Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 823: 823

Huixin community.

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Zhang Haiqiao's family.

After getting Han Bin's hint, Li Hui began to search Zhang Haiqiao's house for spanners and missing screws.

Li Hui and his team members searched inside and outside for an hour, not to mention the screws and the spanner.

In Li Hui's mind, Zhang Haiqiao probably got rid of it. It's just like a murder weapon. It's the key evidence and will help to convict.

It was not found at home. The screw may have been lost or hidden somewhere.

Li Hui went to the property management office to check the monitoring of Zhang Haiqiao from yesterday noon to the time of the crime.

After investigation, it was found that Zhang Haiqiao took the elevator to go out at about 9 o'clock last night, with two black plastic bags in his hands, which looked like garbage.

A minute later, Zhang Haiqiao took the elevator to return home again. By this time, he had no bag in his hand.

Li Hui recalled that there were two blue and one red garbage cans at the entrance of unit 7. Zhang Haiqiao should have gone downstairs to throw away the garbage. The only time he left home was when the spanner and screw were probably thrown away together in the garbage bag.

Li Hui found Ma Guoxiang, the manager of the property company, and asked about the situation of garbage cleaning in the community. He learned that the time of garbage cleaning was between 10 am and 11 am every day. That is to say, if Zhang Haiqiao threw the wrench and screw into the dustbin last night, he might have been pulled away by the garbage truck.

Later, with the help of Ma Guoxiang, Li Hui contacted the staff who took out the garbage and confirmed his guess that the garbage in the community had been transported to the garbage station.

Although he was a little depressed, the garbage didn't wait for him. Li Hui took people to the garbage station in a hurry.

The garbage station is located in the suburbs. As soon as he got off the bus, he smelled a pungent smell and rushed straight to his head. Li Hui could not help admiring the staff working in the garbage station. Instead, he might insist on not knowing about it for a few days.

Li Hui met the driver in charge of the garbage dump in Huixin community here. The driver's surname is Chen Mingjie.

Li Mingjie, dressed in blue frock, came quickly, "you are officer Li."

"It's me." Li Hui also heard each other's voice. They contacted each other on the phone just now.

Li Mingjie continued, "the garbage I cleaned up from Huixin community this morning has not been disposed of. It's stacked in the east of the garbage station. I'll take you there."

"Good." Li Hui answered and put on a mask. It's enough to make people choke at the entrance of the garbage station. If you enter the garbage station, it's definitely more delicious.

Li Mingjie led Li Hui and others into the garbage station. There was a large area inside, and there were mountains of garbage. Naturally, it was not necessary to say the taste.

Li Mingjie stopped and pointed to a pile of garbage in front of him. "Officer Li, this is the garbage I pulled from Huixin community."

Looking at the garbage heap like a hill, Li Hui and others look a little ugly.

Li Mingjie asked, "officer Li, what are you looking for? Do you need my help?"

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Li Hui shook his head. "No, let's do it ourselves."

Li Hui looked at his men, "old fellow iron, put on your gloves, and start working."

Du Qi, sun Xiaopeng, Mai Jun and other people's faces are a little ugly. However, they still wear masks and gloves according to Li Hui's instructions and start picking up garbage.

It's not a good job to go through the garbage. In order to improve the enthusiasm of the team members, Li Hui can only take the lead and set an example. He squatted beside the garbage heap and searched for other things. His first goal is the black garbage bag.

There are usually two kinds of garbage bags used by residents, one is a transparent garbage bag printed with a supermarket, and the other is a specially bought garbage bag, most of which are generally black garbage bags.

Therefore, the workload of Li Hui and others is not small.

Li Hui opened a black garbage bag and began to rummage. Everything was in a mess, including leftovers, leftovers, rotten fruits, toilet paper, and so on. There was nothing you could not think of, and nothing you could not find.

The time of pain is always long. Li Hui opened one black garbage bag after another, rummaged and searched

The smell of garbage is also gradually light, of course, is not really light, but he gradually adapted.

In this stinky environment, Li Hui played a bold spirit, and every garbage bag he handled was carefully inspected by him.

Finally, after inspecting dozens of garbage bags, Li Hui finally found the target. After tearing open the black garbage bag, there were some rotten vegetables and leftovers in it. There was another bag in the bag, which was not opened. From the appearance, it was like a wrench, and at the same time, he could touch three screws.

Li Hui showed a touch of joy. He knew he had found what he was looking for.

Li Hui carefully took out the garbage bag as if he had found a baby. The contents were intact. Li Hui also found an express package from the bag, which clearly stated the recipient's name, Zhang Haiqiao.

After getting the evidence, Li Hui asked someone to send the evidence back to the Yuhua Branch and asked the technical team to help identify it. He went to the Baohua police station.……

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Baohua police station.

Sheriff's office.

Han Bin is sitting at his desk eating takeout. He doesn't have a good meal at noon. He doesn't have a mat for dinner. He doesn't have the energy to handle the case in the evening.

Han Bin ordered a chopped pepper egg, a fish flavored shredded meat, and two portions of rice. These two dishes were very delicious, but one portion of rice was not enough.

I don't know how busy I will be tonight. It's right to eat more.

Han Bin didn't ask for soup. He drank tea.

While having dinner, Han Bin also takes time to chat with Wang Ting for a while.

At half past six, Han Bin just finished his meal and cleaned up the table when the door of the sheriff's office rang.

"Come in."

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"Creak..." The door opened and Li Hui came in from the outside.

"I'm dying. What's the smell? You've fallen into the ditch." Han Bin frowned. As soon as Li Hui entered the door, he smelled a bad smell.

Li Hui showed a look of helplessness. "If you go to the garbage station to turn over the garbage for half an hour, you may stink more than me. It's easy for me. In order to investigate a case, you come here without even taking a bath."

"Well, when I didn't say anything." Han Bin shrugged his shoulders, "did you find any clues?"

Li Hui gave a brief account of the situation.

As soon as Han Bin raised his hand, he was ready to pat Li Hui habitually on the shoulder. However, before his hand fell, he drew back, "you can do it, boy. If you solve the case this time, you will definitely be the first one."

Li Hui showed a wry smile. He would rather not do this first merit. Well, if people heard about it, they would not laugh.

Thinking of this, Li Hui takes a look at Han Bin. He says in secret that he should have changed with bin Zi. I'll stay for trial and let him go through the garbage.

Li Hui shivered at the thought of the experience of turning the garbage. It was sour

It's seven twenty in the evening.

Baohua police station, the first interrogation room.

Zhang Haiqiao was taken to the interrogation room again.

For this interrogation room, he was very familiar with it, yawned and didn't care.

As if to say again, you try it, anyway, I will not say anything.

There was a glottal sound and the door of the interrogation room opened.

Han Bin and Li Hui went into the interrogation room, and there was a smell of rotten eggs with Li Hui.

Zhang Haiqiao frowned and said in secret, what does this mean? How can I have such a bad smell? Is it because I don't want to smoke me with bad smell.

"Comrade police, is the toilet in your police station broken? It's too strong. "

Li Hui's face immediately drooped.

"Bang!" Li Hui slapped him, but he was not angry. He said in secret that if it wasn't for your father's ability to turn over the garbage, he would stink.

"Why do you have so many problems? Do you know what I'm calling you for? You'd better think about your own problems now than mind your own business. "

Zhang Haiqiao sighed and looked aggrieved. "Comrade police, I've said it many times. I'm innocent. You misunderstood me."

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"Cough..." Han Bin coughed and interrupted their meaningless conversation. "Zhang Haiqiao, where is the wrench you used to loosen the screw?"

"Comrade police, I'll correct you. I didn't loosen the screw, but used a wrench to reinforce the screw. My behavior is out of protection and love for my wife. My wife's has nothing to do with my dime."

"Then I ask you, where is the spanner?"

"Didn't I tell you before? Our family is my wife's housekeeper, and I don't know where she put it

"How many spanners do you have?"

"Just one."


"Of course, I can't remember our wrench correctly?"

Han Bin leaned forward and continued to ask, "three screws have been removed from the air conditioner rack. Where did you put them?"

"Comrade police, please don't tease me. I've told you several times that I'm not going to screw, but to reinforce the screw so that the external air conditioner won't fall off."

"As I said before, there are six holes in the outer frame of the air conditioner, and there should be six screws. We searched the scene and found only three screws. Where are the other three screws? "

Zhang Haiqiao sighed, "Comrade police, don't embarrass me. I don't know where the screws are. If you think about the iron shelf falling from such a high place, some parts may fall into the distance

"You are very Buddhist, but the police are not monks. Some things must be investigated and some evidence must be found." Han Bin walked around twice, "I'll ask you again, where are your spanners and screws?"

"I really can't remember. I had lunch that day and drank wine. I was a little confused. I can't remember anything that day."

Han Bin also took out a picture from the table and put it in front of Zhang Haiqiao, "does this picture look familiar?"Seeing the black plastic bag in the picture, Zhang Haiqiao shivered and lowered his head.


Zhang Haiqiao was silent for a moment. "This garbage bag looks familiar. It may be the same as my home."

Han Bin smiles, "this garbage bag is not the same as your home, but originally your wrench. We also found three screws beside the wrench. What else do you have to say? "

"How did you find it?"

Li Hui's voice is not good enough, "garbage station."

"what as like as two peas, you have any evidence that I threw it away,"

"we will find the wrench and screw to the technical team, they found fingerprints on the top, and the comparison is exactly the same as yours."

Zhang Haiqiao looks very ugly.

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Han Bin continued, "the three screws are put together with the wrench. You said before that you were reinforcing the shelf of the external unit of the air conditioner. Why did you take off the screws?"

"I I... " Zhang Haiqiao, I haven't said it for a long time.

Han Bin said solemnly, "Zhang Haiqiao, we have enough evidence to convict you now. The consequence of you taking off the screw is very clear, that is to kill Liu Xiaolin. Even if you don't take the initiative, I'm sure I can convict you, and the evidence chain is very sufficient. How serious your own crime is, you should be very clear that it is enough for the death penalty. "

Zhang Haiqiao lowered his head and still did not speak.

Han Bin continued to advise, "Zhang Haiqiao, this is the last chance. If you don't cooperate with the police investigation, you will only face the death penalty."

Zhang Haiqiao raised his head and took a deep breath. "Comrade police, if I recruit all of them, can you guarantee that I won't be sentenced to death?"

"This can't be guaranteed, but if you have a good attitude towards confession, I can help you fight for leniency."

"Even less than one day, it was found out by you." Zhang Haiqiao showed a touch of sarcasm and slapped himself, "I call you self righteous, I call you treat others as a fool, you are a fool, a big fool."

Zhang Haiqiao's voice was choked.

Han Bin asked, "Zhang Haiqiao, let me ask you again, was Liu Xiaolin murdered by you?"

Zhang Haiqiao bit his lip and saw the evidence Han Bin produced. He knew that he had lost. "Yes, I killed him."

"Tell me about your crime."

Zhang Haiqiao asked Han Bin for a cigarette, took a puff and said, "most of what he said before is true. The theme of suicide by jumping from a building is really put forward by Liu Xiaolin, and then I have this killing plan."

"At noon yesterday, I took the spanner at home and twisted off three screws. The other screws were also loosened. At this time, the shelf was no longer strong enough. Let alone adults, children may not be able to stand it."

"I thought that as long as the wrench and screw were thrown away, no one would find out that it was me who made it. Who knows, it's still very close, but I didn't find the high-altitude monitoring."

Han Bin asked, "does Dong Wenhuan know your plan?"

"I don't know. Don't say it's him. Even if it's my father, I won't say it."

Han Bin crossed out Dong Wenhuan's name in the book, "why do you want to kill Liu Xiaolin?"

Zhang Haiqiao touched his nose with a complicated look on his face. "In fact, if we don't succeed in our we media business, we may even have problems eating. If you do, you may get rich overnight. "

"Liu Xiaolin and I may belong to the latter. It's hard to live without money, and money is not necessarily a good thing. People will become inflated and gone with the wind. Divorce is not only my idea, but also Liu Xiaolin's idea of divorce."

"Since you both have the idea of divorce, you can get a peaceful divorce. Why do you have to kill people in desperation?"

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