Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 844: 844

Sun Xiaoru's words can be said to be true.

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Han Bin has always wondered why Liu Yufen wore clothes that did not belong to her before she died.

Now hearing sun Xiaoru's complaint, he has a guess that women don't like beautiful clothes. Just because they can't afford them doesn't mean they don't want to wear them.

Liu Yufen is likely to try on her clothes while sun Xiaoru is out, so as to satisfy her vanity. At this time, an accident happened, and she was killed.

Of course, this is only Han Bin's conjecture. Whether it is the actual situation needs further investigation.

After sun Xiaoru stopped complaining, Han Bin asked, "what do you think of Liu Yufen's death?"

"Ah..." Sun Xiaoru sighed, "she has been working in our family for two years, and it's not bad. Originally, I heard that she was dead, and I was still a little sad. But when I saw her wearing my clothes, I didn't think much of it."

"Who do you think killed her?"

"I don't know. I haven't been home for several days. I live here all the time. Although she died in our house, it has nothing to do with me. "

"Is there anything unusual about Liu Yufen recently?"

"I didn't see it."

"Liu Yufen died in your home. Who do you think is the killer?"

"I really don't know. Liu Yufen dares to wear my clothes while I'm away. Maybe she will bring some messy people into my house while we're away. I'll tell you the truth. If I had known that she had stolen my clothes, I would never have let her do it in my house. This kind of person has moral problems. You can use the things of the master's house at will. What's the difference between this thief? "

Han Bin asked a few questions, sun Xiaoru in addition to a complaint, did not provide any valuable clues.

Han Bin is too lazy to talk nonsense with her. He gets out of the police car, lights a cigarette and smokes it on his own.

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Bao Xing has been listening, but also came with a cigarette in his mouth, "team Han, do you think these two people have a problem?"

Han Bin shook his head, "it's hard to say."

For now, at least, he doesn't see any obvious signs of lying.

Bao Xing glanced at the direction of the car. "Sun Xiaoru was so excited when she saw the photo. If she had lied, she would have killed people when she came home yesterday and saw Liu Yufen wearing her own clothes and watch as soon as she opened the door."

Han Bin touched his chin, thinking about sun Xiaoru's performance just now, it's really possible.

However, the premise of this hypothesis is that sun Xiaoru went home yesterday. If sun Xiaoru did not go home yesterday, this premise naturally does not hold.

Moreover, according to Han Bin's experience, if sun Xiaoru was really angry and killed, the scars on Liu Yufen's body would not be so clean, and there would certainly be some traces of fighting.

Liu Yufen was strangled in the neck and suffocated to death, unlike sun Xiaoru.

Half an hour later, Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang came back.

Wang Xiao opened the door to the mountain road, "team Han, we checked the monitoring of the hot spring villa community, and also asked the staff of the community. Yesterday afternoon, Cao Junhao and his wife did not leave here, they did not have time to commit the crime."

Han Bin put out the cigarette end, "get on the car, back to the city Bureau."

"Team Han, what about these two people?"

"Inform the economic investigation team of Xinhua branch to come and lead the people."


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Back in the Municipal Bureau, Han Bin reports the progress of the investigation to Ma Jingbo. The suspicion of Cao Junhao's husband and wife has been basically eliminated, and the new investigation direction has been temporarily lost.

Back home, Wang Ting has cooked a meal.

Wang Ting is cooking Western food tonight, including fried steak, boiled prawns and vegetable salad.

It's good to eat Western food occasionally. Wang Ting bought the original cut steak, while Han Bin ate the seven mature steak, which is very tender.

For beef, Chinese food and Western food have a very different approach, many people have to divide, like one, belittle the other.

Han Bin doesn't think it's necessary. No matter how delicious things are, it's impossible to eat them every day. The same food and different eating methods have their own characteristics.

Most Chinese prefer stewed beef, so does Han Bin, so eat more.

Fried steak also has its own characteristics. It's good to eat it once in a while.

After dinner, Han Bin washed the plate and knife and fork, and cut a fruit plate.

They were eating fruit plates while watching TV.

TV shows are variety shows. Han Bin doesn't like to watch them. He just accompanies Wang Ting to watch them. He mainly lies on the sofa and plays with his mobile phone.

This relaxed atmosphere can make Han Bin forget the tension and worry of work, which can also be regarded as a kind of charging.


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The next morning.

Han Bin got up to make breakfast. After breakfast with Wang Ting, he drove to work.

As soon as he arrived at the Municipal Bureau, Ding Xifeng called a meeting.

Zhu Jiaxu also attended the meeting. He was still in charge of the previous pyramid selling robbery. At the same time, he also took over the investigation of the red scooter in Ping'an town. However, no suspicious person has been found so far.Han Bin and Ma Jingbo also reported the case of binhai international community. From the current situation, the two cases are not directly related. They should not be committed by the same group of robbers, and it is only a coincidence that the police come to the scene.

However, now that he has taken over the case, Ding Xifeng is not ready to hand it over to Xinhua branch. Let Ma Jingbo and Han Bin continue to be responsible.

The clues of the case are broken, so we can only sort them out from the beginning.

Han Bin and Ma Jingbo discussed, or from the surveillance video to start the investigation.

Anyone who has been in and out of unit 1, building 6, Binhai International Community during the time of the crime will be listed as the suspect, and those who have been to the fifth floor will be listed as the key suspect.

During the time of the crime, only two police officers from Xinhua Branch went to the fifth floor of unit 1 of building 6.

However, the two men had a good reason to go. They left Cao Junhao's house at 3:20 p.m. assuming that Liu Yufen was not dead at that time, the exact time of Liu Yufen's death should be from 3:20 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Han Bin with the team investigation a morning, and finally found a key suspect.

This man looks like a repairman. At about 3:30 in the afternoon, he took the elevator to the 7th floor of unit 1 of No. 6 building. At 4:20 in the afternoon, he took the 7th floor elevator to go down the building. From the elevator monitoring alone, he has never been to the 5th floor, but because the time he entered the unit building is more consistent, and he stayed for a long time, Han Bin thinks it is necessary to check.

In order to avoid walking news, Han Bin directly took people to binhai international community property company.

Qin Ming, the manager of the property company, received Han Bin, "Captain Han, how is the investigation going?"

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"Some progress has been made. We came here today to ask manager Qin for help."

"Please let me know what you want, and we will cooperate with you."

"Does your property management company have special maintenance personnel?"

"Yes." Qin Ming leads Han Bin to a wall with a picture of the staff on it. "The bottom row is the maintenance staff of the property company. What's the problem?"

Han Bin swept an eye, saw the man that appears in monitoring, "does this person that calls Yi Feizhang go to work today?"

"Oh, he called yesterday morning to say that he was not feeling well and wanted to take a few days off. It happened that he was not busy recently, so I agreed."

"Do you have any procedures for community maintenance?"

Qin Ming said, "if the owner's home breaks down the equipment, he can come to us to report for repair. We will quote according to the market price. If the owner can accept the price, we will arrange the maintenance personnel to come to our house. After all, it's our own staff, which is safer and more convenient. "

"Where did Yi Feizhang repair yesterday?"

"I really don't know that. I have to check the record." Qin Ming said, went to the computer to check, "yesterday there were four repair reports, one in Building 1, one in building 3 and two in building 6."

Han Bin asked, "is building 6 a repair report from those two families?"

"One household is unit 702, one household is unit 5..." In the middle of what Qin Ming said, he stopped and widened his eyes.

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