Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 790: 790

Tai Dongyuan's family.

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Tai Dongyuan's courtyard is relatively large, with a brick paved path in the middle and mud on both sides.

The yard hasn't been taken care of for some time. There are many weeds growing in it.

The grass in one of the plots is very luxuriant, which is obviously higher than the surrounding grass. There are many mosquitoes and flies flying above.

At this time, Zhao Ming is squatting in the yard, staring at the place where the weeds are luxuriant.

"Dada..." A burst of footwork sound sounded, Han Bin with people came in.

Zhao Ming got up and pointed to the ground, "Han team, you see, this land is not only for mosquitoes and flies, but also more lush than other places."

Han Bin asked someone to call Tai Hanhai in and pointed to the land, "what's buried under it?"

Tai Han Hai looked at it and shook his head. "I don't know. Dongyuan didn't tell me that I haven't come to him in some days."

Han Bin to Zhao Mingyang Yang Yang chin, "dig."

"Well, I have to do the work. Find me a shovel. Zhao Ming rubbed his hands.

In addition to Han Bin, Zhao Ming and sun Xiaopeng, the police at the scene were all from the nearby town police stations. Let's not say whether the police at these police stations have the courage to dig, even if they have the courage to dig. Zhao Ming is also worried that they will destroy the evidence.

As for sun Xiaopeng, he's a brave little man. He's a good hand at manual work. If he digs anything else, Zhao Ming will definitely let him do it in front of him. But what he digs now may be a corpse. He's eight years old.

Zhao Ming began digging a hole with a shovel and dug about twenty or thirty centimeters deep. He felt that he had excavated hard objects and opened up the dirt on the top. It was a gray woven bag, and some white worms crawled on it, and a rotten smell came out.

"My God, it's a taste." Zhao Ming stepped back and fanned his nose with his hand.

Sun Xiaopeng stepped back two steps, "team Han, do you want to inform the technical team?"

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Han Bin did not answer, went forward two steps, observed the woven bag, "Zhao Ming, you continue to dig, dig out the shape of the whole bag."

"Yes." Zhao Ming took a breath and dug up again. He hollowed out the soil around the woven bag. The area of the woven bag was small, only 50 cm square.

Han Bin frowned. The bag was too small to hold a person's body.

Zhao Ming dialed the woven bag with a shovel. "Han team, the woven bag is not sealed."

"Open it up."

Zhao Ming turned back and changed his breath. This time he shovel the mouth of the woven bag with a spade, revealing some hair and bones, but it looks like a human being, but looks like an animal's skeleton.

Han Bin ordered, "shovel the woven bag with spades."

According to Han Bin's instructions, Zhao Ming splits the whole woven bag and reveals the bones inside - it's a dog.

Han Bin touched his chin and yelled to the surrounding police, "don't circle here, continue to search."

Zhao Ming was embarrassed and said with a smile, "team Han, I didn't expect to be a dead dog. I thought..."

Han Bin patted him on the shoulder, "bury it."


Later, Han Bin personally led a search, but did not find anything unusual in Tai Dongyuan's home.

When Han Bin was about to take people away, Tai Hanhai came over, "Captain Han, you searched for a long time, but you didn't find any criminal evidence. Can you prove that my son is innocent?"

Han Bin's answer is not what he asked, "does your son have any other place to live besides this yard?"

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"No Tai Hanhai's answer is very straightforward.

Han Bin thinks that even if there is, the old man should not say.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation. We'll let you know when the investigation is finished."

See Han Bin to go, Tai Dongyuan stopped each other, "Han captain, I want to see Dongyuan side, ask him what happened, maybe this is a misunderstanding, I don't believe my son will crime."

Han Bin declined politely and said, "Mr. Tai, I'd like to help you, too. However, according to the regulations of the Public Security Bureau, Tai Dongyuan has been detained. Before the investigation of the case is clear, I can't let your father and son meet. Of course, if you have anything to say to him, I'll help you pass it on. "

"I "Tai Hanhai was temporarily speechless." I want to see him! "

Han Bin shook his head, "if you don't want to convey it, I'll go first."

Tai Dongyuan red eyes, tightly clenched his fist, "yes, I want to tell him, we wait for him outside, spend the Mid Autumn Festival together!"

"I remember. If there is a suitable opportunity, I will convey it to you. " With that, Han Bin left Tai Dongyuan's house.

The so-called appropriate opportunity is provided that the trial is not affected.

If the words Tai Hanhai wants to convey will stimulate Tai Dongyuan, and this stimulation will affect Tai Dongyuan's confession, Han Bin will certainly not help to convey them.

The search in Xiaomeng village failed, but Han Bin didn't care. This is the case.

If every clue is true, everyone will become a detective.On the contrary, Zhao Ming and sun Xiaopeng are in a bit of depression, obviously not free from the depression of human corpse turning into dog corpse.

Han Bin took a look at them, "OK, don't be depressed. I'll arrange a new task for you. This clue is likely to find something. "

Zhao Ming can't wait to ask, "what clue?"

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"You two go to the communication company and check the call records of song Bohui, Zhang Li and Tai Dongyuan to see if they have any contact. Murder is not a trivial matter. If the three men commit crimes together, they must go through careful planning in advance. "

"Yes, team Han is right. I didn't expect that before." Sun Xiaopeng scratched his head and flattered Han Bin.

Han Bin smiles.

This flattery is straightforward. When he just entered the Yuhua Branch, he occasionally flattered the leaders. Of course, his level is definitely beyond sun Xiaopeng's.

Zhao Ming asked, "team Han, are we going directly to the communication company now?"

"You used to be less active in investigating cases. "Han Bin thinks there is something wrong with Zhao Ming. Of course, it's a good thing to pay attention to the case, and he doesn't go deep into it." let's go to have some dinner first, and then you and Xiaopeng drive to the communication company. "

"Team Han, what about you?"

"I'll just take a taxi back." The ad hoc group has the funds to handle the case, and does not spend Han Bin's own money. There is no need for Zhao Ming to send it specially, which also delays the investigation time.


After dinner.

Han Bin returns to the Yuhua Branch.

All the people in the team went out to investigate. He and Tian Li were the only two people in the office, but they were also clean.

Han Bin yawned and lay on the table as usual.

Han Bin is really tired these two days. He falls asleep unconsciously.

I don't know how long later, Tian Li whispered, "team Han, team Han..."

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Han Bin slowly raised his head, wiped his eyes, "sleep wrong, what time."

Tian Li replied, "it's not too late. It's just more than two o'clock. However, leader Li has sent back some monitoring data from the capital."

"Yes, the boy is very fast." Han Bin stood up and stretched, "copy one later and bring it to me."

Li Hui took people to the capital to investigate song Bohui's clues.

"I've copied it for you. Here it is." Tian Li puts a U disk on Hanbin's desk.

"Put it on first. I'll wash my face and see it when I come back." Han Bin finished, out of the office, a simple wash before coming back.

Han Bin inserts the U disk into the computer to view the above information. The surveillance video is divided into two files, one is the surveillance video of Wanda Hotel, and the other is the surveillance video of Daxing airport.

Han Bin first opened the surveillance video of Wanda hotel. In the video, he saw two men with similar body shape, but both men were wearing masks and hats. However, judging from their body shape and walking posture, they should be song Bohui and Tai Dongyuan.

Among them, song Bohui was wearing a shirt on his upper body and trousers on his lower body. Tai Dongyuan was wearing a gray T-shirt and a black shoulder bag.

The two entered room 808 of the hotel on September 13, but did not come out that day.

At about 7 a.m. on September 14, the door of room 808 opened and a man with a black shoulder bag and a gray T-shirt walked out of the room.

At this moment, Han Bin knocked down the space bar, the video frame in this scene.

There's a problem.

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