Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 810: 810

The appraisal of the technical team verified Han Bin's conjecture.

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Assuming that it is true that Hu Jiaxun is strong, according to Han Bin's conjecture, Hu Jiaxun is still angry after leaving Beiyuan community, and the roadside car becomes his vent object.

He was involved in two cases. He is both the victim and the suspect.

Hu Jiaxun stood up and said, "Comrade police, I have already told you about the case. I will ask you to investigate. If there is nothing else, I will go first."

"Mr. Hu, please wait a moment. I have something else to ask." Han Bin stops him.

"You said

"If you think about it, have you ever been to Huian community on Yanxin road that night?"

Hu Jiaxun sighed, sat down and was silent for a while. "I recalled it carefully, as if I had been to that road. But it's normal. As you said before, I just passed by when I got home. "

Han Bin then said, "just because it's normal, so I asked you if I found anything abnormal?"

"No Hu Jiaxun is still the answer.

"Have you ever been in touch with those roadside vehicles?"

Hu Jiaxun spread his hand, "I didn't get close to him, how could I contact him?"

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"You have asked me several times, and I am the same answer, because I do. True gold is not afraid of fire."

Han Bin smiles, "real gold is not afraid of fire refining. I haven't tried it, but I can be sure that you are not real gold."

"Comrade police, what do you mean? I'm here to report a case. What's the use of you telling me about it? If you have the Kung Fu, you might as well go to investigate the woman who bullied me."

"Don't worry, we investigated that case, but now we are investigating the case of roadside vehicle damage." Speaking of this, Han Bin face solemn up, "Hu Jiaxun, I now officially inform you that you are arrested."

"Arrest me? Why Hu Jiaxun asked aloud.

"Hu Jiaxun, you really think that the action of smashing the car last night is perfect. Our police have enough evidence. You are the suspect of deliberately damaging the car near Huian community."

Hu Jiaxun glared at Han Bin viciously, "nonsense, you're just abusive. What evidence do you have to say that I'm a suspect?"

"as like as two peas, you can see that the fingerprint of the suspect has been found on the damaged car." Han Bin's tone accentuated a few points.

Hu Jiaxun trembled, "this Maybe there's some misunderstanding in it? "

"Misunderstanding, what kind of misunderstanding are you talking about?"

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"I It's possible that I've accidentally touched the car. Just because I've touched the car doesn't mean I'm the suspect who damaged it. " Hu Jiaxun refused to give up and still tried to get rid of the crime for himself.

"You said clearly just now that you have never touched a car near Huian community. As long as you haven't touched the car, how can you leave fingerprints. What's more, after careful identification, the fingerprints left by the suspect are the fingerprints of the crime, not just the contact you said Han Bin snorted, "Hu Jiaxun, I dare to make it clear. The police have enough evidence to advise you not to make mistakes. Now is your only chance to do meritorious service and reduce your sentence. If you miss it, you will increase your sentence. "

Hu Jiaxun was silent, and the sweat from his temples was dripping down his cheek.

Under the pressure of Han Bin, he has no way out.

Hu Jiaxun tangled again and again, and said, "Comrade police, did you suspect me at the beginning, so you asked me to follow you to the police station?"

"Yes. You don't want to take a chance. If you don't explain things clearly, you don't want to leave today. "

"I I regret how I went to her house to deliver the express. If he hadn't suffered a great humiliation, he would not have been angry and retaliated. As a result, he would have harmed himself. " Hu Jiaxun looked remorseful.

Guo Tianxu asked, "so, you admit that you broke the car near Huian community on Yanxin road."

Hu Jiaxun bit his teeth. "Yes, I did it."

"Why do you do that?"

"There is a fire in my heart. You can't imagine what kind of torture I suffered that day. He fed me medicine Then he bullied me all the time... " Hu Jiaxun's voice choked and sobbed,

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"I used to be a strong man, and I still have abdominal muscles. Since that day, I feel that my body is not good. I feel that I am not comfortable anywhere. I feel that my whole body is broken, not only physically but also mentally..."

Hu Jiaxun said intermittently, but Han Bin still understood what he wanted to express, but this does not mean that Han Bin can understand his practice.

"Even if you have been illegally infringed, you should come to the police station for the first time to report to the police. Our police will investigate and collect evidence in time so as to return your innocence. Instead of smashing cars on the roadside, do you know that you have changed from a victim to a suspect? In the eyes of those car owners, you are no different from the suspect who infringed on you. ""No, I'm not like her. That woman is a pervert." Hu Jiaxun yelled, his eyes full of anger.

Han Bin doesn't want to argue with him. It's boring. "Tell me about your crime."

"Police comrades, I'm here to report a case. Can you check my case first? I'm already here and can't run, but the woman who bullied me is different. She may run away at any time."

"As I said just now, I have asked my colleagues to investigate the suspect's situation. When the investigation is clear, we will take action naturally. By the way, what's the name of that woman, do you remember? "

"I I can't remember

"What about the cell phone number?"

Hu Jiaxun took out his mobile phone and looked at "13244586xxx"

Han Bin wrote it down on the note, and then handed it to Xiaoyan. "With these clues, we will lock the location of the suspect as soon as possible, and you will explain your own situation first."

Hu Jiaxun looked at Han Bin and Guo Tianxu next to him. He bowed his head and said, "I want to wait until I catch that woman."

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"Bang!" Guo Tianxu was angry and patted the table, "what are you doing? Ask the police for conditions. Do you know where this is? I warn you, give me an honest explanation, otherwise Hum... "

Hu Jiaxun shivered. He didn't know if it had something to do with the experience that day, which made his courage smaller. "I said, I said it."

Guo Tianxu snorted again, with a similar appearance.

Hu Jiaxun fell into the memory, "that night, I went out of Beiyuan community. I felt very sad. I wanted to die, I wanted to kill the woman who bullied me, and I wanted to call the police, but how can I say this kind of thing?"

"I'm not that kind of hypocritical person. If I'm bullied by a woman who's good-looking, even if she's older, it's nothing. The key is that the woman who bullies me is old, ugly and strong. I feel sick to death. I feel like I've fallen into a cesspit."

"I'm angry. I'm not happy. I swear all the way. All kinds of ideas come into my mind, and I don't want to see the way. At that time, even if the train came, I dare to fight. When I came to Huian community, I met a car. After a careful look, I found that it was vehicles parked on the side of the road. It was clearly a pedestrian road and a blind road. As a result, it was blocked by those vehicles. I had to walk on the road to get around. "

"I was angry at that time. I thought, that smelly woman bullied me. You old cars bullied me too. I In a fit of anger, he smashed those cars. " Speaking of this, Hu Jiaxun covered his face and cried,

"I was hurt by that woman. I didn't want to commit a crime, and I didn't want to go to prison, Wuwu..."

"Dong Dong." At this time, the door of the rest room rang, and the swallow came in, "Sergeant Guo, Sergeant Han, the suspect's situation has been found."

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