Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 795: 795

The next morning.

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Bao Xing returned to the City Public Security Bureau, which had been away for many days. He was seconded to the special task force for quite a long time, and he did not return to the City Public Security Bureau during this period.

Bao Xing walked to the door of the office and saw that the door was open. He jumped to the door and said, "surprise!"

Bao Xing glanced at the office, "Qianqian, you are the only one in the office."

Huang Qianqian showed surprise, "ah, you're back, where are Han team and Sister Li?"

"Team Han and Sister Li are also transferred back today. It's estimated that they will arrive soon."

"Great, I'm not alone in the office at last. I don't even have a voice. I'm suffocating."

Bao Xing asked, "no, what about brother Wang and Jiang Yang?"

"You don't know, brother Wang and Jiang Yang have been transferred to the first squadron. Several days ago, team Han should know."

Bao Xing touched his nose and said in secret that team Han would not tell me.

After a while, Han Bin and Li Qin also went to the city Bureau, and the office became lively.

Han Bin knows that Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang are seconded to the first squadron. But Han Bin did not ask about the specific cases.

After staying in the office for a while, Han Bin runs to Ma Jingbo's office. He hasn't been in for such a long time. When he comes back, he must say hello to his boss.

"Dong Dong..." Han Bin knocked on the door.

"Come in." There was a familiar sound in the room.

Han Bin pushed the door and went in, "horse team, I've come to report to you."

"Well, you're back. Sit down." Ma Jingbo is cleaning the tea set and points to the sofa beside him.

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"Horse team, you are quite leisurely. Our squadron has no case?"

Ma Jingbo put some Tie Guanyin in the teapot. "There is a case that Zhu Jiaxu of group 2 is handling. The case is not too complicated. It has entered the later stage of trial."

Han Bin's words changed, "horse team, what new task do I have when I come back this time?"

"Our squadron has no new cases for the time being. You just finished the case in the amusement park. It's time to take the Mid Autumn Festival off."

Han Bin said with a smile, "Hey, hey, the horse team is considerate."

"Hum, don't be happy too early. Don't leave Qindao during your vacation. You can come on call."

"Yes." Han Bin is right.

Ma Jingbo poured a cup of tea for Han Bin, "try it, I bought the new tea."

Han Bin sniffed under his nose and took a sip of it. "It's delicious. Not only is the tea good, but also your technology of making tea is high."

"You little boy." Ma Jingbo is a little sad. "I know you are flattering, but I still like to listen to you."

Han Bin picked up the teapot, added another cup of tea to Ma Jingbo, and added a cup of tea to him. "The horse team, what's the case with the first Squadron, has transferred Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang away."

Ma Jingbo choked for a long time, said two words, "big case."

Han Bin came to interest, "what big case?"

Ma Jingbo took a sip of tea, "remember the fraud case before?"

Han Bin recalled for a moment, "I remember that I had not been transferred to the Municipal Bureau at that time. I was nearby at the time of the crime and helped maintain order. Later, the team leader and team leader Tao of the first squadron arrived, and I left."

Ma Jingbo lit a cigarette. "Tao Bo was in charge of that case. Some time ago, the case entered the network closing stage. Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang were transferred because of insufficient manpower. It was not only the two of them, but also a lot of manpower was transferred from the sub bureau below. The captain also watched the case himself

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"If you're not involved in the playground project, you'll probably have to be seconded."

Han Bin nodded, roughly understand the City Criminal Investigation Brigade side of the situation.

After chatting with Ma Jingbo for a while, Han Bin returns to the office. He hasn't been in the Municipal Bureau for some time. He also has some things to deal with.

Near noon, Han Bin strolled out of the city, Zhao Ming that boy said to invite him to dinner, two people about at noon.

Tomorrow is the Mid Autumn Festival. In the evening, Han Bin wants to go back early to accompany his parents.

It's a restaurant.

This is a time-honored restaurant. It has been open for decades. Its founder is Chuang Tzu Tong. He once served as a state banquet and was a famous chef in Shandong Province.

The restaurant is a two-story old-fashioned building. When Han Bin gets out of the car, he sees Zhao Ming waiting at the door.

Zhao Ming came up and said, "brother bin."

"You've come early."

"Hey, hey, the amusement park case is finished, and there's nothing wrong with it. I told Huige that I'd come out early." Zhao Ming made a please sign, "go, let's go in."

"It's so formal that I'm not used to it. What's the matter with you inviting me to dinner?"

"Brother bin, it's a big thing for me and a small thing for you. Let's eat and talk."

Han Bin didn't say anything more. He and Zhao Ming have been together for so long, and their relationship has always been good, so they don't worry about what this boy does.They went to the private room on the second floor. At the door stood a woman in cheongsam, slim and pretty.

The door of the private room opened, and there was a faint fragrance.

In the private room, there is a round table for four, on which there is a fruit plate, a dry fruit plate, and four round stools beside. The room is also antique and elegant.

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Outside came two waiters, one carrying tea, the other holding two menus, placed in front of Han Bin and Zhao Ming.

"Bingo, make yourself at home. Don't be polite to me."

Han Bin nodded, opened the menu and saw that they were all classic Shandong cuisine. Han Bin ordered three dishes, including a jiuzhuan large intestine, a stewed cuttlefish egg soup and a large yellow croaker with tomato sauce.

Zhao Ming also picked up the menu and ordered three dishes. He wanted to order more, but he was stopped by Han Bin.

"That's enough for us. I can't eat too much. "

"OK, I'll order these six courses first. We can't eat enough."

The waiter wrote down the dishes, checked them and left the private room.

Zhao Ming picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Han Bin. "Brother bin, let's stop drinking at noon. I'll take tea instead of wine. Here's to you."

Han Bin waved his hand, "OK, just had a drink last night, don't come to this set, say it, what's the matter with you boy looking for me, you can't say it in the branch, it's mysterious."

"In fact, it's nothing, just I want to change my working environment. " Zhao Ming smiles and looks embarrassed.

"You don't want to work in Yuhua Branch. What's wrong with you?"

"So, team Zeng and Huige are very good to me, just You know what I think about Tian Li, but I haven't made any progress for such a long time. I just wonder if the reason why we work together has affected our development. The distance produces beauty. I left. Maybe we still have the possibility of development. It's better than always being so close. " When Zhao Ming finished, he couldn't help sighing.

Han Bin knows something about Zhao Ming and Tian Li. Zhao Ming likes Tian Li all the time, but Tian Li is neither too hot nor too cold. No wonder Zhao Ming has such an idea.

Office romance is not so successful, especially for women.

Some private enterprises with large liquidity may be better, but to the Public Security Bureau, they are still worried about office romance.

It's also related to the nature of the work. The police are busy with their work, have less contact with the opposite sex, and have no time to fall in love. On the contrary, they are more likely to cause office romance.

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It's a vicious circle.

Han Bin asked, "which department do you want to transfer to?"

"Hey, hey." Zhao Ming went forward and said, "I want to be transferred to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau."

Hanbin some accident, "the idea is good, but first say good, I can't this ability."

"Brother bin, I don't want to trouble you about the transfer. I'll find a way myself. If the superior leaders ask me, you can help me to say something nice."

Han Bin does not think, "I thought how big a matter, even if you do not say, the leadership asked, I will also help you speak."

Both of them have worked in Yuhua Branch. Zhao Ming used to work under Han Bin. If leaders want to know about Zhao Ming, they are likely to consult Han Bin.

"I know that. Bingo always takes care of me the most."

Zhao Ming also knows that with his friendship with Han Bin, even if he doesn't invite Han Bin to dinner, or even say hello to Han Bin in advance, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau will say good things to him when they ask him.

But it's not like this. If he doesn't even call, he's not sensible.

If you use this kind of thing, you can use it less than once. Anyway, he is the owner of money. If you should treat him, you should treat him.

Say to Han Bin face to face, that is to say, he is sensible, and his heart is steady.

As for the fact that he didn't want to talk about it before, it was also because it was inconvenient to be in the Yuhua Branch. After all, he was going to leave the branch. If his colleagues in the branch heard about it and seemed like a traitor, Zhao Ming would feel uncomfortable.

In a short time, the dishes came up. The restaurant dishes belong to private dishes. Each dish is very exquisite and the taste is authentic. Of course, the price is not cheap.

In the past, when he was in the Yuhua Branch, Zhao Ming often invited guests, and Han Bin was not polite to him, so he ate them.

To tell the truth, Han Bin also hopes that Zhao Ming can be transferred to the Municipal Bureau. It's good to have one more acquaintance.

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