Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 768: 768

Hanbin some accident, looked at each other, "so you are from the first."

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Hong Jianying grabbed the head, "yes, it's not."

Zhao Mingzhi asked, "yes, it is; no, it is not; what is" yes, it is not. "

"I sent an express letter to song Jingshan, but I just wanted to scare him. I didn't want to kill his son. I didn't even know his son. Besides, I only sent a threatening letter to song Jingshan. "

Han Bin touched his nose, "where did you hear about this?"

Hong Jianying replied, "property management company, I heard them talk about it. I heard song Jingshan received another threatening letter and his son was killed. People from the property company also said that it might be the person who wrote the threatening letter who killed song Jingshan's son. I'm scared when I hear that. I feel that something is wrong. I just want to make it clear to you. "

"When did you send a threatening letter to song Jingshan?"

Hong Jianying thought, "in the morning of June 9."

Zhao Ming asked, "people do bad things at night. Why do you send threatening letters in the morning?"

"It's mainly related to the nature of my work. I always clean in the morning. No one will doubt when I enter the unit building. I put the letter into the express cabinet when there is no one." Hong Jianying sighed, "I was just impulsive. After I put the letter in, I regretted it. I even thought about taking it out, but I didn't have a key, I couldn't open the express cabinet, and I couldn't take it out. It's just a mistake. "

Han Bin called Zhao Ming over, whispered two words, and then Zhao Ming left.

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Han Bin continued to ask, "what about the second threatening letter?"

"The second threatening letter has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me. I was afraid that you might suspect me, so I took the initiative to surrender."

"Do you know that song Jingshan called the police the first time you sent a threatening letter?"

"Yes, people from the police station have been to the property to learn about the situation."

Han Bin asked, "why didn't you turn yourself in that time?"

"I was afraid of it that time, but it was just a threatening letter. I didn't know anything about it, and I knew the people in the police station well, so I might not be able to find out any problems. But this time it's different. Song Jingshan's son died. People in the property company are saying that song Jingshan's son was killed by someone who sent a threatening letter. I don't want to carry this black pot. It's the crime of being shot. I know that after this, I'm almost scared to death. " Hong Jianying leaned forward,

"police comrades, you must believe me. What I said is true."

Han Bin said, "what is the content of that threatening letter?"

Hong Jianying lowered her head and remained silent for a long time before she said, "Song Jingshan, you can't die well. Sooner or later, I'll let your family die!"

"Why did you write a threatening letter to song Jingshan?"

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"I just want to scare him."

"You have a grudge against him?"


"How did you get revenge?"

Hong Jianying sighed, "Song Jingshan's family has opened a landscaping company. When they have greening projects, they will recruit construction teams. I worked in their construction team for two years."

"Song Jingshan is a vampire. He is in arrears with his salary and withholds his salary. He has made a lot of money by us, but he still wants to squeeze our hard-earned money."

"I've been working for him for half a year, but I haven't paid a cent. My wife quarreled with me and said I was useless. She asked me if I wanted to support my family. I'll get it? I have no money, either

"I had a fight with her and slapped her. It was the first time I hit her. It was the first time Later, she left with her children and never came back

"My home is gone, everything is gone, I went to them I can't find it anywhere, Wuwu... " With that, Hong Jianying began to cry. "Since then, I've been drinking too much. I've been drinking during the day and at night, and people have been drinking too much. I can't do heavy work any more. I can only clean like an old man or an old lady."

"It's all song Jingshan. Don't you think this kind of people should die?" Hong Jianying gritted her teeth, "I wish I killed him myself!"

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"But I don't dare. I don't want to die. In my lifetime, I want to see my wife and children again. I think they I'm sorry to die. " Hong Jianying covered her face and sobbed.

Han Bin handed him a packet of tissue, "when did you go to song Jingshan's company, and when did you leave? What's the name of song Jingshan's company?"

Hong Jianying thought, "the company's name is Hongshan green. I went there for 15 years and worked until the end of 16."

"Have you settled your arrears?"

"Only in May of '17." Hong Jianying showed a touch of sarcasm, "but what's the use of giving it? My wife has left with her children. What's the use of that money besides buying wine?"

"Since it was 16 years ago, why did you think about revenge in June this year?"

"No, I've wanted to take revenge on Song Jingshan for a long time. I've thought about it since my wife and children left. I hate him all the time..." Song Jingshan hammered his chest hard, showing a complex and painful look, "but I'm a useless person, I dare not retaliate, I just want to, just want to I hate myself, too. ""In June this year, I went to work in the community where song Jingshan lived. When I met song Jingshan, I felt hatred again. I often met him. He had a successful career and a happy family. The more he did, the more cruel I felt. What's more, he didn't recognize me at all. "

"Isn't it ironic?" Hong Jianying sent out a laugh full of self mockery, "I secretly hate him, hate to death, but the party is at a loss and ignorance, and has even forgotten that I am such a person, is not very sad."

"I was so depressed that I wrote that threatening letter, but I didn't kill anyone. If I dare to kill someone, I won't wait until today."

Although Hong Jianying's attitude is very sincere, Han Bin did not fully believe, "between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. on September 9, where are you?"

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Hong Jianying thought, "that day I went to work. We went to work at 12:00 noon and 2:00 in the afternoon. During that time, my colleagues and I had dinner and sat in the duty room to rest. They can testify to me."

"Have you been to Qindao amusement park recently?"

"Playground?" Hong Jianying murmured, revealing a touch of bitterness, "I've never been there, but my son has always wanted to go, unfortunately..."

"Dada..." After a while, Zhao Ming pushed the door and came in, followed by Lu Wen of the technical team.

Lu Wen skillfully collected Hong Jianying's fingerprints and compared them on the spot with the fingerprint acquisition and processing machine.

"Ding, fingerprints have been collected."

"In comparison..."

"Ding, the fingerprint comparison results are completely consistent!"

This proves that Hong Jianying did not lie, and his fingerprints were found in the first threatening letter.

As for whether the second threatening letter was written by him, it needs to be further verified.

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