Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 847: 847

Qindao Public Security Bureau.

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Han Bin sits at the interrogation table, drinks a cup of tea, and looks at Yi Feizhang sitting on the interrogation chair. For the previous arrest, Han Bin also feels helpless.

When entering Yi Feizhang's home, Han Bin didn't expect that it would be such a warm picture. In order not to affect Yi Feizhang's wife and children, Han Bin didn't immediately start, but let Yi Feizhang out of the room first and then control each other.

But the follow-up development is no longer under Han Bin's control. To put it bluntly, Yi Feizhang is still lucky. If he says where the stolen goods are hidden when he is arrested, it may have a smaller impact on his wife and children.

Han Bin is not an indecisive person, things have passed, he is no longer tangled, knocked on the table, "bang bang! Yi Feizhang

Yi Feizhang is still dispirited sitting on the chair, without the slightest reaction.

Bao Xing exclaimed, "I didn't hear you. Raise your head."

Yi Feizhang still didn't respond.

Han Bin stood up and went to the interrogation table, "Yi Feizhang, I know that you are not comfortable now. It will not be easy for anyone to face this situation. But you should understand that the earlier you explain, the better for you. Your family is still waiting for you outside. "

Yi Feizhang raised his head and said in a hoarse voice, "wait for me, ha ha, I still have a chance to see them again?"

As long as people live, there is hope. As long as you cooperate well with the police investigation, you will have a chance to make meritorious contributions and commutation. I'm not a judge and I can't convict you, but as long as you are honest, you will still have a chance to make meritorious contributions and commutation. "

"Commutation, commutation..." Yi Fei Zhang Nan said, "yes, I don't want to die. I want to reduce my sentence. I also want to see my wife and children. I want to watch them grow up and go to college."

"Comrade police, tell me the truth. As long as I'm honest, I can really get rid of the death penalty."

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"As I said just now, I am not a judge and I can't make a final decision. But in a situation like yours, as long as you take the initiative to plead guilty and cooperate with the police investigation, you still have a chance."

"What's the chance?"

"When a judge convicts, he will consider many factors, even the opinions of the victim's family members. No one can say well until the last step. What you have to do now is to assist the police in the investigation as much as possible. The police will also give you the biggest commutation policy, and you will have another chance. If I say so, you should understand. "

Yi Feizhang muttered in a low voice, "I understand that the plan is for people and the success is for heaven."

Han Bin did not continue to urge, he said all that should be said, now leave Yi Feizhang time for him to think.

He has found the stolen goods from Yi Feizhang's family. Even if he doesn't admit it, he can be convicted. But from the perspective of the case handling procedure, Yi Feizhang's own confession is better. It's good for him, and the police can save some trouble.

Han Bin sits back at his desk and drinks tea quietly. The heating has been put on these days. The room is hot and dry. If he doesn't drink water, he will be thirsty.

Last night, the hot Han Bin stayed up all night.

Han Bin is in the moment of wishful thinking, Yi Feizhang opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice, "police comrades, I said, I have recruited."

Yi Feizhang sighed a long time, fell into the memory, and narrated the scene of the crime.

Time goes back to 3:30 p.m. the day before yesterday.

Yi Feizhang entered unit 1 of building 6, where two families reported for maintenance, one on the seventh floor and the other 501.

Yi Feizhang took the elevator to the seventh floor first, helped the seventh floor residents repair the water pipes, and then climbed the stairs to the fifth floor and knocked on the door of Room 501.

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"Creak..." The door opened and a gorgeous woman in her forties stood at the door. It was Liu Yufen.

Yi Feizhang asked, "does your family want to repair the sewer?"

"Yes, you are the maintenance staff of the property."

"I am." Yi Feizhang put on the shoe cover.

"Come in." Liu Yufen let to one side, please Yi Feizhang into the porch, "how to call?"

"My name is Yi."

"Master Yi, the downpipe of our toilet sink is leaking, and there are often small flying insects. Please change the pipe for me and make it tight."

"No problem."

Speaking, two people go to the toilet position, this is a four bedroom, a total of two toilets, broken is the master bedroom toilet.

Liu Yufen led Yi Feizhang to the door of the toilet and pointed to the gorgeous wash desk. "It's this wash desk. It's leaking. Please take a good look at it for me."

"All right."

"Ding Ling Ling..." Just then, the cell phone rang out of the bedroom, "you fix it first, I'll take a call."

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Yi Feizhang nodded and opened the cupboard under the washing table. There was a beautiful box in the cupboard. Yi Feizhang had never seen such a beautiful box before. He opened it by magic.

All of a sudden, he felt a twinkle in front of his eyes. There were all kinds of jewelry in the box, such as gold necklaces, diamond rings, jade bracelets, emerald fingers and so on. All kinds of jewelry dazzled Yi Feizhang."So much Any one of them is more beautiful than my wife's, so it should be very valuable "

Yi Feizhang swallows his saliva, stares at the box without blinking, stretches forward involuntarily, and says in his heart," with so many jewels, she can't see if I take one. "

Yi Feizhang kicked a gold necklace into his pocket, but the jewelry in the box didn't decrease.

"I'll take another one, no two. I can't see it." Thinking of this, Yi Feizhang took another jade bracelet and an earring inlaid with gold and diamond.

At this time, Liu Yufen came back, just saw the scene, "what are you doing? That's our jewelry. How can you kick it into your pocket? "

"I I No No... " Yi Feizhang was startled and stammered.

"You don't have anything. I've seen everything. Take out the jewelry quickly, or I'll call the police!"

"Don't call the police, don't call the police, I'm not a thief, I just think it looks good I want to see it. " Yi Feizhang quickly took out three pieces of jewelry from his pocket and put them back into the box.

Seeing Yi Feizhang's advice, Liu Yufen was a bit bold, "good guy, you have hidden so much. And take it out. "

"No, just these three."

"Nonsense, there must be more. Take it out quickly."

Yi Feizhang was so anxious that he said, "there is no more. If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself. It's all in the box."

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Liu Yufen was stunned for a moment, because she didn't know how much jewelry the hostess had. If Yi Feizhang was allowed to leave, whose jewelry would be lost? "No, you must not be telling the truth. I have to call the police!"

"Don't call the police, I beg you."

Yi Feizhang quickly came over and prayed, "I am old and young. Both of my children are at school. I can't be caught. I can't be caught."

Liu Yufen, not moved, turned and walked out, pressing the phone while walking.

Yi Feizhang ran after her and saw that she pressed 110. He grabbed her cell phone and said, "don't call. I've really given you all my jewelry. Please forgive me."

"I'll spare you. Who will spare me. "Liu Yufen is also in a dilemma now. She is wearing her hostess's clothes and watch. She is scared to death and hates Yi Feizhang even more.

"You give me your cell phone."

"Please, give me a chance."

Liu Yufen's mobile phone was snatched, and she was a little afraid. She turned around and ran out, shouting, "help, there's a little..."

"Hum!" Yi Feizhang feels that his brain is going to explode. He can't let Liu Yufen shout or call the police. Otherwise, he will be finished.

Yi Feizhang instinctively catches up with Liu Yufen, strangles her neck and blocks her mouth. He has a lot of strength, but Liu Yufen doesn't struggle any more and has no voice

When Yi Feizhang wakes up, Liu Yufen is dead, and he has no way back.

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