Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 808: 808

The man touched on the body, "I came out in a hurry without it."

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Han Bin made a request gesture, "Okay, come with us into the police station, tell your name and ID number, we can help you to check."

The man hesitated repeatedly, nodded, followed Han Bin two people to enter the police station.

Guo Tianxu is surprised to see that Han Bin takes the initiative to talk to the man. He knows Han Bin's temperament very well and is not a meddler. According to his understanding of Han Bin, if the man does not take the initiative to report the case, Han Bin will not take the initiative to ask.

However, after Guo Tianxu saw the man's performance, with years of experience, he can judge that this person seems to be hiding something, and Han Bin is likely to see the problem.

Han Bin took the man to the lounge and handed him a cigarette, "what do you call it?"

"My name is Hu Jiaxun." The man waved his hand and declined the cigarette.

"what is your ID number?"

The man bowed his head and said, "I can't remember."

"What about your cell phone number?"


"Mr. Hu, I just saw you wandering around at the gate of the police station. Do you want to call the police?"

"I..." The man's right hand held his forehead, and his face changed again and again, like distress and helplessness.

Han Bin see each other does not seem to fake, "you have any trouble can tell me, our police station is to serve the people, help us people solve problems."

Hu Jiaxun was silent for a moment. He still wanted to talk but stopped. "I'm not very good at this..."

"You don't have any psychological burden. There are only three of us here. The police records are strictly confidential and will not be disclosed."

Hu Jiaxun bit his teeth and popped out a few words, "I By People It's a bully. "

"Someone hit you?"

Hu Jiaxun shook his head.

Guo Tianxu also wondered, "how did you get bullied?"

Hu Jiaxun bowed his head again.

Guo Tianxu a little impatient, "you are an old man, how to whet haw, can pain faster."

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Hu Jiaxun raised his head fiercely, with an angry look on his face

Han Bin was stunned.

Guo Tianxu frowned.

It's the first time they've heard this from a man for so many years.

Both Han Bin and Guo Tianxu feel embarrassed.

Seeing that Guo Tianxu was hiding far away, Han Bin asked, "can you tell me the story of the crime?"

"I don't want to say, I don't want to recall..." Hu Jiaxun grabbed his hair hard. "That's my nightmare. I never thought this kind of thing would happen to me..."

"Do you know the suspect?"

"I don't know."

"Talk about his characteristics, such as appearance, gender, age, etc."

"She's a woman. She's about forty or fifty years old. She's about one meter seven. She's very strong. Her arms are thicker than mine..." Hu Jiaxun shook his head, "I don't want to recall any more. I really don't want to..."

"Where did it happen?"

"Room 502, building 3, Beiyuan community."

"Is that your house?"


"Is it her home?"

Hu Jiaxun nodded.

"Why did you go to her house?"

"I'm a courier. I'm going to deliver the express to her. She opens the door to let me into the house, and then attacks me from behind when I'm not paying attention I wake up again, hands and feet are tied by her, and then She just He bullied me. " Hu Jiaxun covered his eyes and sobbed in a low voice.

Han Bin rolled up the sleeves on his arm, and he could see the blue and purple binding marks.

"Which express company are you from?"

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"Xiaotian express."

"When did you go to the suspect's house?"

"It was over nine o'clock the day before yesterday."

"After nine o'clock in the morning on October 14th?"


"When did you leave the suspect's house?"

"It's more than 11 p.m. on the 14th."

"You were at her house for about 14 hours."

"Yes, she bullied me all the time. I never thought this kind of thing would happen to me. I..." Hu Jiaxun gritted his teeth, "police comrades, you must arrest her, let her go to jail, let her go to jail."

Han Bin and Guo Tianxu look at each other.

After a moment's silence, Guo Tianxu said, "the police need evidence to arrest people. The clues you provide are too few. If the suspect denies it, it is very difficult for us to convict her."

"I'll give you whatever evidence you want to put this woman in jail."

"If you describe the process of the crime and the situation at the scene, the more detailed the police know, the easier it is to find evidence of conviction."

Hu Jiaxun held his forehead with his right hand and fell into the memory. It was not easy for him, "on the morning of the 14th, about 9:30, I went to Beiyuan community to deliver the express. I called the owner and she asked me to deliver it to my home. I didn't think much about it at that time, so I took the package to my door.""I knocked on the door. It was an aunt in her forties who opened the door. She looked me up and down and asked me to put the express in her living room. In fact, at the beginning, I wanted to give it to her at the door, but after thinking about it, I moved in for her

"When I got to the living room, I squatted down and put the box down. As soon as I got up, I was knocked with a stick, and I was knocked unconscious. If you don't believe it, you can feel it. Now I still have a big bag on the back of my head. "

Guo Tianxu went to check, nodded slightly to Han Bin.

Han Bin continued to ask, "when did you wake up?"

"About nine fifty."

"How do you remember so well?"

"When I woke up, I was lying on the bed in the bedroom, with my hands and feet tied up. There was a clock hanging in the bedroom, and I saw it."

"After that, what happened?"

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"After that, the express delivery woman began to bully me..." Hu Jiaxun said.

Guo Tianxu said, "you can't do this. What you said is not detailed enough. She probably won't admit it, or even bite back and say that you took the initiative."

Hu Jiaxun worried, "how can I take the initiative, she looks like that, old and ugly, far worse than my girlfriend, I suffered a big loss."

Guo Tianxu said solemnly, "don't be stubborn with me. I'm a policeman and I'm not interested in your gossip. But the police pay attention to evidence in case investigation. What you said is too general. It's hard for the police to help you get justice."

"What do you want me to say?"

Han Bin said, "well, I'll ask you."

"How do you prove that you have been to the suspect's bedroom?"

"How can you prove that she bullied you?"

"How can you prove that you didn't volunteer?"

"Only by smoothing out these three problems can we help you collect evidence."

Hu Jiaxun closed his eyes and began to recall, "the direction of her bedroom faces south, the window is very big, there is a blue curtain, the bed is very big, there is a gray sheet, there is a white wardrobe and a blue dresser, by the way, there is a hairy white blanket beside her bed."

After listening, Han Bin said, "this can only prove that you have seen her bedroom. You said that you have been to her living room before. As long as the bedroom door is open, you can see it from the living room. It can't prove that you have been to her bedroom."

"I can prove it." Hu Jiaxun clenched his teeth, "I I planted my underwear under her bed. "

Han Bin a pick eyebrow, "she knows?"

"I don't know."

"What's it like?"

"Black, hickamo."

Han Bin wrote down in the book that this clue is very important, "second question, how can you prove that she bullied you?"

Hu Jiaxun showed a look of humiliation, "she has a mole on her chest, an orange peel on her waist, and a rose tattoo on her leg."

"Third question, how can you prove that you are forced?"

Hu Jiaxun rolled up his sleeve. "Look at the wrists and wrists of my feet. Can't this prove it?"

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Han Bin frowned, which can be regarded as a supplementary evidence, but it's not certain whether it can be used, because now the society is more open, and some people have a heavier taste, so they just like to be bound.

"Comrades of the police, do I say these evidences can convict that woman?"

Han Bin did not answer, asked, "how do you leave the suspect family?"

"I broke the rope and ran out while she was asleep."

"Where's the rope?"

Hu Jiaxun picked up his bag and took out a rope from it. "That's it."

Han Bin puts on his gloves and looks at the results.

Guo Tianxu also looked, two people looked at each other, did not speak.

Han Bin put the rope away, "after leaving, where did you go?"

"I went home."

"Where is your home?"

"Huaye community."

Han Bin checked the location of the community on his mobile phone and asked, "did you go to Huian community on Yanxin road last night?"

Hu Jiaxun Leng Lengshen, eyes flashing, "No."

"Are you sure? "

" OK. "

Han Bin smiles. The goods are lying.

If he frankly admits that he is just passing by, Han Bin may lower his doubt about him, but he goes there and doesn't admit it. There must be a problem.

It's just that the surveillance doesn't get a face. It's hard to prove that he's lying.

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