Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 836: 836

A village is so big that he doesn't look up. He has a lot of social skills. Han Bin doesn't embarrass the landlady either.

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After checking out, Han Bin and others went directly to the village committee.

Village branch secretary also surnamed Ren, called Ren Guoqiang.

On hearing the name, Han Bin felt that the village branch secretary should be of the same generation as Ren Guoliang, and maybe even close to him.

Ren Guoqiang took out a pack of cigarettes and asked, "Captain Han, what's your mission in our village?"

Han Bin politely declined the other party's cigarette, "we are investigating a criminal case. The suspect's vehicle is a red old-age scooter. According to the monitoring, the car came to your village at about 8 o'clock yesterday morning. We would like to ask you to help us find the red old-age scooter."

"There are quite a lot of old people's scooters in our village. They don't need to be licensed. There are no messy fees. Both old people and women can drive them. It's very convenient to pick up a child. What style are you looking for? "

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and opened a screenshot of the suspected vehicle. "You see, it's this old-age scooter."

"Oh, well, don't say it. I think I've seen it before. "Ren Guoqiang patted his head and sighed," but I'm old. I can't remember where I've met for a while. "

"It's OK. Think about it."

"Who's home?" Ren Guoqiang lit a cigarette and took two puffs.

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Han Bin stood looking at the other side, Ren Guoqiang is frowning, thinking, however, is to see where the old car. Or originally know Ren Guoliang has such an old age scooter, just considering whether to tell the police, Han Bin did not know.

Han Bin also needs the other party's help, and he doesn't want the old man to go the wrong way, reminding him, "do you know a man named Ren Guoliang?"

"Guoliang, from our village?"


"Yes, he is my cousin. What's the matter?"

"We got clues. It's said that Ren Guoliang has a similar red old age scooter. I don't know if it's true?"

Ren Guoqiang suddenly realized, "Oh, by the way, I said how familiar this car looks. It's true that his family also has one."

"However, he is 60 years old. He has been honest all his life and can't do anything wrong."

"Ren Zhishu, we're here to investigate. We don't mean that Ren Guoliang is a certain suspect. It's very likely that he's just an old-age scooter of the same model. As you said, Ren Guoliang is in his sixties, which does not conform to the characteristics of the suspect. But when we get this clue, no matter what the reason is, we have to investigate, don't you think? "

"Yes, I understand. What kind of case is that?"

Want to verify the suspected vehicle as soon as possible, Han Bin also need the help of this Ren Zhishu, said, "is a robbery."

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"That's even more impossible. I know Ren Guoliang has never done anything furtive in his life, let alone robbery. Moreover, he has a little granddaughter in his family, so there is no need for money."

When it comes to family members, Han Bin asked, "who are the people in Ren Guoliang's family?"

"There are five members in Ren Guoliang's family, including his wife, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter."

"They all live together?"

"No, Ren Guoliang and his wife are living in the village with their children. His son and daughter-in-law have gone to work in the capital. They haven't come back on November this year. It's estimated that they will have to wait until the new year's day. It's not easy either."

"Are you sure his son hasn't been back to the village during this time?"

"Sure, the village is so big, you can't see it when you look up, you can't see it when you look down. Everyone knows him. He was seen before he came back."

Han Bin thought about it and said, "Ren Zhishu, we want to go to Ren Guoliang's house to see if it is a suspected vehicle. Can you help us find a way?"

Ren Guoqiang said with a wry smile, "police comrades, what you want to do, just show your identity directly, that still needs me."

"Ren Zhishu, we don't know the situation of our village, and we don't know where Ren Guoliang's family is. We need your help to lead the way. If we go in and check it directly, it will make everyone feel uncomfortable, and it will not affect you well, so it's better to change the way. " Han Bin is more worried about the other side has a gun, really if the direct identification of the other side to a poor gun to see, too dangerous.

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"Then what can you do?" Ren Guoqiang also thinks it's not good to take the police to his cousin's house directly.

Han Bin suggested, "recently in the census, we will pretend to be census workers and have a look at the red old people's scooter, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Ren Guoqiang didn't think Ren Guoliang was a suspect, and he didn't think the police could find any clues. After thinking about it, he agreed.


West of the village, Ren Guoliang.

Ren Guoliang's family has a two-story building. The courtyard is paved with bricks and cleaned very well. There is a sunshade in the east of the courtyard, and a red old-age scooter under it.

"Dong Dong..." There was a knock on the door outside."Who is it?" Ren Guoliang came out of the room in a thick dress.

Ren Guoqiang answered, "it's me."

"Creak..." Ren Guoliang quickly walked to the gate, opened the door and said with a smile, "Guoqiang, why are you so busy?"

Ren Guoqiang pointed at the back of Han Bin and others, "comrades in the town, come to your home for census."

Ren Guoliang asked, "isn't it time to go to the village committee for a collective census?"

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"Your Yongzi is not working in other places. They are all old people at home. It's inconvenient to take care of them in the town. They have a home survey."

"Ah, that's great. Thank you for your concern."

Han Bin said with a smile, "you're welcome, sir. Serving the people is what we should do."

"Come in, please. It's warm in the room. Let's go inside and talk." Ren Guoliang led a group of people into the yard.

Han Bin saw as like as two peas of the old red scooter. It was exactly the same as the video in the surveillance video.

However, in order not to arouse Ren Guoliang's suspicion, Han Bin did not stay in the yard for too long, and went into the house with Ren Guoliang.

Han Bin has worked in the police station before, and he has some knowledge about the census work, which is decent. At least, it's OK to fool the old man and the old lady.

There are two people in the room, one is Ren Guoliang's wife, and the other is Ren Guoliang's granddaughter. Han Bin doesn't see anyone else.

However, he did not completely relax his vigilance. After all, even if the suspect was really hiding in Ren Guoliang's family, he would not easily show his head, maybe hiding in the dark.

At this time, Ren Guoliang's door was pushed open. Bao Xing crept in, took a look in the yard and didn't see anyone. Then he walked into the sunshade and looked at the red old car carefully.

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