Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 770: 770

Fuping street, near Anhui community.

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A black car parked at the side of the road, Han Bin and Zeng Ping sitting in the back of the car.

Zeng Ping lowered the window and looked at the parking lot next to him. "We used Skynet to monitor all the way and found that the black SUV had lost its track near this intersection. I asked the team members to search nearby and found the parking lot next to this community. "

"At that time, no suspected vehicle was found in the parking lot. However, the team members transferred the monitoring of the parking lot and found the black SUV after checking."

"When I drove into the parking lot, the black SUV had changed its license plate. I had the license plate checked. "

With that, Zeng Ping sent the car owner information to Han Bin's mobile phone.

The owner, Tang Zixuan

gender, male

date of birth, June 7, 1993

native place, Qindao City

mobile number, 1552339xxx

after reading the information, Han Bin asked, "since the license plate has been changed, how can we determine that it is the same car?"

Zeng Ping took out his mobile phone, opened a picture, and enlarged part of the picture. "This car is a suspected vehicle that we have been tracking from Skynet monitoring, which is exactly the same as the car style, color and model found by parking lot monitoring."

"Of course, there are many cars of the same style, which we have taken into account. However, the suspected car has two features. The first feature is that two red silks are tied to the front wheels, and the second feature is that an apple decoration is placed in the car."

"These two obvious features, together with the style, color and time of getting on the bus, we can basically confirm that this car should be the suspect vehicle."

Han Bin also agreed with Zeng Ping's conjecture, a thumb, "worthy of Zeng team, so quickly found the suspected vehicle. "

Zeng Ping looked out of the window and said," I hope it's this one. "

"Is the suspect vehicle in the parking lot now?"

"No Zeng Ping shook his head and continued, "however, we have checked the monitoring of the parking lot and found out the condition of the car. He usually parks here."

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Zeng Ping looked at his watch and said, "I guess I'm coming back soon."

After a few more conversations, the car quieted down.

To tell you the truth, Zeng Ping is not used to sitting with Han Bin. In the past, Han Bin reported to him. Now it's OK. He reported to Han Bin.

Although it's not obvious on the surface, it's bound to be a bit awkward in my heart.

After another ten minutes, a traffic policeman came here. Based on the idea that more is better than less, Zhao Ming drove the car directly into the parking lot to avoid being pasted.

After working in the car for a long time, Han Bin felt a little stuffy and got off the car to move his legs.

Zeng Ping also got out of the car and handed Han Bin a cigarette. While they were smoking, they chatted again.

After a while, a black car drove into the parking lot, with the same style and brand as the suspected car, and red ribbons on the wheels.

Zeng Ping took two puffs of smoke, then put out the cigarette end, "team Han, this is the car."

Han Bin also noticed the car and gave the arrest order directly.

The black SUV was parked in the parking space, the door of the cab opened, and a man in his twenties came down. As soon as he locked the car, several people rushed up and pressed him on the car.

"Police, don't move!"

Han Bin also walked past, observed a man, "what's your name?"

Man does not answer rhetorical question, "what do you arrest me for?"

Han Bin showed the police officer card, "look, we are the police, are performing the task. Let me ask you again, what's your name? "

"My name is Tang Zixuan. I didn't break the law. You arrested the wrong person."

"What's your license plate number?"

"This is my car. The license plate is on."

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Han Bin cold voice way, "I let you say."

Tang Zixuan replied, "Lu b371eu."

"Do you have any other cars?"

Tang Zixuan shook his head.

"Speak up."


"Any other license plates?"



"I'm sure."

Han Bin continued to ask, "did you go to Qindao playground on September 9?"

"I don't remember."

Zhao Ming snorted, "it's only a few days. You can't tell me clearly. Who are you cheating on?"

Tang Zixuan hesitated and clenched his teeth, "I I haven't been there! "

Han Bin turned around the black SUV, "have you seen the license plate of Lu b908qw?"

Tang Zixuan's face changed slightly, and he still shook his head, "I haven't seen it."

"Are you sure you don't have this license plate on your black SUV?""Comrade police, why do you ask such a thing? It's not illegal for me to hang any license plate. You Why on earth did you catch me? "

Han Bin patted his shoulder, "now I'm asking you, honestly answer my question."

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Tang Zixuan took a deep breath, "No."

"Yes, it's hard to talk." Han Bin smiles, "what were you doing on September 9?"

Tang Zixuan forehead see sweat, shake his head, "I can't remember."

"I don't think you want to say it. If you don't want to say it here, you can go back to the police station and tell us that the place is spacious and we have plenty of time."

"If I don't go, why do you take me to the police station? If you want to arrest me, you should at least give me a reason. I don't know what you are going to do. Are you police or not? You can't be disguised." The more Tang Zixuan said, the more confident he was, and he gradually straightened out.

"When the police find you, they have certain evidence. The more you refuse to cooperate, the more you refuse to explain, which means that you are more suspicious..." Before Han Bin finished, Wei Zimo's voice rang out, "team Zeng, team Han, we found the license plate of Lu b908qw in the trunk."

Han Bin and Zeng Ping went over and saw two forged license plates.

Zeng Ping took the license plate and photographed Tang Zixuan's face, "what's this? Haven't you seen it? You're lying with your eyes open. "

Tang Zixuan cried, "I admit it. I lied But don't I just have a license plate? As for the fact that so many people have come to arrest me. "

"Just a license plate?" Zeng Ping sneered, "do you think our criminal investigation team is full and has nothing to do, so many people arrest you for a fake car? And pretend to me, it's a pity that you're not an actor. "

Tang Zixuan cried, "I didn't install it, so I set up a license plate."

Han Bin said, "I ask you, did you go to Qindao amusement park on September 9?"


"Which license plate was used?"

Tang Zixuan lowered his head, "Lu b908qw."

Han Bin a pick eyebrow, "just why lie?"

"I don't know why you arrested me. I just don't want to make trouble for myself."

Han Bin turned to one side of Wei Zimo, "have you found any other evidence?"

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Wei Zimo replied, "the car has been searched, and no other suspicious clues have been found."

"Check the dash cam."


The more Tang Zixuan listened, the more he felt something was wrong. "Comrade police, I just set up a license plate. Are you like this?"

Han Bin asked, "since you've been to the playground, what happened that afternoon, don't you know?"

Tang Zixuan was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed, "don't you think Ah, conscience of heaven and earth, I have nothing to do with the falling of the hot-air balloon. I've been wronged to death. I've just got a license plate. You won't suspect that I'm related to the accident

Han Bin said, "the fall of a hot-air balloon is not an accident, but a man-made murder. According to our speculation, the suspect should have left by car. In order to avoid exposing his identity, the suspect probably used a licensed car. "

"Just like you, you go to the amusement park without being aware of it. If it wasn't for the police to follow you all the way, no one would know about it."

Tang Zixuan's face turned white with fright. "Comrade police, I'm really wronged. I have nothing to do with the case of hot-air balloon falling. I admit that I have a license plate, but it doesn't mean I will kill people."

"Then why do you have a license plate?"

"My girlfriend wants to go to the amusement park, but I'm limited that day. If I'm caught by the camera, I'll be fined 100 yuan For the rich, a hundred yuan may not be a big deal, but for the common people like us, no one wants to be detained, so I just want to use a licensed car So you don't have to be fined. " The more Tang Zixuan said, the smaller his voice was.

Han Bin frowned, "because of the number limit, so you use a deck car?"

"When it comes to the number limit, I'm angry. I pay tax when I buy a car, and I get a lot of insurance money every year. Why limit my number?"

Zhao Ming said, "this is Guo Jia's rule. You can't tell us. Our cars are limited in number."

Tang Zixuan muttered, "don't worry about who rules, and you can't let the interests of the common people suffer. As much as you spend, you should enjoy as much treatment as you like. Just think about the number limit. Let's pay less taxes and pay less insurance. "

Zhao Ming waved his hand, "come on, what are you complaining about with us? It's not our rule. We don't count what we say. Now you need to make your situation clear. Don't make trouble for us, and don't make trouble for yourself. "

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