Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 813: 813

Han Bin went to the police station hall, saw a familiar figure, "sister Zhao, how did you come in person?"

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Zhao Ying shows a touch of bitterness. Han Bin has arrested the suspect. Can she still sit?

"Han team, have the prisoners been interrogated?"

Han Bin stretched a lazy waist, "trial finished, that kid has already recruited."

"Well, it's worthy of team Han. With you in Baohua police station, we need our criminal investigation team."

Han Bin said modestly, "team Zhao is flattered. This is the result of the efforts of the whole Baohua police station. I dare not take credit."

Zhao Ying doesn't think so. In her opinion, Baohua police station would not have solved the case without Han Bin. If the police station really wants to be so good, what do they need from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Branch Bureau.

However, he also knew that Han Bin repeatedly solved major cases, and he did not lack so much credit, so he said nothing more.

After the greetings, Zhao Ying went through the handover procedures and took the suspect away.

Although Hu Jiaxun has already recruited, this is a criminal case, and the closing procedures still need to be handled by the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Han Bin is also happy and relaxed. He has already done enough of the closing procedures.

In the next few days, the case entered the closing stage, with Yuhua Branch as the main closing procedure and Baohua police station as the auxiliary.

However, Baohua police station is responsible for the people, and the first achievement is definitely impossible. Both Han Bin and Guo Tianxu have been praised by the superior leaders.

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In the next few days, the police station did not receive any major cases. They were all minor cases that needed adjustment.

Han Bin also enjoys leisure.

On October 25, Han Bin retired.

Today is Wang Ting's birthday.

Han Bin got up early and made a love breakfast for Wang Ting.

This breakfast is a little surprise for Wang Ting from Han Bin.

Wang Ting likes to eat roasted cold noodles, so Han Bin bought a bag of roasted cold noodles online and prepared to make them for Wang Ting at home.

In the Pan Han Bin used, beat the eggs in a bowl and mix them well. Then put the oil in the pan and put the cold noodles on it. After a while, pour the egg liquid on the cold noodles. In order to avoid the hard and dry noodles, add appropriate water.

After a few minutes, when the cold noodles are cooked, apply a layer of sauce with a brush. It looks delicious.

Besides baking cold noodles, Han Bin steamed two pumpkins, two sausages and two glasses of milk.

Wang Ting washed well, and saw the roast cold noodles on the table, she looked surprised. "Ah, roast cold noodles, when did you buy them? Why don't I know?"

"I bought the roasted cold noodles online and just made them now. How about you taste them?"

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Wang Ting nodded, picked up the fork, inserted a small piece of cold noodles into her mouth.

Han Bin has cut the cold noodles into two centimeters wide, which is very convenient to eat.

"It's delicious." While eating, Wang Ting commented, "it's more delicious than what is sold on the stall outside, but it's just that there are no ingredients, no Flammulina velutipes and bacon, otherwise it would be perfect."

Han Bin said, "this is my first time to do it. I'm afraid that if I can't do it well, I won't add anything else. Next time, I'll make it more plentiful for you. "

Wang Ting hugs Han Bin's neck and kisses him.

Although the breakfast is not expensive, it is a favor of Han Bin.

Breakfast is just like that. The choice of baking cold noodles is novel. What's more, it's made by Han Bin himself.

After dinner, Han Bin took Wang Ting to the mall and asked her to choose her birthday present.

In the past, when Han Bin gave gifts to girls, he always liked to buy them in advance to give them a surprise, which was also shown on TV. But the actual effect is not very good, women's heart is deep, ordinary men simply can't guess what they like.

Spend money, but did not buy the girl's favorite things, the same can not please women.

So, the best way is, when two people are familiar with each other and the relationship is relatively stable, the man will pay for it and let the woman choose by herself.

The relationship between Han Bin and Wang Ting has been stable. Moreover, Wang Ting is a very fashionable and fastidious girl. Han Bin can't figure out what gift she wants. Even if she guesses what kind of goods she wants, she may not buy the style she likes.

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So, the best way is for Han Bin to pay for it and let her choose by herself.

After setting the tone, Han Bin takes Wang Ting to shopping malls, bag stores, clothing stores, jewelry stores, mobile phone stores and so on. Han Bin takes Wang Ting around and finally Wang Ting buys a coat and a bag.

Han Bin spent less than half a month's salary, not much, but also a lot, still within the scope of Han Bin's tolerance.

At noon, Han Bin took Wang Ting to a western restaurant and ordered 2 snowflake steaks, 1 pasta, 1 snack platter, 1 fruit salad, 2 soups and 1 pastry after dinner.

Steak is very expensive, but the quality is really good. Han Bin wants medium rare, which tastes tender and tastes better than ordinary steak.

Han Bin and Wang Ting share the pasta. After all, it's a birthday. It can't be without noodles.After dinner, Han Bin took Wang Ting to see a movie. Wang Ting chose a love movie. She watched it with relish. However, Han Bin didn't find it interesting. The leading men and women in it all had some works. They liked each other, but they wanted to make trouble. Finally, one of them had a car accident and ended in tragedy.

After watching, Han Bin some regret, feel a waste of time, secret way, it seems that after watching the film have to choose their own.

After watching the film, Han Bin sends Wang Ting to her parents' home. In the evening, Wang Ting's parents want to celebrate her birthday. Han Bin is not invited.

This makes Han Bin more or less depressed. In secret, to visit Wang Ting's parents should be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

When he got home, Han Bin took a wash and lay on the sofa watching TV. In the evening, he was too lazy to go to his parents for dinner. He bought some sauce beef, fried fish, peanuts and cucumbers on the way and prepared to drink a few cups by himself.

Sometimes, Han Bin likes to drink a few drinks when he is alone. Although it is inevitable that he will be a little lonely, he has a rare leisure.

"Ding Ling Ling..." Han Bin just opened the bottle and poured a glass of wine. Before he had time to take a sip, his mobile phone rang.

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"Brother bin, I'm Zhao Ming."

"I know. What can I do for you?"

"What's your dish?"

Han Bin thought, "have you been transferred to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau?"

"Tut Tut, I'm worthy of brother bin. As expected, I'm very good."

"Yes, you're quite fast."

"Hey, brother bin, it's thanks to you. If I don't have your help, it's not certain that I can enter the market. "

" which squadron are you in? "

Zhao Ming replied, "second squadron."

Han Bin subconsciously thinks that Zhao Ming won't give it to him. Then, Han Bin thinks it's impossible. If his team members change, Ding Xifeng will definitely communicate with him in advance,

"are you transferred to group two?"

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