Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 853: 853

The sound of gunfire and scream shocked the whole community.

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Fortunately, people from the police station arrived in time and began to maintain the order of the community and pacify the residents.

Han Bin, Ding Xifeng, Feng Baoguo and others arrived at the scene one after another.

Han Bin rushed upstairs for the first time, anxious to check Ma Jingbo's injury.

Although Ding Xifeng and Feng Baoguo are worried, they still need to maintain the order of the scene and pacify the residents of the community.

Both Ma Jingtao and Hu Dingrong were shot.

Ma Jingbo is OK, but his shoulder is injured. Zhao Ming bandages him in an emergency and stops the blood temporarily.

Hu Dingrong's situation is worse. He has been shot five times. Zhu Jiaxu, Zhang shungu, he Yingsheng and others are helping him stop bleeding.

Ma Jingbo's face was pale, and he was still directing, "stop bleeding first, don't care if he hurts or not, press the wound first, don't let him die."

"Team, have a good rest." Zhao Ming advised.

Han Bin also took people to the scene, "horse team, are you ok?"

"I can carry it."

Han Bin squatted down to check Ma Jingbo's injury, "where's the ambulance, or I'll take you to the hospital and meet the ambulance."

Ma Jingbo shook his head, "don't toss, it has stopped bleeding."

"Damn, fortunately that bullet didn't hit directly, otherwise, I would be useless."

Hu Dingrong's shot, first hit the corner of the kitchen, then hit Ma Jingbo's shoulder, otherwise his injury will be more serious.

Han Bin took a look at Hu Dingrong lying on the ground, "MD, what a desperado."

Ma Jingbo bit his teeth and said in a low voice, "yes, this dog has been shot, and he dares to change his bullet clip. I've been a policeman for so many years, and I've never seen such a fierce gangster."

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"You'd better stop talking and have a rest."

"Don't talk to me. You can divert your attention. "Ma Jingbo took a deep breath." these gangsters dare to pretend to be police. They are bold and reckless. Besides, they have guns. The rest of them are just as dangerous. I can't handle this case. The rest is up to you. "

"Team, don't think so much about it. It won't take long for you to recover from this little injury."

Ma Jingbo bared his teeth and said, "go to you, there are so comforting people. It's killing me. It's still a little hurt."

"Daddada..." A burst of footwork sound sounded, Ding Xifeng rushed in from the outside, "old horse, are you OK, how is the injury?"

"Captain, I just got shot in the shoulder. It's nothing serious."

Ding Xifeng checked the wound and said, "I can't wait any longer. I've got a simple stretcher. Zhu Jiaxu, take people to carry the horse team down and deliver it to the ambulance as soon as possible."


Han Bin said, "Captain, I'll follow you."

"You stay to investigate the scene. The community is in a mess. I'll go down later."

Then, two police officers carrying a stretcher into the house, people will ma Jingbo on the stretcher.

Ma Jingbo glanced at Hu Dingrong, "Captain, the suspect is more seriously injured than me. Why don't you lift him first?"

"He's too seriously injured. It's better not to touch him until the medical staff arrive. Hold on to you first. " Ding Xifeng raised his hand and motioned the crowd to carry Ma Jingbo away.

A few minutes later, the ambulance arrived at the community. Three emergency medical staff arrived at the scene, put Hu Dingrong on a stretcher and carried him away.

Han Bin watched the stretcher leave, "I don't know if the suspect can survive."

Ding Xifeng snorted, "you don't want to make up his mind, don't care whether it's dead or alive, don't try to get valuable clues out of his mouth."

After seeing the situation at the scene, Ding Xifeng knew that the suspect was tough, but he would not have such a fierce gunfight if he was willing to compromise.

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Ding Xifeng patted Han Bin on the shoulder, "the scene is given to you, I'll go down and have a look."

Ding Xifeng left the house and muttered, "it's a good time to shoot. It's not easy to deal with the aftermath."

This is a residential area. There are thousands of residents in the community. So many people have heard the gunfire. It must be chaotic for a while.

Han Bin sighed, he did not expect, just separated for two hours, this kind of thing will happen.

Han Bin checked in the house for a while, and then the people of the technology department also arrived, and began a detailed investigation of the scene, collecting cartridge cases.

Han Bin saw the scene, the scene does not have much value, the real value is the two suspects, they know the whereabouts of other accomplices.

Hu Dingrong was sent to the hospital, and now there is only one Xu Yuehua left.


The situation in the community has stabilized. Ding Xifeng accompanies Feng Baoguo upstairs to check the scene. Han Bin also accompanies the two leaders to make a turn, and then asks Ding Xifeng to take Xu Yuehua back to the police station for interrogation.

Ding Xifeng agreed after a little consideration. He was very clear about Xu Yuehua's role.

Later, Ding Xifeng personally attended the scene, and Han Bin led people back to the Municipal Bureau.On arriving at the Municipal Bureau, Han Bin immediately brought Xu Yuehua to trial.

After the previous gunfight, Xu Yuehua has been stunned and her makeup has been crying.

She was interrogated by Han Bin, Jiang Yang and Zhao Ming.

Before that, Zhao Ming had been following Ma Jingbo and was very clear about the process of arresting Xu Yuehua.

The army is expensive and swift. Han Bin asks directly, "Xu Yuehua, where are your other accomplices?"

Xu Yuehua shook his head, "I don't know."

"Bang!" Zhao Ming slapped the table and scolded, "they've all been arrested. You don't want to say that. You also want to learn from Hu Dingrong."

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"I don't know where you want me to look." Xu Yuehua is crying.

Han Bin staring at each other, look gradually cold, "Xu Yuehua, you have told a lie, leading to my leader was shot, do you know your lie, let the police bear how much danger."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Brother Hu asked me to say that. I'm especially afraid of him. I didn't expect you to find him, and I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." Xu Yuehua kept apologizing.

"If you really repent, help the police catch other suspects."

Xu Yuehua shook his head, "I really don't know."

Han Bin observes her expression, Xu Yuehua appears very frightened, as for whether she is lying, it is difficult to say.

Han Bin can only change a way to ask, to ease the tone, "Xu Yuehua, your parents are also in the City Public Security Bureau, do you want to see them."

Xu Yuehua raised her head, a ray of light flashed in her eyes, "my parents, how did they come?"

"Your parents are not only here, they have something to tell you." Han Bin stood up, went to the interrogation chair and played a recording on his mobile phone.

"Yuehua, I'm dad. What's the matter with you? Why do so many police come to arrest you. Girl, we can't do this. Our ancestors are honest people. You can't do stupid things any more. Promise dad to help the police investigation, cooperate with the police work, and come out early for reunion. "

"Dad, Dad..." Xu Yuehua began to cry.

Then, a woman's voice sounded in the recording, "Yuehua, mom miss you, you can't do anything. Mom, you're the only daughter. If you have any problems, how can I live in the future. Don't worry about it. Mom will wait for you. No matter how long it takes, mom will wait for you. "

"Mom, Dad!" Xu Yuehua covered her face and began to cry bitterly. If it wasn't for the sound insulation in the interrogation room, I'm afraid the whole Municipal Bureau would have heard her.

After a while, Xu Yuehua's cry stopped.

Han Bin said earnestly, "Xu Yuehua, as long as you are honest and cooperate with the police to catch other suspects, you can make meritorious contributions to reduce your sentence and reunite with your parents as soon as possible. You're not like them. You're not too guilty. "

Xu Yuehua wiped the tears on his face, "police comrade, I didn't cheat you. I really don't know where they are."

"How do you get in touch with them?"

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"Brother Hu, it's Hu Dingrong who contacted me. I will do whatever he asks me to do."

"Hu Dingrong?"


"What's your relationship with Hu Dingrong?"

"He's my boyfriend, and I trust him very much, and I know those people through him."

Han Bin retreated and asked for the second, "even if you can't contact them, you should know where their stronghold is."

"I know one. They have a stronghold in Yangma village, where they used to share the spoils."

"Do you know the exact location?"

"I know, but I don't think they'll be there anymore. "


"Because I have been isolated by them, they know that the group engaged in pyramid schemes have called the police, and they are afraid that I will be exposed, so they will get rid of the contact with me. Hugo complained about it several times, and said that they have a new goal and are probably already in action. "

"What's the goal?"

"I don't know. Brother Xuan is a very cautious man. On the one hand, he let brother Hu look at me. On the other hand, he knew that I had close contact with brother Hu. He was afraid that the police would track him down and didn't let him participate in the new plan."

"Who is brother Xuan?"

"Brother Xuan is our boss, all the actions are planned by him."

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