? "

Zhang Li nodded," yes, and the staff in charge of the hot air balloon. They want to stop it, but it's too late. "

"And the clown?"

"I was just looking at the balloon. In a flash, he was gone. He should have run away."

Han Bin glanced at his watch. It was more than 20 minutes since the balloon accident. It was estimated that the clown had already run away.

If he takes off the clown's disguise and goes after the clown, it's just a matter of looking for a sword.

At this time, two police cars came, and several people in police uniforms got out of the car. The first one was a middle-aged man, who looked about 40 years old.

Han Bin stepped forward and showed his police certificate. "I'm Han Bin from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. I'm playing with my friends in the playground. After the accident, I rushed to the scene immediately to maintain order."

The middle-aged policeman shook hands with Han Bin, "it's hard. I'm Zheng Minying, deputy director of zouma town police station. Thank you for helping us maintain order."

"You're welcome. I worked in Yuhua Branch for some time before." Han Bin should a, with Zheng Minying briefly introduced the situation.

The playground is located in Yuhua District, and the case is also in the charge of Yuhua Branch. After the handover with the police of zouma town police station, Han Bin has completed his duties.

This case should be handed over to the criminal investigation team of Yuhua Branch Bureau. If it is from other branches, Han Bin may not interfere too much, but Yuhua Branch Bureau is different.

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Han Bin was transferred from the Yuhua Branch to the Municipal Bureau. Director Dai Minghan, who is in charge of criminal investigation, has a good relationship with Han Bin, and has also promoted Han Bin.

Han Bin thinks it's necessary to say hello to him.

If Dai Minghan needs to, he can wait until the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch comes and then leave.

although the people from zouma town police station have arrived at the scene, the police in the police station are different from the criminal police. The former just maintains order and protects the scene, and can't carry out further investigation on the case.

To put it bluntly, it may delay the best time to investigate.

Han Bin goes to one side, dials Dai Minghan's number, "Hello, Dai Bureau."

"Yo, Han Bin, how did you remember to call me?"

"Dai Ju, my friend and I are playing in zoumazhen amusement park. There has just been an accident here. You should have received the news."

"Yes, I just got the news. What's the situation over there?"

Han Bin said, "there was an accident when the balloon fell from high altitude. At that time, a passenger on the balloon was dead, and the landing place was relatively open, causing no more casualties."

"That's good." Dai Minghan breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as he heard that there was an accident in the playground, he was just startled. Because the playground is densely populated and has children, it is likely to cause a large number of casualties, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Han Bin continued, "I just asked the friend of the dead. According to the friend of the dead, the dead was probably killed, not a simple accident."

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"What do you think?"

Han Bin thought about it and said, "at that time, there was only one dead person on the balloon. The reason why the balloon had an accident was that the switch of the steel cable fixing the balloon was damaged."

"I just checked the broken part of the steel cable. It really looks like man-made damage. When I learned of this situation, I immediately reported it to you. There is no further verification for the time being. "

Dai Minghan pondered for a moment, "I understand. I'll let Zeng Ping take the third team to get there immediately. Since you are at the scene, don't leave. We should do as we should, and don't delay the investigation. "

Han Bin replied, "I will obey your arrangement, but go to the police station of zoumazhen..."

Dai Minghan said without hesitation, "I will greet them and ask them to cooperate with your investigation."


Dai Minghan, the old boss, said that even if it was voluntary work, Han Bin had to do it.

After that, the third squadron of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch Bureau took over the task, and the fat water did not flow to the field of outsiders. In the final analysis, it was his own people.

Looking at the posture, for a while and a half will be unable to go, Han Bin took out his mobile phone to dial Wang Ting's number.

After the mobile phone was connected, Wang Ting's concerned voice came, "Han Bin, are you OK over there?"

"It's OK. Bao Xing and I are very good. We've been at the scene of the balloon crash, but I guess we won't be able to leave for a while. Let me tell you something."

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"Is the man on the balloon dead?"

"I'm dead, so it's a lot of trouble." Han Bin did not hide, the crowd around the scene is too much, there is no need to hide.

"All right, you can be busy. Qianqian and I will stay in the car."

Han Bin reminded, "another thing you should remember is that if you see a clown, you must stay away from each other. Then call me

Wang Ting is a little surprised, "what happened to the clown?"Han Bin whispered, "from the existing situation, this accident is likely to be caused by a clown, he is very dangerous, we must stay away."

"Ah Wang Ting's voice was a little surprised, but also a little scared, "just after we separated from you, Qianqian and I saw a clown when we returned to the parking lot."

Han Bin asked hastily, "are you two OK?"


"Lock the door and protect yourself."

"We understand. We're not going anywhere."

"Where's the clown, do you know?"

"The clown was holding some balloons in animal shape. Qianqian wanted to go and see them, but I stopped her. And then in the twinkling of an eye there was no one

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Han Bin more listen to more worry, "so, you two alone in the parking lot, I let Bao Xing to pick you up."

Han Bin still feels that Wang Ting is more at ease under her own eyes.

"All right." Wang Ting is not brave. When she heard that the clown was likely to kill the murderer, she felt a little weak in her heart.

Huang Qianqian was excited. "What did the Korean team say just now? Is that clown a bad guy? I said, it doesn't look like a good person. Cousin, you shouldn't have stopped me just now, or I might have caught him. "

Wang Ting hung up her cell phone and said, "OK, don't make trouble."


Then, Han Bin arranges Bao Xing to meet Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian.

He himself stayed at the scene, ready to start the investigation.

At this time, zoumazhen's deputy director, Zheng Minying, just finished answering the phone and quickly walked up to Han Bin, "Captain Han, I'm disrespectful. I didn't expect that you became the squadron leader of the city's criminal investigation team when you were young."

"Director Zheng, you are welcome. I have been in the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch before, and we are not outsiders."

Zheng Minying's tone was a little more cordial than before, "yes, you can say if you have any arrangement. We will cooperate with zoumazhen police station."

Han Bin nodded and officially took over the scene

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