Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 78: 78

Through contact with bubble software company, we found the registered mobile phone number of Xiaokai.

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Name: Wu Zekai

age: 21 years old

gender: male

height: 176

address: 105 Qize Road, Huijin City, Nanzhou.

ID card: 110120xxx

looking at the suspect's information on the projector, Zeng Ping patted the table and said, "I finally found out the boy's real identity."

"Team Zeng, this boy is from Nanzhou. He must be familiar with that side. Will he flee back to Nanzhou?" Li Hui guessed.

"I have contacted the technical team to track and locate the suspect's mobile phone number. It is estimated that there will be news soon."

"What if he turns off his cell phone?" Zhao Ming shrugged his shoulders.

"Crow mouth."

"Team Zeng, I suggest to go to the communication company and check Wu Zekai's contacts and text messages. Maybe there will be other discoveries." Han Bin said.

"In this way, Han Bin and Tian Li go to check Wu Zekai's mobile communication." Zeng Ping Road.

"Team Zeng, what are we doing?" Li Hui asked.

"Once the mobile phone location is successful, if the suspect is in other places, I, Li Hui and Zhao Ming will start to arrest him immediately." Zeng Ping said.

"Team Zeng, just the three of you?" Tian Li said.

"If you go to other places, ask the local comrades to help you arrest. No problem." Zeng Ping Road.

"Let's keep in touch. I'll call you if there's anything, and the logistics will be up to you."


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An hour, Han Bin and Tian Li with procedures, arrived at the communication company.

With the help of the staff of the communication company, he called up Wu Zekai's call records and text messages and printed out two lists.

Han Bin also specially added the contact information of the person in charge of the communication company.

Two people with communication list, just stepped out of the door of the communication company, Hanbin's mobile phone rang up.

"Ding Ling Ling..." Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and sees Zeng Ping's name on the screen.

"Team Zeng."

"Binzi, the suspect's mobile phone number, has been successfully located." Zeng Ping's voice was a little excited.

"Where is it?"

"Jizhou Shimen."

"That's not too far."

"Let's clean up and get ready to catch people." Zeng Ping Road.

"Team Zeng, have a good journey."

"Wait for the news." Zeng Ping finished and hung up his cell phone.

The Tian Li of one side curiously way: "once team how to say?"

"The positioning is successful. In Shimen, Jizhou, they are ready to start."

"Is Shimen far from Qindao?" Tian Li is a stranger to Shimen.

"About six or seven hours by car."

"That is to say, if it's fast, we can catch it today."

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"I hope so."


Qindao branch.

Office of the third and second criminal investigation teams.

Hanbin two people back to the office, Zeng Ping three people have left.

The office seems empty. Han Bin is not used to it.

After making a cup of tea, Han Bin leaned back in his chair and yawned. Since he received the case yesterday, he has only slept in the car for three hours, and his head is a bit drowsy.

"Han Bin."

When he was in a daze, Tian Li yelled.

"What's the matter?" Han Bin recovered.

"He Yan's family is here. Are you going or am I going?" Tian Li shrugged her shoulders.

Han Bin revealed a touch of bitterness: "sister Tian, you'd better go. This kind of work is not suitable for me."

"I knew you would say that." Tian Li snorted and turned out of the office.

"Hard work." Han Bin said.

"If you sleep, close the door." Tian Li reminded.

"Got it."

Han Bin should be a voice, some dry throat, poured a few mouthfuls of tea water, but not very sleepy.

After a stretch, he took out the list of mobile phone numbers and checked the contacts above. He found that Wu Zekai seldom called and had no particularly frequent contacts.

The last call was about 11 o'clock this morning. There was a missed call.

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Han Bin searched the mobile phone number on the Internet. The number is Shimen, marked with the express number.

According to the mobile phone number tracking positioning, the suspect is now in Shimen.

Hanbin some hesitation, want to call this phone to test, and afraid will scare.

However, through this courier, it is likely to find the exact address of the suspect.

After thinking about it, Han Bin still dials this number.



"I'm the owner of 13825 XXXXXX. Did you call me in the morning? I'm out of town. It's not convenient to use that mobile phone number." Han Bin said."Wait a minute, I'll check." The courier answered, and after a while, said:

"Oh, well, you sent an express on the 19th, the recipient's number is empty, and there is no detailed receiving address. I want to ask if you have written it wrong."

"Is it an express from Qindao to Shimen?"


"Where is the express now?" Han Bin asked.

"At the shimenyu access distribution center."

"Just a moment. I'll confirm my mobile phone number with my friend and call you later." Han Bin said.

"You'd better use 13825 XXXXXX mobile phone number to call, so that we can easily change the address and recipient. Our company has a rule that we can only use the sender's phone number to change the recipient's address and mobile phone number."

"I understand. I'll get in touch later."

Han Bin thought for a while, searched Yutong distribution center, and then called Zeng Ping.

"Hello, team Zeng."

"Binzi, what can I do for you?"

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"Where have you been?"

"It's out of the city, ready to get on the highway." Zeng Ping Road.

"The exact location of the suspect, is not in Shimen, Western District, Yu access near."

"Why, how do you know that?" Zeng Ping was a little surprised.

"Don't get on the highway yet."

"What's the matter?"

"I just checked the suspect's call record. The last call was a missed number. I checked it on the Internet. It was the number of Shimen courier." Han Bin said.

"This proves from the side that the suspect is indeed in Shimen." Zeng Ping Road.

"At first, I thought the same way. Later, I communicated with the courier and found that the recipient, number and address of the courier were not clear."

"Can it be that the suspect is afraid, his hiding place is exposed, and when the express arrives, he will change the address temporarily." Zeng Ping speculated.

"The suspect sent the express yesterday. If he went to Shimen himself, why didn't he take it with him? Instead, he wanted to send the express." Han Bin asked.

Zeng Ping thought for a while: "is it inconvenient to carry?"

"From the hotel monitoring, we can see that the suspect didn't carry too many things. I don't think it's necessary to risk sending express. Moreover, if it's an important item, why didn't he answer the express phone this morning?" Han Bin analysis.

"Do you think the suspect is not in Shimen?" Zeng Ping asked.


"How to locate the suspect's mobile phone number..." Zeng Ping said half, suddenly stunned.


Zeng Ping scolded: "don't go etc, turn around and pull over."

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