Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 787: 787

Tai Dongyuan was startled, "in prison, not as it, I did not do anything illegal, I wronged it."

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"Are you still wronged?" Li Hui's tone was somewhat ironic, "what about us? Have you been fooled by your brother for such a long time? Are we wronged? If it's all like you, how can the case be investigated? Who will protect the safety of the people! "

"I'm sorry, I didn't think so much. I didn't go to school very much. I'm confused I... " Tai Dongyuan hesitated, too frightened to speak.

Han Bin said, "the level of education is not an excuse for your crime. There are many people with low education background and honest duty

Tai Dongyuan pleaded, "yes, you're right. I admit that I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. Please open up and don't let me go to jail."

"It depends on your attitude to plead guilty. If you cooperate with the police investigation and perform meritorious service, you can be lenient to some extent."

"I want to contribute, and I'm willing to cooperate with the investigation." Tai Dongyuan leaned forward, "Comrade police, as long as I can't be put in prison, I'll agree to whatever you say."

Han Bin said, "my request is very simple. Help us find song Bohui."

"Bohui." Tai Dongyuan muttered, "but I Now I don't know where he is

"That only means that you don't want to do meritorious service and reduce your sentence."

"I think, of course I do. But I don't know where he is. "

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Han Bin stepped back and said," let's talk about the last time you two met. "

Tai Dongyuan fell into memories. "On the morning of September 13, Bo Hui called me to say that his adoptive mother was ill and was seeing a doctor in the capital. He couldn't help himself and wanted to invite me to the capital. As soon as I heard that this was a serious matter, I quickly bought a high-speed rail ticket and went to the capital. "

"I arrived in Beijing at five in the afternoon, and then I took a taxi to the hospital to find him. At first, I didn't go upstairs, but we met downstairs. Then we went to a nearby hotel to talk, and he made me pretend to be him. "

"I didn't promise at first, but he kept begging me and saying I finally agreed. That night, he told me a lot about himself. The next morning, he left. I haven't seen him since

Han Bin asked in detail, "which hospital?"

"Beijing Third People's hospital."

"What's the name of the hotel?"

"Wanda Hotel on Huaibei road."

"What time did he leave?"

"I don't know. I didn't see him when I got up on the 14th. It should have been around eight. He took my identification and changed clothes with me

"From then on, I played song Bohui. To tell you the truth, at the beginning, I was afraid that I would show up. I know that no matter how much I look in casual clothes, I'm not Bohui. His family will surely find some differences. However, perhaps because of song bochen's death, his family ignored my abnormality. " Tai Dongyuan showed a wry smile,

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"but I didn't expect that I cheated Bohui's parents, but I didn't hide the eyes of all police comrades. I don't think Bohui thought of that either."

Han Bin didn't pay much attention to this flattery, "since you can play song Bohui, it shows that you know him well and know a lot about him. Then you can help me analyze why song Bohui let you disguise as him? "

Tai Dongyuan hesitated, clenched his fist, loosened it, and then clenched it again.

After a while, he still spoke.

"Bang bang!" Li Hui knocked on the table, "Hey, what do you think? Do you want to do meritorious service or commutation. I tell you, the crime of obstructing law enforcement is not light, and can be sentenced to three years' imprisonment. More than a thousand days and nights in a dark hut, you have to think clearly

Tai Dongyuan said, "I just think that Bohui will come back by itself. I don't want to betray him. After all, I'm his brother."

"Ha ha." Li Hui sneered, "do you know that you have been betrayed by him. Don't you think why he would let you disguise him? Don't you know that it's against the law. You treat him as a brother, but he doesn't treat you as a brother. "

"Stop it!" Tai Dongyuan yelled, holding his hair in both hands. "I believe that Bohui must have his own difficulties. He will not harm me."

Han Bin took over, "then you should say more. As you said, song Bohui didn't want to hurt you, but if you don't say anything now, you'll be arrested for obstructing law enforcement and public affairs, and you'll be in prison, and then he'll hurt you. It's against his heart

Tai Dongyuan showed a tangled look and twisted his hands together.

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Han Bin continued to advise, "to say the least, our police are not fools. We can see that you are not song Bohui. We can also find out whether song Bohui has other criminal acts. If you don't say it, it is you two who are harmed."

"I I'll tell you what I know. " Tai Dongyuan took a deep breath. "In fact, I didn't think too much at the beginning, but I couldn't sleep these two nights. I've been thinking about it all the time, and I wonder why Bohui asked me to pretend to be him.""I think for a long time, I think that Bohui may be worried and afraid So I want to leave for a while

Tai Dongyuan said vaguely, Han Bin can understand his meaning, but the purpose of the trial is to get practical evidence, so perfunctory nature is not enough.

"What do you think song Bohui is worried about?"

Tai Dongyuan bowed his head, "I think Bohui may have made a mistake."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm also guessing. It may be related to the death of song bochen."

Li Hui subconsciously said, "do you mean that song Bohui killed song bochen?"

Tai Dongyuan shook his head. "I don't know."

Han Bin also thinks that song Bohui has something to do with song bochen's death. But when song bochen died, song Bohui was away from home. He had an alibi. If that alibi is true, song Bohui can't be a clown. What role did he play in the case? Were he and Zhang Li accomplices?

"Before September 13, did you disguise as song Bohui?"

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If song Bohui is the murderer, then song Bohui's alibi is false, so it is very likely that Tai Dongyuan is the substitute for song Bohui.

Tai Dongyuan hesitated for a moment, "No."

"Not lying?"

"I promise."

Han Bin stares at the other side and asks, "on the afternoon of September 9, between 1:00 and 2:00, where are you?"

Han Bin had asked this question before, but Tai Dongyuan didn't give a positive answer. Instead, he changed the topic by pretending to be angry.

Tai Dongyuan was silent for a long time and shook his head. "It's been so long. I really can't remember."

Han Bin frowned slightly. He was not satisfied with the answer, but it also explained some problems.

Tai Dongyuan must have concealed some information, not as innocent as he said, and most likely also participated in the murder of song bochen.

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