The next morning.

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Han Bin went to the police force early in the morning and gave the backup of the video to the technical team.

Back in the office room, I saw Zeng Ping eating breakfast on the table, fried dough sticks, tea eggs, bean curd, pickled vegetables, which looked very rich.

"Team Zeng."

"Han Bin, would you like some?" Zeng pingke.

"I have."

While eating, Zeng Ping asked: "yesterday, what happened to your investigation with Li Hui?"

"I'm going to report to you." Han Bin took out a video shot: "Chen Jun, on the evening of June 17, he went to Yindu foot bath shop."

"It can't be used as an alibi. It was on the night of June 18."

"Here's a picture of the early morning of June 18th." Han Bin said.

Zeng Ping glanced at it and immediately figured it out: "you suspect that someone picked up Chen Jun's genetic material and deliberately put it at the scene of the crime."

"The man in gloves left the back door of the street park at 9 p.m. on June 18. This is a video capture." Han Bin put another photo on the table.

Zeng Ping put three photos together and touched his chin: "it's really a person. It's a bit interesting."

Han Bin pointed to the photo: "I think this glove wearing person is very suspicious."

"It can only show that he is a suspect. If he wants to make a final decision, he has to produce direct evidence."

"Team Zeng, two Yin hairs were also found at the scene of the crime. I suggest that we do DNA testing on those two hairs."

"Hair may not be the suspect's or the victim's, and hair may not be able to extract biological samples."

"The hair is small and hard to find at night. Even if it falls, the suspect will not notice it. In a sense, it is more accurate than DNA." Han Bin said.

Zeng Ping hesitated for a moment: "OK, I will apply."

"Team Zeng is brilliant." Han Bin said with a smile.

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"Don't flatter me." Zeng Ping said with a smile: "I will give you and Li Hui a task to find out the identity of the suspect wearing gloves and get his biological samples."



The technical team processed the suspect's video in high definition, intercepted a clear front photo, then compared it in the database, checked it for half a day, and finally found the identity of the suspect.

Name: Li Feifan

Nationality: Han

age: 25 years old

height: 174CM

work: car sales

family status: unmarried.

Address: Rongxin community, Huagang Road, Qindao City, 4-2003.

"Or just summon him, pretend to make routine inquiries, and get his biological samples." Li Hui proposed.

"Summoning to the police station may scare the snake." Han Bin said.

"What do you say?"

"Follow him and find a way to get biological samples."

"Hey, hey, you still have this habit." Li Hui said with a smile.


The place where Li Feifan lives is not far from the 4S shop. It's three stops by bus.

In order to avoid tracking being found, the two men form two sections of the road. Han Bin is responsible for tracking the first half of the road, and Li Hui is responsible for tracking the second half of the road.

From the neighborhood of Rongxin community, Han Bin began to follow Li Feifan. Li Feifan was dressed in a good spirit, and he was confident in taking care of his hair. One or two meters apart, he could smell a strong smell of hair gel.

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When he got to the bus stop, he bought a pancake and a cup of soybean milk.

Han Bin pretends to look at the mobile phone, and then just glances at it, so as not to arouse the other party's vigilance.

The bus came, and they got on one by one.

After Li Feifan got on the bus, his eyes swept to some fashionable young women from time to time.

At three stops, Li Feifan gets off the bus. However, Han Bin doesn't get off the bus. In order not to arouse the other party's vigilance, he will take another stop.

Li Hui is responsible for the following tracking.

And their goal is the soy milk cup and straw in Li Feifan's hand.

Han Bin took an extra stop. After getting off, he rushed to the 4S shop to meet Li Hui.

Far away, Han Bin saw Li Hui smoking beside the garbage can: "how about it?"

Li Hui laughs and shakes a plastic bag with a plastic cup and straw in it.

"Well done."

They then returned to the police station and sent the plastic cup and straw to the technical team for inspection.

Targeted comparison is much faster.


The next day, in the morning.

Zeng Ping returned to the office with the inspection report.

"Pa pa..." Zeng Ping slapped: "let's put the work on hand and have a meeting."

"Team Zeng, the results of the DNA comparison have come out?"

"It's coming out." Zeng Ping handed the inspection report to the public"A DNA sample was extracted from one of the hairs. After comparison, it was consistent with Li Feifan's DNA."

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"So, Li Feifan is very suspicious. He happened to be in the street park during the time of the crime." Tian Li Road.

"More importantly, he may have obtained Chen Jun's white genetic material, trying to frame Chen Jun and clear his suspicion." Han Bin added.

Zeng Ping said with a smile, "Han Bin, you've made contributions again."

"Thanks to your support."

"This case has been delayed for quite a long time. We must understand it as soon as possible, otherwise, the suspect is likely to get rid of the tools."

"Team Zeng, apply for a search warrant."

"Tian Li, you go to apply for a search warrant and an arrest warrant, and other people will follow me to set up charges." Zeng Ping said.



Rongxin community, Li Feifan's home.

Li Feifan had a rest today. He slept until 9 a.m., but he was still too lazy to get up. He ate a few biscuits and lay in bed playing with his mobile phone.

At noon, take out early.

"Dong Dong..." There was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"

"I'm downstairs. There's a leak in your toilet, which makes our roof overcast." A man responded.

"No, there is no water in our toilet." Li Feifan said.

"If you don't believe me, come downstairs with me."

"Creak..." Li Feifan opened the door, but he didn't come and speak.

Several men rushed in, led by a middle-aged man, showing the police card: "we are the police."

"What are you doing at my house?"

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"We suspect that you have something to do with a rape case. This is a search warrant." Han Bin said.

Li Feifan seems innocent: "is there any misunderstanding here?"

"We come to investigate this time, just to return your innocence. I hope you can cooperate."

Zeng Ping waved: "search, be careful."

"I haven't done anything. How could it be related to this kind of case." Li Feifan pleaded.

Zeng Ping stared at each other: "Li Feifan, where were you on the night of June 18th?"

"After all this time, I can't remember."

"Let me remind you. You went to the street park."

"Oh, I remember. Some time ago, I heard that there was a rape case in the street park." Li Feifan seems to have just recalled:

"however, more people go to the street park, which does not mean that I am related to the case."

"We found your DNA sample at the scene." Zeng Ping Road.

Li Feifan showed a surprised look: "it's impossible!"

"Ha ha, don't be overconfident." Zeng Ping laughed and said no more.

Judging from the current situation of the case, Li Feifan has a certain ability of anti reconnaissance. If he wants to be convicted, he has to rely on evidence.

A moment later, Tian Li came over: "the master bedroom didn't find any tools."

Zhao Ming also shook his head: "there is no bathroom."

"There's no kitchen," Li said

Hearing this, Li Feifan said with a smile: "let me just say that I have nothing to do with this case. I am innocent."

Han Bin snorted: "this sentence, you said earlier."

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