Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 776: 776

Li Hui and others surrounded and directly handcuffed the shopkeeper.

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Han Bin put the mask in his pocket, "what's your name?"

The boss turned his eyes. "My name is Su Tongguang. What's the matter with you in my shop?"

"Well, it's all stolen. What else do you pretend to be?" Han Bin hummed.

"Comrade police, I didn't install it. You said that the mobile phone belonged to your ex girlfriend, and I only accepted it. It should not be against the law

Han Bin a pick eyebrow, "that resell real name system mobile phone number?"

"Ah, my mobile phone number belongs to a friend of mine. He was in a hurry to use money, so he asked me to help sell it. I'm just doing a favor. I can't talk about profiteering. " Su explained.

"Su Tongguang, do you think we are stupid, or do you think the police are easy to deceive? Since we come to arrest people, we have enough evidence." Speaking, Han Bin took out the arrest warrant, "see for yourself, what is this."

Su Tongguang widened his eyes and looked for a long time. He didn't seem to believe it. "Why arrest me? What crime did I commit?"

"You are suspected of collecting dirty and reselling real name mobile phone numbers. At the same time, you are also suspected of participating in a murder case. We will arrest you according to law."

Su Tongguang is confused, the first two are expected by him, but what's the ghost of being suspected of participating in the murder?

"Comrade police, is there any misunderstanding? How can I be related to the homicide?"

Han Bin cautioned, "Su Tongguang, you know what's going on yourself, and we police also know. Don't think about leaving yourself alone. We are now investigating a murder case. If you can help the police solve the case, we can give you a certain commutation policy. If you dare to lie, you will be guilty of obstructing the law enforcement. "

"Comrade police, I really don't understand why I'm connected with the murder. I'm a coward by nature. I don't dare to kill a chicken. How can I kill a chicken? "

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Han Bin sneered, "so you are determined to interfere with law enforcement."

"No, no, I'm willing to cooperate with the police, but I can't admit what I haven't done."

"Then I ask you, are you engaged in reselling real name mobile phone numbers?"

Su Tongguang hesitated for a while and bit his teeth. "Yes, I'm selling mobile phone numbers."

"Do you know a woman named Lin Hongping?"

"Sounds familiar."

"A mobile phone number in her name is related to a homicide. According to Lin Hongping, that mobile phone number was sold to you. We need your help investigating the whereabouts of the suspect's cell phone number now. "

Su Tongguang knows that the police are well prepared. No matter how cunning they are, it's useless. Now the best response is to cooperate with the police investigation.

"I have to check. I can't remember so many cell phone numbers."

Han Bin winked at Li Hui, indicating that he let Su Tongguang go.

Su Tongguang rubbed his wrist and sighed, "comrade, what's your name?"

Bao Xing on one side said, "this is captain Han of our city's criminal investigation team."

Su Tongguang nodded and bowed, "good captain Han, the records of those mobile phone numbers are stored in the computer, I have to check."

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"Go ahead, don't play tricks."

"Don't worry, I dare not borrow a hundred courage." Su Tongguang finished and went to the computer to check.

Han Bin also followed in the past, "what channels do you usually sell real name mobile phone numbers through?"

"Mainly through the Internet."

"Which platform?"

"A second-hand trading platform called Dog bar." Speaking, Su Tongguang found the record of Lin Hongping's mobile phone number, "found it, I received Lin Hongping's mobile phone number, and most of them were sold."

"I have a little impression of Lin Hongping. She works in a restaurant. I used to eat in that restaurant. The fat sausage in that restaurant is very good."

Han Bin opened a notebook, "you check the name of linhongping 1532338xxx mobile phone number."

Su Tongguang made a search and replied, "this mobile phone number has been sold. It was sold in August this year. It's sold for 1200 yuan."

"Who bought it?"

"My account number is" I'm xiaoguoba. ". "

" can you see her real information? "

Su Tongguang shook his head, "I don't know."

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Hanbin let people check, Su Tongguang really did not lie.

Then, Han Bin said, "Li Hui, please contact this second-hand platform called" dog bar "to check the real information of the buyer."

"Yes." Li Hui answered and looked at his watch again. "Team Han, it's so late now, and the technicians of that company are off duty. I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow. "

Han Bin nodded, "tomorrow, you will be mainly responsible for this matter, the rest can be put on."


Han Bin waved, "take him back to the police station.""Captain Han, I've assisted you in your investigation. Is this my contribution? You have to say something good for me..."

Before Su Tongguang finished, he was put into the car.

Han Bin glanced at the shop and told Zhao mingphen, "call the technical team and let them come and bring all the clues and equipment related to reselling real name mobile phone numbers back to the Bureau."

The accusation of reselling real name mobile phone number is big or small, but the influence and harm can not be ignored.

Who would buy other people's real name mobile phone numbers? Su Tongguang resells so many mobile phone numbers and doesn't know how many criminals he has helped to commit crimes. He can't be spared by this.

The trial against Su Tongguang has just begun.


The next morning.

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Tanan Road, near the parking lot of Boyuan mall.

A black car stopped at the side of the road and Zeng Ping stepped down from the back of the car.

Wei Zimo quickly welcomed the past, "team Zeng, you've come very fast. I thought you'd have to wait for a while to get there."

Zeng Ping looked behind Wei Zimo and said, "what about the white Toyota?"

"It's in the parking lot." Wei Zimo led Zeng Ping into the parking lot and walked to a white Toyota.

Zeng Ping turned around the car. "The license plate has changed. Can you be sure it's the same car?"

Wei Zimo touched his chin, "this Toyota car has no obvious features, but the model and style are exactly the same as the suspected brand vehicle."

Zeng Ping shook his head. "This kind of car is very common. This alone can't prove that this is a suspected car."

Wei Zimo continued, "we traced all the way from surveillance, and the fake car disappeared near here. And the parking time of this car coincides with the missing time of the licensed car, which is a very likely suspect vehicle. "

Zeng Ping went around the car two times, still did not find anything unusual, "first check the license plate, to understand the situation of the owner."

Wei Zimo replied, "I've asked people to check it. It's estimated that there will be news soon."

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