Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 754: 754

Han Bin shook his head, "I still don't believe you."

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Ren Bo knelt on the ground, holding Hanbin's thigh, "police comrade, what I said this time is true, please believe me."

"Get up."

Zhao Ming and sun Xiaopeng pull him up from left to right.

If this is photographed by someone with a heart, it's not reasonable.

Han Bin pulled a stool to sit down, "I tell you, every clue of the police investigation is based on. If you tell a lie, the previous record will be invalid. We have to take notes again. We have to do all the inquiries again. "

"If you really rent the clown suit to the suspect for several hundred yuan, you don't know about his criminal behavior and didn't participate in it. Originally, you don't have to pay the legal responsibility. But because you lied just now, it has constituted the crime of obstructing the law enforcement and public affairs, which is punishable."

"Police comrades, please forgive me once. I didn't mean it. I really don't know it was a crime. I'll never dare to correct it again. If I make a mistake, I will correct it." Ren Bo wants to kneel down again, but he is forced to get up by sun Xiaopeng.

Han Bin tone Congzhong way, "I also want to open up, but you violated the law, I can do nothing, as a law enforcement agency, I can only in accordance with the provisions of the law."

"Comrade, you must have a way. I believe you can help me. I don't want to be punished. As long as I'm not punished, you can do whatever you want me to do."

"If you don't want to be punished, you have to do meritorious service to reduce the punishment. Only you can help you."

"Well, I'm going to do meritorious service and commutation. If you tell me how to do so, I'll do it. I'll listen to you."

"Help us find song Zhong and tell us all the clues about song Zhong."

"No, I'm willing to help you find song Zhong."

"Tell me, where is he?"

Ren Bo muddled, bitter face, "I really don't know, I don't know him, he is using me."

Han Bin look at each other's look not fake, "so, I ask you to answer."

"Is song Zhong a man or a woman?"


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"How do you know he's a man?"

"He called twice, and his voice was male, and he didn't sound very old. And when I gave the clown clothes, I saw him once. He was about the same height as me. He was definitely a man

Han Bin recorded in the book, "where is his accent?"

"Like Qindao, but with some other accent. "

" physical characteristics. "

"I said it before. It's true. I didn't lie about it."

"Where is he?"

"After he took the clown suit, he rode away on an electric bike, as if It's the way to the playground. "

"How did he pay?"

"Cash, cash he gave."

"Where's the money?"

"I didn't have any flowers. I put them in the drawer. I'll get them."

Ren Bo goes to the desk, turns out an envelope from the drawer and hands it to Han Bin.

Han Bin put on gloves and took the envelope to check. There were ten red bills in it. He didn't find anything else.

Han Bin packed the envelope with a sealed plastic bag. "Did he wear gloves when he gave you the envelope?"

"There seems to be."

Zhao Ming reminds, "think clearly."

Ren Bo grabbed his hair and thought carefully, "I can't remember clearly. I just checked the envelope at that time. I'm afraid he didn't care about the others because the envelope contained fake money."

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Zhao Ming hit it, hit it mouth, "tut Tut, you are really good!"

Han Bin pondered for a moment, "please come with us."

Ren Bo with a trill, "where to?"

"The Public Security Bureau."

Ren Bo stepped back two steps, "I've told you all, and I've cooperated with your investigation. Why do you want to take me to the public security bureau?"

Zhao Ming snorted, "what did you tell us and what did you cooperate with us? The clown costume was not found, and the shadow of song Zhong was not found. We believe you with what."

"You brought the clown costume out of the playground. We even have reason to suspect that you are song Zhong. You have been directing and acting yourself all the time!"

"I didn't!" Ren Bo cried out.

"Well, Mr. Ren, don't get excited. We do this for the convenience of investigation. As long as the case is clear, you will be cleared of suspicion. In the meantime, I hope you can cooperate. " Han Bin waved his hand.

Zhao Ming and Tian Li leave with Ren Bo.

Sun Xiaopeng stayed at the scene, waiting for the technical team to investigate the scene.


In a black car.

Tian Li is driving in front, Han Bin and Bao Xing are sitting in the back to watch Ren Bo.

Ren Bo frowned and showed a bitter gourd face. He said to himself all the way, "I am wronged. How can I be so unlucky? This kind of thing is spread on me.""I'm even worse than Dou e."

Zhao Ming only rolled his eyes, "OK, don't come back to these two sentences. Are they interesting?"

"Comrades of the police, I just feel depressed. I've done nothing. I just want to earn some extra money. How can I be arrested. I didn't do anything wrong at all

Zhao Ming snorted, "isn't it wrong for you to cheat the police? Isn't it wrong to rent out the goods in the playground? Do you have any more

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"I come to Qindao to work alone. I just want to earn more money and find a girlfriend to live a good life. My heart is not a bad person, and I don't want to cheat the police, that is to say, it's easy."

Zhao Ming is too lazy to talk to him.

Ren Bo still said to himself, "I'm wronged. Dou E is nothing compared with me. I'm Dou E in the 21st century."

"Ding Ling Ling..." At this time, a mobile phone ring.

Han Bin took a look at the mobile phone, staring at the next Ren Bo, "you shut up for me, if you dare to say one more word, your crime of obstructing the law enforcement official even sit down, don't want to get commutation."

"Well, I won't say anything, I won't say anything." Ren Bodao.

Han Bin pointed to his mouth again.

Ren Bo quickly covers his mouth with his hand.

Then, Han Bin pressed the answer key, and then pressed the recording key, "hello."

A man's voice came from the mobile phone, "you just called me. What's the matter?"

"Is that Mr. Song Bohui?"

"It's me. What can I do for you?"

"I'm from Qindao Public Security Bureau. I have something to inform you."

"What about the public security bureau? I haven't dealt with you

"Do you have a brother named song bochen?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, "yes, what's the matter?"

"Today, song bochen and his girlfriend went to Qindao amusement park. There was an accident leading to death. We want you to come and identify your body."

"What is it? Song bochen is dead. "

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"Yes, where are you now? How long will it take? "

The voice on the other end of the mobile phone was on guard. "You're not a liar. First of all, I have no money, and I won't remit a cent to you."

"When did I ask you for money? Your brother died. I asked you to come and identify your body. It's that simple. When can you come over? "

Song Bohui still seems to have some disbelief. "No, song bochen is only in his twenties. How can he die? It's impossible. "

"I said, there was an accident at the playground, not a normal death."

"I'm out of town now. I'll have to confirm and contact you later." With that, song Bohui hung up.

Han Bin turned to look at the side of Ren Bo, "I play a sound, you listen."

Han Bin opens the recording, and his conversation with song Bohui comes from his mobile phone.

After playing, Han Bin asked, "is the man's voice familiar in the mobile phone?"

Ren Bo thought, "a little."

"Listen again. After listening, tell me if you know the man who called Han Bin played the recording again.

After the recording was played, Ren Bo looked confused.

Han Bin Yang Yang chin, "can you hear it?"

"Well Can you give me a hint? "

"Is the man speaking song Zhong?"

"A little bit like that."

Zhao Ming yelled, "what is a bit like, is, is not."

Ren Bo is a bit embarrassed. "I'm not sure that the voice is the same as my age, but the accent is different."

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