Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 792: 792

Guangding street, Mianfang District 3.

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This is an old-fashioned community. The parking spaces in the community are disorderly parked and the garbage is piled in the corner. The smell is very strong. The old corridor is dark and there is not even an elevator.

If there is any advantage, it is that there is no monitoring in this community.

"Wuwu..." A number of cars drove into the community, the front is the police car of the police station, behind is the Yuhua Branch of the car.

Han Bin gets out of the car and observes the environment of the community. He and Zhao Ming check the video of the dash cam. Song Bohui has driven to the community many times.

Song Bohui's family is rich and has his own residence. It's said that he doesn't intersect with this community. Maybe it's OK to stop occasionally, but if he comes every three or five times, there's a problem.

There are seven houses in this community. Because there is no fixed parking space, song Bohui also stops at the crack. It can't be seen from the video that he lives in that building.

Han Bin arranges people to visit in the community. He takes photos of song Bohui and Zhang Li and asks if he has seen the three of them.

There are a lot of people sitting around in the community, but the effect of asking is not good. Some people say they have seen it, some say they didn't pay attention to it, some say they look like it, but no one can tell which corridor they have been to.

Han Bin guesses that song Bohui and Zhang Li are likely to wear masks when they come.

Just when Han Bin doesn't report too much hope and is ready to find another way, Zhao Ming has a situation there.

Zhao Ming stopped a 30-year-old man, "brother, I'm from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch Bureau. I want to ask you something."

The man is a little fat, with a rimless glasses, wearing a black dress, looks quite honest.

The man was startled and shrunk his neck, "I I didn't do anything wrong

"Brother, don't get me wrong. I know you're not in trouble. I want you to help me identify a picture." Zhao Ming takes out two photos from his pocket. One is song Bohui's and the other is Zhang Li's.

Zhao Ming first took out a picture of song Bohui, "have you seen this man in this community?"

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The chubby man looked at the picture and shook his head, "No."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm not impressed."

Zhao Ming took out a picture of Zhang Li again, "have you seen this woman?"

Slightly fat man looked carefully, nodded, "should have seen."

Zhao Ming's eyes brightened, "are you sure?"

The chubby man shook his head again, "not sure."

"Brother, have you ever seen it or not?"

The chubby man thought, "how to say, I've seen her once. She's wearing a mask. I don't know what she looks like."

Zhao Ming can't laugh or cry. "I saw him wearing a mask once. How do you know it's the same person?"

"Look at the figure, look at the temperament, young people just look at the face." Chubby man smile, a pair of brother you are too young appearance.

Zhao Ming rolled a white eye, secret way, you are not cattle, I find an experienced to talk with you, "team Han, I have a clue here."

Han Bin came over and looked at the fat man.

The chubby man swallowed his saliva and stepped back, looking a little nervous.

Zhao Ming reminded in a low voice, "team Han, the elder brother said that he had met Zhang Li, but Zhang Li was wearing a mask when she came, and he was not sure."

Han Bin nodded and asked with a smile, "brother, what's your name?"

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"Yang Ge."

Han Bin asked, "Mr. Yang, you have only seen Zhang Li once. She is still wearing a mask. How do you recognize her?"

Yang Ge gestured, "it's just the figure and temperament, that As you can see in our community, we live with elderly people. Even if there is a young man who looks average, it must be more eye-catching to have a beautiful woman occasionally. "

Han Bin agrees. He still believes in the big brother's eyes. It's like a wolf who has been hungry for two days. He can't be wrong which piece of meat he wants to stare at.

"Brother, do you know which building she lives in?"

"Building five."

"Which room?"

Yang Ge recalled, "it should be 502."

Han Bin said, "brother, which building do you live in?"

Yang Ge sneered, "I live in building 7."

Zhao Ming is a little speechless.

"Brother, you live in building 7. How do you know that Zhang Li lives in 502?"

Yang Ge scratched his head, "I have nothing to do, recently in weight loss, see a beauty, want to see more, followed her up a few stairs. But I said first, I didn't do anything. I just watched her climb the stairs It's all men. You should know. "

With that, Yang Ge squeezed his eyes.

Zhao Ming a pick thumb, "big brother, you really talented."

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As a bachelor, Zhao Ming can understand each other better.

Yang Ge said with a smile, "my fair lady, the gentleman is very nice. Although I am not a gentleman, I also like to see beautiful women."Think about the angle of climbing stairs, Han Bin also thinks that this big brother is a talent.

The name is also very talented, Yang Ge. It's hard not to be taken advantage of.

Yang Ge showed his curiosity, "Comrade police, what's wrong with this beauty? What are you looking for? "

Han Bin said, "she is involved in a criminal case. The case needs to be kept secret and cannot be disclosed for the time being."

Yang Ge shrunk his neck, "then I won't ask. It has nothing to do with me. I'll go, I'll go."

After watching Yang Ge leave, Han Bin takes people directly to the fifth floor of Building 5.

The door is locked.

Han Bin understands the situation of the house with the comrades of the police station. If he can contact the landlord in advance, it's best to ask about the situation of the house and minimize the risk. However, according to the comrades of the police station, this area is all old houses. Many houses have been sold and the management is chaotic. It's not easy to contact the owner.

Han Bin asked people to ask the neighbors around, old neighbors said the house has been sold to others, they do not know the new owners. Another neighbor said that the new owner may have rented the house, and he did not know the situation.

Always say what all have, Han Bin also don't know who should believe.

Han Bin did not want to delay the investigation time, chose to enter directly.

Zhao Ming went to the door and knocked on the door, but there was no response.

Han Bin broke into the house with an order.

"Bang!" The glottis opened.

Han Bin with people rushed into the house, searched for some time, did not find anyone in.

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Han Bin put away the gun and said, "search the room to see if there are any suspicious items."

Home appliances are complete in the house, but there are not many daily necessities. It doesn't look like someone lives in the house, and no photos are found. However, Han Bin can smell a smell of disinfectant.

And the windows of the house are open. The wind in the house is roaring. Most people obviously don't do it. It's too dusty.

"Team Han, I found it in the bedroom closet." Sun Xiaopeng's voice came from one side.

Han Bin walks over and finds a black shoulder bag. Han Bin once saw this shoulder bag, which Tai Dongyuan carried when he went to the capital.

Han Bin wearing gloves to open a look, it contains women's clothes, inside and outside clothes all have.

Han Bin looks familiar at the clothes, like the clothes Zhang Li wears.

"Nest grass!" A cry of surprise came from the kitchen, which sounded like Zhao Ming's voice.

Zhao Ming has always been brave, and there are not many things that can scare him.

Han Bin walked quickly in the past, "what's the matter?"

There is a big freezer in the kitchen, which is very conspicuous. Zhao Ming stands beside the freezer, points to it and shouts, "team Han, there are bodies in it."

Han Bin took a deep breath, walked into the front to see, and found the body, but also two people, a man and a woman, frozen stiff.

The man was wearing a white shirt and trousers. It was song Bohui, who disappeared on the 15th.

Song Bohui also curled up next to this woman, naked without clothes, from Han Bin's point of view can only see the side face, but also enough to identify the police are wanted Zhang Li.

Sun Xiaopeng also came to have a look, stepped back two steps, took a cold breath, "mother, this is too cruel."

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